
Should I Marry Our CEO?? [English Ver]

Alana Zoya Camella or commonly called Zoya, is a twenty-eight-year-old career woman who is always smooth in her career but never smooth in love affairs. Zoya feels the weakening of her luck in love affairs that she experienced after she broke up with Angga, her eight-year lover, who chose to leave her to marry a woman who was acquainted with the man's parents. Zoya, who began to feel hopeless about the fate of her love, also had a crazy idea to marry the CEO only and that made her colleagues think that she was really desperate.

DGiunia · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter -004-

Tap tap tap tap

The sound of heels echoed in the lobby of a technology company office in Jakarta. Made several employees who were there share their small smiles while greeting the woman who was currently walking down the lobby with a small smile printed on her face and several times she also nodded her head in response to the greetings given by several employees to her.

"Good morning, Zoya."

"Morning Zoy."

"Wow, Zoya looks even more beautiful!"

"Morning Zoooya!"

Yes, the woman in heels walking in the lobby receiving greetings from the employees is Zoya.

Zoya who heard herself always being greeted had a small smile on her face even though she was already in the elevator waiting for the elevator door to close.


When the elevator doors closed, the smile that had been on Zoya's face quickly disappeared somewhere and now only left a plain expression on the face of this twenty-eight year old woman.

"Hah, forcing a smile when you're in a bad mood is really hard." Zoya muttered as she took a deep breath and leaned her head against the elevator wall.


Zoya, who heard the elevator door clinking, immediately straightened her body, especially when she saw the figure of Ken walking into the elevator, which made her bring back the small smile on her face that had faded.

"Good morning sir." Zoya said slightly lowering her head to greet Ken.

Ken who heard Zoya's words nodded his head slowly when he was in the elevator with Leo his secretary.

There was a moment of silence in the elevator with the elevator doors still open.

Zoya who felt a little uncomfortable with the silence that happened also chose to open her voice again.

"Um, sorry sir. Do you want to go straight to your room or do you want to stop on another floor first? Let me press the button." Zoya says trying to look calm and not nervous.

Meanwhile Ken and Leo who heard Zoya's question were confused in their place. And made Leo choose to open his voice first to ask the woman.

"Zoya, didn't you from upstairs want to go downstairs? That's why we keep the elevator doors open so you can get out first." Leo said which made Zoya pause in surprise for a moment in her place before finally opening her voice to reply to the man's words.

"No sir, I just wanted to go to my room. That's why I asked to press the elevator button." Zoya's answer made Ken and Leo fall silent again.

Ken who saw Leo was just about to open his voice again immediately opened his voice before cutting his secretary's words to answer what Zoya has asked him earlier.

"I'm going straight to my room. Please press my floor button." said Ken which was replied with a nod of his head by Zoya and immediately stretched out one hand to press the floor button where Ken's room was located.

Meanwhile behind Zoya, where Ken and Leo were standing next to each other, Ken immediately moved his elbow to nudge Leo's arm while glaring at the secretary.

Leo who was surprised why he was given a sharp look by Ken was silent in surprise. Because he feels totally innocent asking such things to Zoya.

Remembering when he and Ken had just arrived in front of the elevator with the door still closed, then when the elevator door was opened revealing Zoya's figure standing alone in the elevator made him speculate if Zoya had just come down from the top floor to the lobby floor. this.

But when he heard what Zoya said and saw Ken's sharp look at him, Leo understood, maybe Zoya had forgotten to press the elevator button to his floor and meanwhile Ken pretended not to know so Zoya wouldn't feel embarrassed right?

"Ekhm.." Leo slowly cleared his throat when he realized what his mistake was and now chose to stay where he was when the elevator started to move up.


The sound of the elevator door clinking again was heard and not long after the elevator door opened right on the floor where Zoya's room and the other financial staff were.

Zoya stepped out of the elevator, then turned her body towards Ken and Leo, lowering her head slightly to greet Ken again.

"Then I'll go first Mr. Ken and Mr. Leo. Good morning." Said Zoya which was replied with a nod of the head by Ken and Leo.

When the elevator doors were closed again, Zoya immediately screamed in frustration while banging her head lightly against the walls of the elevator door.

"Aaaa! I'm so embarrassed that I got caught getting wet since I didn't select the elevator floor button until I thought I really had a need in the lobby. Ishh!" Zoya grumbled cursing herself for being so ashamed of her mistake earlier.

So why should the CEO and his secretary know about his stupidity again?? It made him feel even more embarrassed if he had to meet the two of them again later.

Zoya tried to calm herself down at this point, suggesting that Ken and Leo would soon forget the embarrassing thing she had done earlier. And now Zoya casually walked into the financial staff room as if nothing embarrassing had just happened, even though deep down Zoya still regretted what she had done earlier.

Meanwhile, where Ken and Leo were currently walking out of the elevator, Ken quickly stretched out one hand to hit the nape of Leo's neck, making his secretary wince now because Ken was suddenly hit on the neck.


"Aish, what's wrong, sir? Why is the nape of my neck being hit?" Leo asked while grinning rubbing the nape of his neck which Ken had just hit.

"You can't read the situation at all!" Ken answered with a cynical tone and a flat expression on his face.

Leo, who felt disapproved of what Ken said to him, opened his voice back.

"I'm not wrong at all, sir, after all, you must think the same way, not me, if Zoya must have come down from the top floor for something downstairs. That's why you also chose to stay where you were." Said Leo who invited Ken to cast a sharp look at him.

"Of course not. Because I've seen Zoya's figure who just entered the elevator door when we just entered the lobby door." Ken replied, who felt disapproved of being equated with thinking like his secretary.

Leo who heard Ken's long answer opened his lips full of drama, he didn't expect Ken to reply to his words long enough. Because what he imagined was Ken would only answer 'yes' or 'no'. Without being accompanied by such a detailed explanation.

Ken who saw Leo just stayed silent in his place with his open lips squeaking softly.

"Now you prepare all the documents I need to sign. Because after lunch we have an important meeting!"

Leo who heard Ken's words immediately returned to his senses and responded to what the boss had just said.

"Okay sir I will prepare!"