
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 74 Heavenly Fox Bloodline

Chapter 74 Heavenly Fox Bloodline

Bai Xiaoxiao pouted and said, "What I said is true. I didn't lie. If you don't believe me, ask my sister."

Suddenly everyone looked at Bai Xiaoru, at least Bai Xiaoru didn't have a criminal record of lying.

Bai Xiaoru nodded, "My sister is right, he is an imperial alchemist and an imperial alchemist, and his strength is also very strong."


Bai Hao snorted coldly, still in disbelief, but felt that Bai Xiaoru had been brought down.

Others didn't believe it either, because they thought it was impossible in their hearts.

Looking at everyone's questioning eyes, Qin Tian said to Bai Xiaodao, "You don't have a weapon in hand yet!"

Bai Xiaoxiao heard what Qin Tian meant and nodded quickly.

"You prepare a drawing of a weapon you like, and I will refine it for you. I just happen to have some refining materials."

"Okay! Thank you brother-in-law." Bai Xiaoxiao said happily.

Bai Hao said, "That's fine, we'll know if it's true or not, and it's time for them to see your true colors."

Bai Jiangyu did not speak.

Seeing the firm appearance of his two daughters, he believed it emotionally, but he did not believe it rationally.

Not to mention whether he is a master or not, is it possible for a young man to be both an imperial alchemist and an imperial alchemist?

Don't believe anyone!

If it is only said that he is an imperial refiner, there is still a slight possibility.

But now is not the time to think about these problems, but to think about how to deal with the next doomsday.

Thinking of this, Bai Jiangyu said to Bai Xiaoru, "Go see your mother first, she misses you very much."

"The others will go to the Tianhu Temple with me to discuss matters."

Then Qin Tian followed Bai Xiaoru and Bai Xiaoxiao to the Tianhu Emperor Palace to see her mother.

After coming to Tianhu Palace, he was shocked by the beauty in front of him.

The Tianhu Emperor Palace is on a suspended island, surrounded by birds and flowers, and the aura is compelling.

The whole palace is majestic, surrounded by clouds and mist, and every building inside is very gorgeous.

It's like a fairy palace.

And the road leading to the Tianhu Emperor Palace turned out to be a rainbow bridge.

Bai Xiaoxiao said proudly, "Our imperial palace is beautiful, but it is much more beautiful than the imperial palaces of Sister Mu and Sister Ming."

Qin Tian nodded earnestly in agreement.

Then Qin Tian stepped on the Rainbow Bridge, and every time he stepped on it, there would be a little ripple, it was really beautiful!

Bai Xiaoxiao jumped and led the way in front, as if it was fun!

Walking across the Rainbow Bridge is the gate of the Imperial Palace.

A group of holy realm guards, the leader of the leader is the first emperor realm.

After seeing Bai Xiaoru and Bai Xiaoxiao, a group of guards were a little astonished, but they didn't expect Di Ji to be a Hui clan.

After a brief stupor, the captain took the lead and knelt down and said respectfully, "Welcome Diji and the little princess back to the palace."

Bai Xiaoru calmly raised his hand and walked inside.

Afterwards, there were constant tributes from the powerful fox clan along the way, and Bai Xiaoru responded calmly and elegantly.

Qin Tian walked over to Bai Xiaoru and said with a smile, "It's quite like a female emperor."

Bai Xiaoxiao also came over.

"Hee hee! Of course!"

"My sister is very arrogant, so you can treat her!"

Bai Xiaoru glared at Bai Xiaoxiao and continued walking.

The last three saw a beautiful woman in a pleasant courtyard.

The beautiful woman was dressed in a white plain group, and looked a bit like Bai Xiaoru, and she was also very beautiful and temperamental.


Bai Xiaoru shouted and walked over quickly.

Bai Xiaoxiao introduced, "This is my mother Qinglan." After speaking, she also ran over.

Then the mother and daughter hugged each other to express their thoughts. It didn't take long for Qing Lan to notice Qin Tian next to him, "Who is this?"

Bai Xiaoxiao quickly put her head to Qing Lan's ear and told her!

Qing Lan's face became shocked, and then she looked at Bai Xiaoru.

Bai Xiaoru said shyly, "Mother, don't listen to your sister's nonsense, we are not in that kind of relationship!"

"My daughter will be shy!" Qing Lan joked.

"I didn't, and then Bai Xiaoru lowered his head and stopped talking."

Qing Lan smiled, and then said politely to Qin Feng, "Welcome to Qingqiu as a guest, and thank you for saving my daughter."

"Auntie is polite!"

"What do you think of my daughter!" Qing Lan asked.

"It's good, pretty, and cute!"

Clever? Qing Lan was a little surprised, because the former Bai Xiaoru and Kuai Qiao had nothing to do with each other.

The daughter is willing to change for him, which means that there is such a meaning.

Then she started talking with Qin Tian like a mother-in-law watching her son-in-law.

Where are your parents from? Where are you now…

On the other side, a group of strong people gathered in the Tianhu Hall.

All the seven Qingqiu clans are here, and each clan has a third-level emperor sitting in charge!

Bai Jiangyu said, "My third brother and younger sister have gone out to practice. I have informed them, but they may not be able to arrive."

"My daughter came back to cause trouble to everyone this time." After speaking, Bai Jiangyu bowed and apologized.

"I know that many of you have complaints about my daughter coming back, but there is no way, she has come back."

"So I hope we can protect her together next time."

"This is also for the good of our fox clan!"

Hearing this, many powerhouses frowned and were somewhat dissatisfied.

Bai Jiangyu continued. "You don't know, my daughter has awakened the blood of the fox."

"Although she is only at the first level of the Emperor Realm, she is able to draw a tie with my second brother."

"My second brother can attest to this matter. Besides him, many people have seen it before."

Bai Hao nodded and said, "Di Ji's strength is not much different than mine."

There was a moment of surprise below, and then they also began to inquire about the situation through voice transmission.

Finally confirmed that the news turned out to be true!

After seeing the attitude of the powerhouses below change, Bai Jiangyu continued:

"With my daughter's talent, it must be the backbone of my fox clan in the future, and it is possible to break through to Tianhu in the future."

Hearing that all the powerhouses in Tianhu cheer up, if there is a Tianhu in the fox clan.

It is not unreasonable for their fox clan to dominate Zhongzhou.

Thinking of this, someone shouted, "Protect Di Ji and fight with them."

"Yes! Our fox clan is not easy to mess with."

Bai Jiangyu bowed again and said, "Thank you everyone, I decided that everyone should prepare for the battle!"


The strong men shouted Kaidō in unison, and then each left.

Bai Jiangyu was still very worried when he saw that everyone was united and left.

Then he came to the door of Tianhu Secret Realm, and he wanted to try to summon his father Bai Wudi.

If Bai Wudi comes out of the mountain, all crises can be lifted!

The last time Ditian brought a group of masters to ask for someone, he came here for help.

But Bai Wudi did not appear, but gave an instruction!

"Let Bai Xiaoru leave Qingqiu, this crisis is both her doom and her chance!"

It was precisely because of this instruction that Bai Jiangyu let Bai Xiaoru go out.

He called a few more times, but there was still no response, and in the end he had no choice but to leave.