
Shou Fu Jiao Niang

She was originally the daughter of a noble family, but due to a mix-up at birth, she became a farmer’s daughter. Despite growing up to be as beautiful as a flower, no one came to propose to her. Was it because of her supposed ugly appearance, natural foolishness, or because she was an unlucky star that caused misfortune for her parents? However, the husband she unexpectedly picked up on the way turned out to be the future prime minister. The little monk she raised in the mountains was one of the six gods of the country. Even the old lady she rescued by chance turned out to be the current empress dowager. A certain man said fiercely, “My wife, anyone who dares to bully you, I’ll take care of them!” The god said, “Sister, the territories of the six kingdoms, wherever you want to go, I’ll get them for you!” The empress dowager said, “The emperor bullied my darling? Just wait! I’ll depose him!” [The story is about] a female protagonist who relies on her strength rather than her luck, versus a young male protagonist with hidden talents. Keywords of the novel: The Pampered Concubine Gu Jiao Niang Other title: Shou Fu Jiao Niang Shǒufù jiāo niáng Written by: Pian Fang Fang

shishiballs · História
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Protecting One's Own Interests

Chapter 9: Protecting One's Own Interests

On the day of Xiao Liulang's exam, Gu Jiao woke up early and made noodles, steamed a basket of white buns, and cooked a pot of wild mushroom soup. The mushrooms were picked from the mountain, and although they had already finished the first batch, there were still plenty left from the ones picked the day before. Gu Jiao planned to bring them to the market later to sell.

She also picked some wood ear mushrooms, but fresh ones were poisonous and had to be dried before they could be eaten. While waiting for the food, she went back to her room to take some medicine. The wounds on her wrist and the back of her head had healed, and she was almost out of medicine. The ointment was more durable, with more than half a tube remaining.

Meanwhile, Xiao Liulang also woke up early. Gu Jiao knew he had been up late studying the previous night, so she didn't wake him up in the morning. However, he still woke up early. Gu Jiao prepared a small bowl of mushroom soup for him, leaving some room in case he needed to use the bathroom during the exam.

But she couldn't help feeling that Xiao Liulang's eyes, when he glanced at her, had a hint of resentment. The exam would last all day, so Gu Jiao packed some buns and water for him. After a moment of thought, she put ten copper coins in the bag as well.

Xiao Liulang noticed her action, but didn't say anything. Gu Jiao handed him the bag and said, "I've already paid for your transportation and told the driver to drop you off near the academy."

"Okay," Xiao Liulang replied, taking the bag and limping out the door with his cane. Gu Jiao watched him leave and resisted the urge to accompany him to the village. She was sure he wouldn't appreciate it.

When Xiao Liulang reached the village, Uncle Luo's cart was already parked under the pagoda tree. It was filled with villagers who were going to sell their own small chickens and eggs in town. They all greeted Xiao Liulang cheerfully when they saw him. Although he was a scholar and looked cold on the outside, he didn't put on airs. Anyone who needed help with reading or writing letters would come to him, and he was always happy to assist.

Although Gu Dashun was also a scholar, he spent his days teaching at the private school and studying at home at night. The villagers rarely bothered him. There was still one seat left on the cart, probably reserved for Xiao Liulang.

As Xiao Liulang was about to board the cart, he felt a shadow pass by him and block his way. It was Zhou, the mother and son from the main branch of the Gu family. Zhou held onto the cart with one hand and the person behind her with the other. "Dashun, hurry up and get on!"

It was indeed the last seat available.

Zhou blocked Xiao Liulang completely, not giving him a chance to get on the cart.

On the cart, a woman spoke up: "Shunzi's mother, it was Liulang who arrived first."

Gu Dashun's movement of climbing onto the cart stopped. He turned his head, looked past his mother, and glanced at Xiao Liulang.

Xiao Liulang had a cold and indifferent expression.

Zhou snorted and said nonchalantly, "Shunzi has an exam to take! What does it matter if he arrived first? Does that mean he can delay my son's exam?"

The villagers all knew that Gu Dashun was a promising young man. He had recently passed the county exam, becoming a scholar. It was said that he didn't even have to kneel and pay respects when he met the county magistrate.

Although Xiao Liulang was a good young man, he was not as important as Gu Dashun's future.

If Gu Dashun succeeded, it would not only bring glory to the Gu family but also benefit the entire Qingquan village.

