
mafia boss

* hello! this is my first time writing such thing and you hope you might like it! *


"Kazu! There's someone at the counter to see you!" I replied back with another loud shout from the back and headed to the counter where my guest was waiting. And the guest was beautiful. Beautiful was really an understatement, she was drop dead gorgeous. Chocolate brown hair tied into a loose braid with flowers, school uniform neatly ironed and her stunning yellow eyes shining in the light. She gave me a gentle wave as I quickly came by her side to greet her.

"Don't you have meetings Rina? How do you have free time?" Her laughter was like pearls, shining with light.

"I wanted to bring you to them because they might be boring later on." I nodded and headed off to tell my manager that I needed to go off. He gave me the okay and I changed out of my uniform. I packed a small cake along the way so it might fill her stomach in the meantime.

I went out to see her still standing there, she looked at me from head to toe and nodded, signaling we should go. When we go out, the streets were very quiet. Highly strange for a place that is runned by the mafia named Returns. The mafia keeps returning to this place because of their boss stays here, earning their name Returns.

We went through a dark alleyway and walked through an old door. Said door creaked eerily and there were hushed voices saying.

"Everybody, get to your positions. We might have to kill the intruder." One of the members said. Rina sighed and said in a loud voice.

"Kazu, you will stay with me right?" I turned my head at her and smiled. Out of reflex, I placed my hand on her head and rubbed it. Not that she seems to mind though. We opened the door fully and it was a nice sight.

Fully furnished with couches and a pool table. Covered walls with cushion to prevent noise from getting out. We went up a flight of stairs to reveal a meeting room. It was a simple meeting room, the glass windows are used for walls so we can see the whole town area. Rina sat down in the chair that's in the middle and I sat by her side, as if I'm the right-hand man. Members of the mafia started to roll in and Rina took a butterfly knife out from a drawer and started playing with it.

"Now the meeting shall start. First of all Boss, Akatsuki has claimed the northwest region, where some of the economy is there. What shall we do?" Rina, the cute school girl earlier, was now a confident woman able to make the risky but beneficial decisions.

"Take back the area and reinforce the mafia there. I'm sure you guys can do it without me." The member nodded and it continued to go on.

"The next issue is that Lilies are coming back after we stole from them. They asked for a full-fledged gun war.And they won't stop till we agree." Rina sighed and rubbed her temples.

"Send Wen to snipe the head off. I want the results of it soon." I sensed that Rina was running low on energy so I took out the slice of cake and fed her with it. Her murderous intent was now gone and was replaced by a flowery aura.

"And lastly, for the best of Returns, we ask the boss to find a new love interest. We do not think that this boy is suitable." Rina slammed her hand on the table, temporarily making it shake.

"It's my choice who I want to date. Oppose my decisions again, you'll be exiled." She changes her butterfly knife into a dagger and threw it at the member with precision, leaving less than an inch gap. That member was sweating beads as his life flashed beyond his eyes. I kissed the top of Rina's forehead and patted her.

"If you're angry a whole lot, your face will be go bad. I don't want my Rina to go ugly okay?" Rina blushed and turned away before switching back into her confident persona.

"Ever since you said you agreed, it means you'll be mine forever Kazu." She let's out a smirk as I stared helplessly.

I know it's short and all but I hoped you enjoyed it! the update time for this is random since this one is for my spontaneous ideas that do not fit Flying Sparks!

Seitancreators' thoughts