
Short Stories of Madness

Welcome to the Short Stories of Madness, where it tells comedic short stories that will make you laugh or cry. So, the rules how I make short stories are simple: 1. I can only write five paragraphs. 2. I can't include adult jokes. 3. I follow step 1 and 2 and repeat. Enjoy the Short Stories of Madness!

AddamCreed28 · Realista
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Maniacal Pillow Fight Memory

Every month, Marcus and his friends would join the Maniacal Pillow Fight Tournament, being held once a month. Marcus would buy high-quality pillows to beat his opponents into a pulp like in a street fight (which a an eight-year old shouldn't do but hey, it's the movies that bugging him). Marcus joined the MPF tournament many times but always come back home with a flock of feathers sticking out of his wedgie. You don't understand what it means? It means he lost, you idiot.

It's February and Marcus became pumped-up with confidence. He went to the best mall in town, which is five kilometers from his house, and bought the most best, high-quality, fighting, damage-proof pillow (kids, don't hit your friends with pillows. You only hit them with the street-fight, spikey ones). After purchasing the death pillow, he went to MPF tournament and signed up alone. Marcus has good feeling that he will win. It was the first round and Marcus was in the match card. So, the fight began and Marcus suffered his first-round loss after six seconds.

Marcus rested in the locker room. Marcus has three losses under his belt. Marcus wouldn't waste a 300-dollar pillow just to lose. He stood up, wore new underpants and walked out to the ring (yeah, uh, pillow fights uses wrestling rings). He stared at his opponent, who's holding a pillow, shaped like a baseball bat. Marcus's opponent hit the first strike to Marcus by hitting the pillow at Marcus's head. Later did he know, it wasn't a pillow. It was literally a baseball bat. Marcus couldn't believe. "If I can make him disqualify by using things other than pillow, I could win this match!", thought Marcus, who knew that the chances of him winning is very small (like your pp).

The match ended with Marcus won by disqualification. Marcus ranked number 199, which his previous record was 200. He went home with a happy face. Marcus forgot that his head was bleeding (after the baseball bat hit) but his happiness couldn't felt that pain. He even had a dream where he beat everyone and ranked 198, bragging to everyone. He had the best year of his life.

Twenty years later, Marcus became a cop and caught all the moderators of the Maniacal Pillow Fight tournament. His love for pillow fight ended after he accidently killed his best friend in a pillow fight. How did he kill him? Marcus used the No-Breath Neutralize Pillow technique. So, the cause of death was suffocation. Marcus went to prison for five years and became a cop after released. Now, Marcus deals with drug despite being a police officer.

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