
A Date With Rebecca

I was sitting at the train station with my eyes closed and waited for someone. I soon heard a familiar voice running towards my direction. I opened my eyes and looked in that direction and it was Rebecca waving her hand in the air then she stopped and smiled at me. She had on a plain black t-shirt and white shorts with black Nike shoes. She had her hair in a ponytail and the minimum amount of makeup on her face. She really wanted me to see the natural beauty of herself.

"Sorry I'm late, hopefully you weren't waiting for long." Rebecca panted a bit and sat down.

"Nope, you're fine. I actually got here not too long ago as well." I said.

"Okay good. So how do I look?" She looked at me.

"You look nice today. Didn't do too much, I guess you're a fan of natural beauty." I smiled.

"It's not always what's on the outside that matters. Beauty comes in all shapes and forms. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder." Rebecca tapped my nose and giggled.

"Yep I've heard that so many times. So where are we going? Was there anywhere you wished to drag me to?" I asked.

"Nowhere in specific. I just wanted to hang out you know. Have fun with you. Everyone else had some one on one time with you so I wanted to as well." Rebecca smiled.

"Sounds good to me." I nodded.

The train arrived and we got on the train then sat down. The doors of the train closed and the train took off. Rebecca facetimed Emma on her phone showed me on screen and laughed as Emma teased me by calling me new guy and I rolled my eyes calling her a brat. She told Emma about her plans with me today and Emma said she's with Aisha and Otsuki for the day. Rebecca nodded and they shared their goodbye and hung up.

"So what do you normally like to do?" I asked.

"I'm a huge bookworm sometimes, but I do also play music on my off time. I love drawing and writing poems and songs. I play games from time to time also." Rebecca smiled.

"Nice, nice. I wouldn't have taken you for a bookworm at all if I had just met you. I would've thought you were one of the pretty girls who gossiped all day." I chuckled.

"I get that a lot. Most people think I'm just that pretty girl who's slept with almost every boy. I'm not like that at all. I'm still a virgin." Rebecca giggled.

I smiled and nodded. After 40 minutes on the train the train came to a stop at Fushikawa. I got up and Rebecca got up as well and we exited the train. Rebecca took my hand and ran off and I quickly followed. We were in the main district where there was a lot to do. There was a street performance going on and Rebecca stopped to watch and I stopped as well. The performer walked in a circle and stopped then pop locked and the crowd cheered and clapped. I smiled and walked forward and put ¥635 in the hat and the guy grabbed my arm and wanted me to dance with him.

"Come on." Rebecca smiled and wanted me to dance.

"I don't know.." I smiled nervously.

"Come on you don't need to be a professional, just have fun." The guy said and began a little pop lock.

Rebecca took her phone out and began recording and smiled. I stroked my hair back and began leg shuffling and spun in a circle. The preformer smiled and began pop locking then pointed at me. I pointed to the left and began side gliding then spun again then stopped and turned to the left and moonwalked. The crowd cheered and the guy gave me a handshake and laughed. I walked off with Rebecca.

"You're a good dancer! Why don't you dance more often?" Rebecca laughed.

"I just have to feel it you know." I chuckled.

Rebecca nodded and held my hand. We walked around the district and we found a Karaoke place then I took her there. We went in the building and got a room with the karaoke machine and I sat down then smiled.

"So whatcha gonna sing today?" I smiled.

"W-What?" Rebecca blushed.

"Come on, I had to dance. It's just us two here so it's alright if you mess up." I chuckled.

"O-Okay." Rebecca looked shy and nervous. "This is..a song I wrote on my own."

Rebecca picked up the microphone and cleared her throat and closed her eyes. The piano instrumental played then she started singing 30 seconds in. Her voice was soft and melodic. I closed my eyes and listened to her song. I picked up on the lyrics and the chorus mostly said "I think of only you". It was a love song perhaps? By the way the music sounded and the lyrics combined together, it was a love song.

She stopped singing, and I opened my eyes and was in shock. I was so drawn into the music that I couldn't even react. She looked at me and blushed more.

"That was amazing." I smiled.

"You're just saying that.." Rebecca smiled shyly.

