
Short Smut Stories

Mercedesb14000 · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Pleasure for two (part 1)

I took him out on a date because I felt bad about being flirty with the waiter yesterday. Even though we weren't dating and we promised each other we wouldn't fall in love, I was falling hard for him and I don't know if he felt the same. We did things like a couple, we even had sexual feelings, but we never expressed them. I wanted so badly to just be on top of him and do things to him. The dreams got so much smuttier every night.

On our date I noticed that he was being flirty with more than one girl and this made me angry, but I couldn't let him know that because I would lose the bet. The whole date we didn't speak to each other. He just looked at me with these eyes of mystery. After we got done eating we got in the car and headed home. Something about the way he sat in the passenger seat made me crave him, his smell, his touch, his taste.

We got home late at night and I suggested watching a movie but he didn't answer. He just stared at his phone in complete silence. A few more hours pass of us not talking to each other and me trying to get his attention, but nothing I've done works. We went to sleep that night not talking to each other, and not cuddled up together. I almost accepted defeat and told him everything but I had one more idea.

The next morning while making breakfast I cooked in a lace thong and and apron. When he came down the stairs his hair was messy and he was shirtless. His body was so hot, I couldn't stop imagining the things we could do. He didn't seem to pay much attention to me, the only thing he did was glance over at me and blush. He was so complicated I didn't know what to do to make him pay attention or talk to me.

After we were done eating we watched a couple of movies until it was night time. We took separate showers and even ended up sleeping in different beds, he really was mad at me. We didn't speak at all that night and it made me sad but if he wanted to be stubborn then I would be stubborn too. I had a plan tonight I would express all of my feelings for him.