
an offer

Rutna, who was rescued by the old Zhao ran towards Chaow and started crying while hugging him.

" big brother .. sob.. sob.."

Chaow could only comfort her by patting her " it's ok.. it's ok now don't cry.."

Dror didn't know how to comfort little Dani who was in his hand. A lady from Old Zhao's group came forward and took little Dani from him.

Dror could feel that she was using spiritual sense in some different manner and was very good at comforting the kid.

Old Zhao and the rest of his group were looking at Dror in surprise.

The men whispered among themselves " Who is this young man as fast as the Lieutenant.."

Dror came forward and cupped his hand in a respectful manner " Thank you very much for the help.."

Old Zhao and his group where more surprised now.

" Young man, don't be polite. We had known both these kids for some time now. We would have protected them at any cost…"

old zhao replied while looking at the kids.