
Show Yourself To Me (Victuuri Story) (DISCONTINUED FN)

This is a Yuri on Ice Femboy Hooters AU. I don't know the plot yet PS: This isn't my picture

Precious_Gamegirl · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

It'll Be Fine

Victor's Pov.

As Eros walks away I just stand there, staring out of shock. I touch my lips, the shadow of his on mine, his touch on my face still lingers. I walk toward the car, like a robot, and sit down.

"Drive," I spoke towards Chris.

"What happened?" Chris asks.

"Just... drive," I pointed at the wheel while covering my face. Chris turns the key in the car and starts driving. We sat there in awkward silence, until Chris broke the silence.

"So... what's the situation with you and Eros?"

"W-What do you mean?" I pretend to be clueless.

"We saw you smashing lips with the crossdresser." Yura states bluntly. Blush appeared across my face.

"It was just a peck!"

"Thinking of smashing," Chris chuckles. The blush reaches my ears.

"No, no, NO!" I yell at them both. They both sit down, hushed.

I sigh. "Remember when I ran from you guys?" They both nod. "That was because I heard Eros yelling, so I went towards her." "I saw 2 guys and another 1 had her pinned to the wall." "I was about to step in and help her, I mean, him, but then I noticed his face," "He looked fed up and turned his face in disgust, commenting on the robbers." "And he used their anger to his advantage."

"I'm gonna admit... he... looked... so... HOT~" I emphasized how much I swooned over him as he fought. "But as he pinned 1 of them another charged him, so I intervened, but Eros was slashed, so I knocked him out." "I helped him, he walked me here, asked for my consent, and k-kissed me," I stutter on the last part, still thinking it was part of my imagination.

"Oh believe me, we saw," Yurio says, half paying attention. I blush thinking about it.

"So it wasn't a my imagination."

"So, little Vichaan~ has a crush~~" he teases me.

The red continues to stay on my face, "J-Just pay attention to the road." He laughs.

"Just imagine," Chris starts. "Your body on top of his, skin on skin."

"Wait a sec-" I get interrupted.

"Oh, maybe your THAT type," Chris bit his own lip. "Then imagine him on top of you, caressing your cheek," "Pulling you in closer and closer until your lips touch." "Your tongues dancing around one another passionately kissing each other. "Him as his kisses get lower and lower," "Leaving marks all over your body." "You start to moan out of pleasure." "And then he finally reaches-" Chris goes in to detail.

"Not gonna happen," Yura blurts out. I look back at him.

"And why is that," Chris questions.

"Cause I won't let him!" Yuri slams his foot on the console, causing me to jump. "I'm not letting THAT happen again!" I remember my past relationship and frown.

"Also, what's with the description?" Yuri ask with a disgusted look.

"Oh that, I'm reading way to much yaoi and fanfiction right now," he chuckles.

"That word again."

"Gross," Yuri scoffs and goes back to his phone. We just sat in silence the rest of the car ride which wasn't very long.


"We're here," Chris states. We all get out of the car.

"Welp, see you tomorrow," I wave him goodbye.

"Hope, you get pushed in a hole!" Yura waves him too.

"Can it be yours?" Chris smirks.

"You horny motherf-" I cover Yuri's mouth and start walking away.

"See ya," Chris says while chuckling. I wave while dragging away the angry kitten, who was flipping off Chris.

We go back into our dorm together. I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off. I turned the nob on the shower and hopped in. I closed my eyes as the warm water hit my face.

Imagine him on top of you, caressing your cheek.

I blush at the thought.

Pulling you in closer and closer until your lips touch.

I start to feel the warmth on me as not just water, but also as his touch.

Him as his kisses get lower and lower, leaving marks all over your body.

I imagine this, very clearly, and let out a quiet moan at my imagery.

And then he finally reaches-

I let out a weird sound and that stops my little wet fantasy.

"What type of sound-" I cut myself off noticing the embarrassing pose I was doing in the shower.

"OMG!" I mentally and physically slap myself on my cheeks (perverts =_=) "What was I doing, what was I thinking!?" I continued to question myself, but then I look down.

"Crap," I notice the big "problem" I had. Good thing I was in the shower. I quickly relieve myself and hop out of the shower, red as a tomato. Yuri greets me at the door.

"What took you so long?" Yuri grunts.

"Oh n-nothing," I stutter and walk past Yuri.

"Whatever," he rolled his eyes and got in the shower.

I got dressed and headed straight to bed, trying not to think about, whatever just happened.

Yuri's Pov.

I quickly rush back into the changing room, feeling absolutely defeated. I get changed, wave everybody goodbye from the back, and leave. I put the key in my car and start driving to my college.

"I should've expected this," I sigh thinking about Viktor.

Everyone always likes "Eros"

I scoff at the thought.

