
Should I Marry Our CEO?? [English Ver]

Alana Zoya Camella or commonly called Zoya, is a twenty-eight-year-old career woman who is always smooth in her career but never smooth in love affairs. Zoya feels the weakening of her luck in love affairs that she experienced after she broke up with Angga, her eight-year lover, who chose to leave her to marry a woman who was acquainted with the man's parents. Zoya, who began to feel hopeless about the fate of her love, also had a crazy idea to marry the CEO only and that made her colleagues think that she was really desperate.

DGiunia · Urbano
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18 Chs

Chapter -006-

Sraassh.. Sraasshh.. Sraassh..


"Hah.." Zoya let out a long sigh as she just finished washing her face with water to cool and clear her mind at this time.

"How are you Zoy Zoy, how can you usually not focus on work for half the day, making Mrs. Hesti take a deep breath since morning." Zoya grumbles scolding herself for being unprofessional at work today.

"Hah, after this I have to focus on everything. Must be professional! Must be able to distinguish between personal and work! Don't embarrass your ten years of work experience Zoy!" Zoya said that she motivated herself to be able to continue working professionally no matter what the situation in the real world.

After feeling herself have calmed down a bit and her mind has cooled down, Zoya stepped out of the toilet. When she just got out of the toilet, Zoya was surprised by the presence of Piyu, Naomi, Pidey and Liv who were now standing right in front of the toilet door, folding their arms in front of their chests.

Zoya who was surprised by the arrival of her four friends also raised an eyebrow in surprise then opened her voice to ask them.

"Hey, what are you guys doing standing in front of the door like this? I thought you guys had already gone to the cafeteria." Zoya asked which immediately made Pidey, Piyu, Naomi and Liv narrow their eyes at Zoya full of intimidation.

"Heum? Who do you think we are going to the cafeteria without full personnel?" Naomi said looking at Zoya still with her intimidating look and also this time with a slightly annoyed tone tucked into it, then agreed by Pidey, Liv and Piyu.

Zoya who heard Naomi's words and also saw Pidey, Liv and Piyu who nodded their heads in agreement with Naomi's words chuckled softly.

"All right, all right. Then let's go to the cafeteria now. Lunch time is thirty minutes left." Zoya said inviting her four friends to immediately go to the cafeteria. Zoya, who just wanted to walk first, immediately stopped her intention when Piyu, Liv, Pidey and Naomi blocked the access road.

Zoya, who was surprised by what her four best friends were doing, now frowned in surprise and spoke again.

"Hey, what are you guys doing? Our lunch hour is almost over. Do you want to not have lunch this afternoon?" Asked Zoya who in unison was immediately answered with a shake of the head by Pidey, Liv, Piyu and Naomi.

Zoya who saw her four friends shook her head in response to her question, took a deep breath and then folded her arms in front of her chest.

"Well, if you really don't want to miss lunch, let's go to the cafeteria now. And if there's something you want to talk to me about, we can postpone it after work hours, right? Because after lunch, Mrs. Hesti and I have to work on the report that Mr. Ken asked for the meeting material."

Naomi, Pidey, Piyu and Liv who heard Zoya's words were silent for a moment in their place by throwing glances at each other, before very reluctantly they nodded their heads in agreement with what Zoya said.

"Hah okay, then we will follow your words Zoy. But be careful, you don't run away when you get home later." Says Naomi on behalf of Piyu, Pidey and Liv in a warning tone to Zoya.

Zoya, who was used to the tone and style of speech of her four friends, just nodded her head in agreement with what Naomi said.

"Yeah, I won't run away. Come on now let's go to the cafeteria." Invite Zoya again, this time walking first in front of Naomi, Liv, Piyu and Pidey.

In her heart Zoya breathed a sigh of relief seeing her four friends follow what she suggested earlier and finally she didn't have to tell her what had happened to her from Saturday to last Sunday.

Zoya grumbled in annoyance as she again had to recall what happened two days ago. She had to turn has mind back again at this time, because otherwise, she didn't want to spend the whole day making more mistakes at work just because of a trivial matter for most people.


Ting.. Ting. Ting.. Ting..

Zoya, who is currently tidying up the file that she will send to Ken, glanced at the notification that had just arrived at the bottom corner of her laptop screen.

Apparently a notification from a group message containing only Naomi, Pidey, Piyu and Liv, where the four friends were sending messages warning her not to go home immediately after office hours were over.

A smile spread across Zoya's face seeing the conversation in the message group.

Zoya, who was just about to type a reply message to them, immediately gave up her intention when suddenly Hesti called her name.

"Zoya, let's go to Mr. Ken's room first. We'll give you this report, as well as explain some of the points that you put in the soft file earlier in the comment."

Zoya nods her head in response to Hesti's words.

"Okay ma'am, when are we going to Mr. Ken's room?" Zoya asked which made Hesti immediately chuckle in exasperation.

"Tomorrow! Haizh, right now, Zoya. Mr. Ken need the data for today." Hesti replied which Zoya replied with an innocent chuckle.

"Hehehe, okay ma'am, let's go there." Zoya said as she got up from her seat, as well as Hesti who also got up from her seat and walked side by side with Zoya out of their office to Ken's room which is on the twentieth floor of this building.

Meanwhile in another place, to be more precise at Naomi, Liv, Piyu and Pidey, their two pairs of eyes were keenly watching the movement of Zoya and Hesti who were walking towards the elevator.

Naomi, Liv, Piyu and Pidey's hands were already on their laptop keyboards to talk about Zoya in their special group of five.

"How could she just read our chat!" Liv said typing these words in their group.

"Yeah, I thought she was going to reply to our chat, but it turns out she's just reading, tsk tsk tsk." Pidey said continuing Liv's conversation.

Meanwhile, Naomi and Piyu are still confused about what to type in their chat room.

"Never mind, maybe Zoya's business with Mrs, Hesti is more important, so she can only read our messages." Naomi said trying to mediate between Liv and Pidey.

"That's right, didn't Zoya say earlier that she was working on a report for Mr. Ken? Maybe now she and Mrs. Hesti are in a hurry to go to Mr. Ken's room." Piyu said responding to those on Naomi's side to dampen the group's atmosphere.

Meanwhile in the elevator.


Hesti who heard Zoya sneeze immediately turned her head towards the assistant.

"Zoya? Are you not feeling well?" Hesti asked with her eyes focused on Zoya.

Zoya who was rubbing her nose also turned her head towards Hesti who was staring at her.

"No ma'am, it's just that I feel my nose is a little itchy." Zoya replied to which Hesti nodded her head.

Then in his heart Hesti spoke.

'What caused Zoya not to concentrate today because she wasn't feeling well? I'd better discuss this with Mr. Ken, so that Zoya can be given time to rest for three days at home.'