
SI! Reversed Sexual Morality In Multicross AU World!

Reversed Sexual Morality Crossover AU World

Nisiris · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs


Rey POV:

"It's called hormones? Never heard of them? All boys have them." I snidely replied, even still. It wasn't how I wanted to reply, but it was what came from my mouth.

And from the way Mordred's face morphed from confused to twitching, I knew that I fucked up.

"So you want for this to go this way, hm?" Mordred dangerously asked, her eyes narrowing to almost slits, and I gulped. The way her eyes almost shone in the darkness made my hair stand.

I was reincarnated or transported to the new world, into a new body, and then merged with another person, so the idea of magic or something supernatural wouldn't really surprise me...

And knowing the Pendragon family, the coincidence is just too much for me to ignore.

"What way? You are the one who came into my room at night, and you are the one who demands something from me! If you want to know why I had a boner, just ask nicely!" I demanded and half threatened. There wasn't a mistake in mom blasting through the door if I even increased my voice, and be the way Mordred tsked, I knew she was aware of it too.

Sister or not, in this world, women rape men. still, that was too far for me, and before I could see the last nerve in Mordred's snap, I calmed myself down.

"S-sorry, I shouldn't say that..." Ultimately, I chose to go on an honest path. Mordred was always crass and brash, but I still remembered, or Rey did, how Mordred protected him, how she almost beat up any girl who ever harassed me, and even if that made Rey's date life miserable.

I could see just how much Mordred cared for me, and it was a lot, too lot for me to behave so badly to her or take out my current problems and identity crisis on her...

Mordred stayed silent, but I could see how some of her's muscles relaxed, and boy...

Now that I looked, Mordred was chiseled!

She even had a six-pack, and her arms or legs didn't make her look bad. On the contrary, Mordred looked so sexy with all these muscles she sported.

She didn't lose any feminine charm. No, I think the muscles even helped her to look more feminine. That's how much she made the muscled look good.

"Look just... It's embarrassing to speak about." Now, if Rey's memories were correct, I knew I should evade, change the topic, turn it on her, or just hide the truth thousands of kilometers deep, but...

I wasn't the same Rey, I was Rey, and I was a person who was born and raised on different Earth, with different gender examples. As such, I could guess what Mordred would think if I had just evaded the topic or changed it.

Boys weren't stupid, but they just mainly didn't wish to push too far, and Mordred should be the same, as she now filled the role of a stronger gender.

So truth it was.

"Mordred..." I started, but the words just didn't want to come out.

"Yes?" Now, Mordred no longer looked so angry. Instead, she had a patient expression on her face, and I guess that she could look see that I had a hard time speaking.

"I. I don't know where it came from, but... But I think I started to see you more than just..." I couldn't say it, and somehow, my body protested against me.

"Than just a sister? Rey... Do you see me as a woman?" Mordred frowningly asked, and I almost leaped out of bed as she closened the distance between us, her radiantly green eyes looking into my own, seeking...

Seeking something, making me almost gulp as I nodded.

"Y-yes?" I managed to get out as Mordred watched me.

"Hmm... You are at that age..." I expected, well, something.

Kiss, acceptance, maybe even some sappy words, as she too had feelings for me. What I didn't expect her to do was.

"Well, if you want to look, I don't mind. that said, do not speak of this... Goodnight, little brother." What I didn't expect was for Mordred to nod ultimately, the anger she previously radiated entirely gone, as she nodded her head at me.

And then promptly stood up and walked to my doors.

"Go sleep. You already gave us a good scare by spacing out the stunt on the streets." These were Mordred's last words as she closed the doors behind herself, leaving me...


What just happened?

The sleep didn't come as quickly as I had hoped.

When I woke up, groggy and somehow more fresh, even though I remember being a dead log in my sleep, and thus my regular mornings were all about getting to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee before even thinking of anything.

I was somehow more freshly woken up just by opening my eyes.

Another change, or rather, this body was more accustomed to early mornings, and with how younger I'm, I now know what I lost when I became older...

That said, I still needed to freshen myself up, so walking from my room, my destination was a bathroom, and when I opened the doors.

Just to freeze, as the sign before me was my brother, Astolfo, in his birthday suit, just as he was born.

"Ho? Good morning Nii-chan!" Astolfo energetically greeted me, not even carrying that his naked butt was just obscured by his long pink hair.

"What do you want for breakfast? Are waffles good? Ok, Waffles then!" I almost ignored Astolfo as he answered his own question, not even waiting for me to speak up, as an internal battle waged in my head.

"Nii-chan? Bro? Brotha? Big Bro? Brother?" Astolfo kept speaking, making me realize I was just there, dumbly watching his...

Naked back...


A very, and too perfectly made ass...

What the fuck is happening with me?!

I looked at Astolfo as I raised my head, just to see Astolfo watching me, as his back was still on me, but now his head was turned on me, with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oho? Seeing something good? Jealous? I know that I have a better butt and my hair! Why don't you ever let your hair grow more than to your shoulders amaze me!" Astolfo grinningly said.

But I ignored him as I kept repeating something in my head.

Don't look down.

Don't look down.

By the fucking god, Astolfo, don't look down!

Because if he looked at my sleeping pajamas, I knew that my boner would be too visible. It didn't help that my dick was bigger than in my last life...

"I-Im going to shower!" I quickly said, not even telling him good morning, as I walked past him into the shower with my clothes on.


I ignored the sound Astolfo made as I closed the misty shower doors behind me.

Cold shower it was...

Once again...

God, this is becoming tiresome...

I thought as my pajamas fell down, and I quickly went under cold water to stop my twitching dick...

Astolfo POV:

"Hehhehe." He couldn't stop chuckling as he looked into a mirror, his cheeks red, and it wasn't because of the hot shower he was in.

"Finally! Squeee!" Astolfo squealed in delight as his body trembled in happiness and anticipation.

He finally looked at him!

And not in a way like he did before!

Normally Rey wouldn't even bat an eye on his naked body!

But now?!

Now Rey had a boner! A boner he didn't have before he walked into the bathroom!

"Did Nii forget? There is a mirror!" Astolfo said grinningly, and he witnessed how his big brother freezer up as his eyes traveled down to Astolfos's bottom, the way his tent down there raised when his eyes finally looked at his naked butt...

Astolfo, for a long time, held feelings for his brother more than a brother should.

But then, it wasn't uncommon for incest to happen. Just rare.

The thing that was mostly frowned upon were gays, as with how small the male population was...

Most men should have by paired with women, and it was even supported by the government, something that didn't make the Manimist movement too happy...

Incest was just a thing that wasn't spoken about, at least not publicly, it was one of these norms that should stay behind closed doors, and as long as it stayed that way, nobody would complain...


Astolfo knew he had it bad, very bad for his brother, who is both his brother and male...

But somehow, the feeling of taboo just made it all the sweeter for him...

"Astolfo scores a win!" He said, grinningly into a mirror as the sounds of showers were heard from the next door.

"Hm?" Why was he felt suddenly so cold?

Was he...

Was his brother using cold water?

"I did him badly!" Astolfo giggled at the realization of what he did to his big brother!

"Hmmm..." Looking down, Astolfo saw a problem.

"Should take care of it too." But he wasn't like his brother, and he wouldn't use a shower to calm his little one down. He had a perfect toy for it in his room.