"Oh well, not like it matters, everything'll stay the same."

"N-No way, he didn't recognize, he can't recognize me." my breathing quickens. I start to try to calm myself. It's been 3 year, since I started working here. I can't let it be ruined or else...

I tremble at the thought of the embarrassment I would feel, the bullying I would have to take.

"The only ones who know are Chris and Phichit," I reassure myself. "And it'll stay that way." I start to calm myself down.

"Oh, I'm here," I park and hop out of the car. I walk up to my room and was greet by Phichit.

"Oh, hey Yuri," he waves. "How was today?"

"Almost got jumped," I state while putting my stuff away.

"AGAIN!?" Phichit seems to be worried. "You really need to quit."

"I've gotta have this job to pay rent," I respond.

"Mmm, but-" Phichit seems unsure.

"Plus I'm strong," I flex a bit. He laughs and rolls his eyes.

"Well, I guess you are a powerhouse," he says.

"Oh, and the new kid stopped by Hooters today," I state. "And saved me a trip to the hospital."

"Ooo, spill," Phichit looked at me with hungry eyes. "You know I'm a whore for gossip. I role my eyes and told him the whole story.

"Wow," he seemed shocked, "Wait you kissed him!?"

"Y-Yeah," I was a bit flustered. "B-But I asked for consent!"

"It is amazing how your personality works," Phichit comments. "You could be scared 1 moment, but then lap dancing someone the next."

"You know I don't do that!" I retaliate.

"I know, just teasin ya," he winks at me. I roll my yes again.

"Well, I'm showering," I walk in the bathroom and turn on the water. I hop into the shower, loving the feeling of the warm water.

"He'll find out."

I hear a voice in the back of my head.

"He'll find out and tell everyone."

"No, he won't," I fight back. "I've been keeping this hidden, and no one has found out, this will be the same."

"Chris did and so will he."

"But Chris is Chris, he's a weirdo."

"You got lucky with Chris, who says you'll get lucky with him."

"Because I-"

"You even gave his roommate a job, idiot."


"Everyone will know you're a disgusting crossdresser."

"It's for my-"

"They won't care, you'll still be the laughing stock here , little piggy."







I pull me head back, getting ready to bang it on the shower wall to clear my thoughts. But I stop when I think about Phichit.

"He would hear me."

I just exit the shower after washing myself, feeling defeated.

"I can't even shower in peace," I leave the bathroom in my towel. I see Phichit on his phone laying on his bunk.

"You're done?" he questions my swift shower. "Well, that was fast."

"I'm going to bed," I try to say in a normal voice.

"Are you sick or somethin, you sound different," Phichit seems a bit worried.

"No, I'm just a bit tired," I lie.

"Oh, well, I guess Imma hop in the shower too," Phichit goes into the bathroom leaving me in the room alone. I go to bed and try to go to sleep. It takes a good while, but eventually I fall asleep. I suddenly wake up in an unknown place.

"Where am I?" I look around trying to figure out where I am and how I got here. But it's just black everywhere.



I see figures in the distance and walk closer. I see my parents and start running towards them.

"Mom!" I run up to them. But I'm horrified from the sight I see. I see them both, near the edge of dying of starvation.

"Son, you're hear!" my dad spoke. His voice sounded raspy. "I just paid your tuition."

"Huh?" I'm was confused.

"Had to make few sacrifices like sell the hot springs, cut down on food, but it was worth it."

"YOU SOLD THE HOT SPRINGS!" I yelled. "Dad, the tuition was already paid, remember?" He just stood there.

"Dad?" I call for him, but he didn't respond and falls to the ground.

"Toshiya!" my mom rushes to my fathers side.

"Dad!" I try to help him, but my mom pushes me away.

"You did this," my mom states while looking down.

"W-What?" I start to grow scared

"ł₮'₴ ₳ⱠⱠ ɎØɄⱤ ₣₳ɄⱠ₮" my moms skin starts secreting black as she stands up. I back up trying to find a way out.

ɎØɄ'ⱤɆ ₳ ฿ɄⱤĐɆ₦" her skin had completely fallen off by now. Both of what I thought were my parents start floating saying words simultaneously.

"Ʉ₴ɆⱠɆ₴₴ ₱łɆ₵Ɇ Ø₣ ₲₳Ɏ ₮Ɽ₳₴Ⱨ"

"ɎØɄ'ⱠⱠ ₭łⱠⱠ ₮ⱧɆ₥ Ø₦Ɇ Đ₳Ɏ"

"JɄ₴₮ ĐłɆ ₳ⱠⱤɆ₳ĐɎ"

"ĐłɆ" "ĐłɆ!"

I cover my ears and curl to ground as the continue to repeat DIE and other insults as the voices multiplied.