"No I genuinely mean that. Why don't you sing more often?" I asked.

"I gotta feel it you know." Rebecca teased by using my excuse.

I stood up and rolled my eyes. She giggled and held my arm and we walked out the karaoke place. She pointed at some signs and I looked at each one she pointed at. She then pointed at a photo booth and dragged me there and entered. Most of them were cute pictures and one of them was Rebecca laughing with me pushing her face away from mine as I was blushing hard. We exited the booth and held hands. Rebecca had the pictures in her purse.

Two hours passed while we were on the date and we were sitting at a table sipping on slushes. She was on FaceTime with Emma and I was texting Aisha. I checked the time and it was 3:43 PM. Rebecca just hung up with Emma and she looked at me. I looked at her and she smiled happily.

"I can't remember the last time I had fun on a date." Rebecca said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Most of the guys at school are kinda plain." Rebecca said.

"I'm pretty bland as well." I laughed a bit.

"You're a different bland. Like I can understand why you're so bland. Once you get going, you really know how to have fun." Rebecca said and interlocked her pinky around mine.

"You think so?" I chuckled.

"You were able to please Emma, Otsuki, AND the Student Council President. That's not a thing people can do so easily. Plus you and Aisha have some heavy chemistry together. You were able to please all five of us." Rebecca giggled.

"Well it doesn't take much to please you all. I just don't wanna over do anything." I shook my head.

Rebecca felt her heart racing and she blushed more. I looked at her and she leaned in and my phone rang. What a convenient timing for it to ring also. I checked it and it was from Otsuki. I answered it and put it on speaker.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Sorry to bother you, I just wanted to know your favorite color. There's this festival going on at school in a few weeks and I want to give you all a gift." Otsuki answered.

"Oh that's all?" I smiled. "My favorite color is red."

"A color of love...A basic yet powerful color. Thank you!" Otsuki hung up.

Rebecca and I looked at each other and smiled. We stood up and threw our cups in the trash and walked to the station together. We held each other's hand. The train arrived and we got on and sat down.

"Thank you...for giving me a chance with you." Rebecca said and I felt her hand gently squeeze mine. She was a bit embarrassed especially when she was about to kiss me. "I know...other girls want your attention, but I'm happy that I was able to have yours."

"You speak like this is the only date we'll ever go on." I said.

"You mean, you'll take me out again?" Rebecca blushed a bit more.

"Just give me a text whenever you feel and I'll be at the station waiting." I said.

"What about the others? They'll surely want your attention also." Rebecca said. "It's hard being a pleaser of women because you have to divide your attention between different girls."

Well harems are hard to maintain, yet I never asked for one though but I can't complain. I gave it some thought. I nodded and looked at Rebecca.

"Sunday is your day. Sundays is when I'll spend my time with you. I already spend Monday through Thursday with Aisha. Fridays is when Tsubami drags me to some metal concert. Saturdays are 50/50 between Emma and Otsuki." I said.

"Sundays..I like that." Rebecca smiled. "Every Sunday...we can go on a date. Have you ever thought about settling down with one girl?"

"Yeah. But before I can, I have to know more about them. I don't want to rush anything. That's probably why these dates are pretty important to me. It lets me know more about the girl I'm on a date with while they learn more about me." I said.

"I see." Rebecca laid her head on my shoulder. "Well when do you normally confess?"

"Fridays are the best time to confess where I'm from. Usually on a special occasion like a holiday, or party. It's the same case in some places in Japan, under a Blossom Tree on a hill." I said.

"I feel as though Aisha has the best chance. You know everything about each other. I wouldn't be surprised if you chose her. Whatever makes you happy. If you're happy, I'm happy." Rebecca said.

Rebecca is very easy-going and humble, sweet and social, optimistic. She has all of the qualities of a Deredere. Not once have I seen her lose her cool or behave in a way that is unlikable. What I like most about Rebecca is she isn't afraid to show her affection towards me.

Rebecca closed her eyes and rested a bit while we went back to our neighborhood. I brushed her hair from her eyes and she smiled and I smiled back. She just looks so peaceful like this. I closed my eyes and rested as well while we travelled back.