Everyone fell silent.

"Um..." Luo Ershu spoke awkwardly, "Liulang...he's also going to take the exam."

Last night, when Gu Jiao came to find Luo Ershu, she made it clear that Xiao Liulang was going to participate in an exam at a private school. Xiao Liulang had difficulty walking, so she instructed him to make sure he got there. She even gave him two extra copper coins.

Luo Ershu was puzzled. The Gu family's little fool, who was at odds with Xiao Liulang, had become a different person in his speech and actions.

But he didn't have time to ask more questions. Gu Jiao left quickly.

Upon hearing that Xiao Liulang was also taking the exam, Zhou didn't care at all. Could Xiao Liulang's exam compare with her son's?

On the other hand, Gu Dashun looked at Xiao Liulang in shock and asked, "Are you also going to Tianxiang Academy?"

"Yeah." Xiao Liulang responded calmly.

Xiao Liulang had already become a child scholar when he first came to the village. At that time, Gu Dashun was also a child scholar. Later, Gu Dashun passed the county exam, but Xiao Liulang was still a child scholar. So Gu Dashun didn't think much of Xiao Liulang.

"You haven't gone to the private school for half a year..." Gu Dashun shook his head.

The meaning was clear: Xiao Liulang couldn't possibly pass the exam.

Uncle Luo, who had originally planned to persuade a villager to give up their spot for Xiao Liu, held back his words silently.

Since he didn't pass the exam, there was no need to bother.

Uncle Luo took out his money pouch.

To go to the market was two copper coins, and for slightly further places it was three copper coins. Gu Jiaodu gave him two, making a total of five copper coins.

While Uncle Luo was counting out the copper coins to return to Xiao Liu, Gu Dashun was pushed onto the ox cart by Zhou Shi.

But before he could sit down properly, a bony, skinny hand suddenly stretched out from behind him and grabbed him by the back of his collar, pulling him off the cart!

Gu Dashun was two years older than Xiao Liu and already nineteen years old. He was a sturdy young man, but he was thrown off balance by that sudden pull and nearly fell to the ground.

Zhou Shi was scared out of her wits and rushed to help Gu Dashun up.

"Who is it!" She angrily turned around.

Then everyone saw the thin, small figure of Gu Jiao, her eyes cold and exuding an unbridled chill.

Everyone was stunned.

"Gu Jiao, what are you doing crazy!" Zhou Shi still thought it was someone else who had the audacity to do this, but it turned out to be this little fool.

"Give back the copper coins." Gu Jiao completely ignored Zhou Shi and just looked at Uncle Luo, whose hand was frozen in midair. She frowned impatiently, "I booked the cart last night, if you want to back out, you can refund everyone's cart fee."

"What do you mean?" Zhou Shi asked.

"The literal meaning, if Xiao Liu can't get on the cart today, then no one is allowed to get on the cart," Gu Jiao said.

"Who are you to say that?" One of the aunties snorted.

Gu Jiao leisurely took out a sickle from behind and said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Everyone's face turned pale at the sight of the sickle. Even Zhou Shi, who wanted to rush forward and pull Gu Jiao's hair, was too scared to approach her.

A fool...a fool could do anything. But why did the fool used to dislike Xiao Liulang? Why couldn't they get along with the Gu family, who were always close to them?

Not only the villagers were confused, but even a hint of astonishment flashed in Xiao Liulang's eyes.

"If you want to go and ask old master Gu, then go ahead." Gu Jiao blew on the sickle that she had polished until it shone.

Zhou Shi really wanted to go, but was stopped by Gu Dashun. It was impossible to reason with a fool, and delaying the exam would not be good. Although Xiao Liulang would also miss the exam, he couldn't pass it anyway, so missing it didn't matter to him.

In the end, Uncle Luo came up with an idea. He had Zhou Shi pay for one of the villager's vegetables, and the villager gave up their seat for Gu Dashun.

Gu Jiao didn't care which villager Gu Dashun had paid for. However, to prevent any accidents on the way, she brought her sickle with her.

There was no extra space for her on the ox cart. She dragged her small and skinny body and walked more than ten miles on foot, safely delivering Xiao Liulang to the exam hall.

Liulang: Why are you so good to me?

Jiaojiao: Because you're handsome.

Liulang: ...