
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 69 Fighting Against The Ancestors Of The Blood Domain

Chapter 69 Fighting Against The Ancestors Of The Blood Domain

When the situation is about to collapse!

The veiled Bai Xiaoru, Zong Wu and others arrived.

"It's not too late!" Bai Xiaoru smiled.

An Miaoling shook her head and continued to fight.

Among the people who came, Bai Xiaoru, Zong Wu, Bai Li Ce and Shang Guan Ya were the emperor-level combat power.

They are all armed with imperial soldiers, so they are very powerful in combat.

Zong Wu went directly to the Great Elder and quickly suppressed the Great Elder, but it would take some effort to kill him.

Despite the support of Zongwu and others, the crisis has not been resolved.

Because the ancestor of the blood domain can't handle it.

too strong!

Kun Yuanxian has been passively beaten, but fortunately, he is a demon corpse refined by Qin Tian and does not know the pain.

If this is a human, it is estimated that it can't hold it anymore.

But now Kun Yuanxian's body has begun to crack, and no matter how you look at it, it won't last long.


The ancestor of the blood domain is another blood domain mad knife!

One of Kun Yuanxian's arms was directly chopped off, but his arm did not bleed, and no one made any sound.

This scene made the ancestors of the blood domain feel very strange!

It also reminded him of the legendary corpse refining family.

After the broken arm, Kun Yuanxian's

combat power has declined, and he is not the opponent of the ancestor of the blood domain.

It wasn't long before it was chopped into several pieces and completely scrapped.

At this time, the ancestor of the blood domain looked at An Miaoling, "Are you desperate?"

After An Miaoling killed a holy realm powerhouse with a single sword, she looked at the ancestor of the blood domain.

The enemy is right in front of her eyes, and she really wants to take revenge, but she knows she can't beat it.

Just when An Miaoling was silent, the ancestor of the blood domain slapped over.

Broken Stars!

An Miaoling directly used her strongest move to meet her.

However, this is all in vain, because the gap between the two people's realm is too big to make up.

An Miaoling, who was shot directly by this move, was seriously injured.

Looking at the ancestor of the blood domain who was approaching step by step, An Miaoling decisively used the space-time order.

I thought to myself, I hope the master has left the customs, otherwise you will never see your apprentice again.

Qin Tian didn't let him down, a golden spirit body emerged from the space-time order.

Looking at the sudden appearance of the spiritual body, the ancestor of the blood domain stopped and asked, "Who are you?"

Qin Tian didn't answer, looked at An Miaoling and asked, "Is he your enemy?"

An Miaoling nodded.

After being confirmed, Qin Tian said: "Master, help you avenge."

After saying that, he went straight up.

Transform into a dragon!

Ancestral Dragon Claw!

Looking at Qin Tian's moves, the blood domain ancestor was a little afraid, "Dragon?"

But what he is afraid of is the dragon clan, not the spiritual body of Qin Tian.

Looking at the giant claws that were photographed, the ancestor of the blood domain did not panic at all, and raised the long sword of the imperial soldier in his hand and swung it hard.

The giant claw disappeared directly.

At this time, Qin Tian Qin also found that the opposite is not easy, it is much stronger than the general Holy Land three important, and there are also imperial soldiers.

If he fights like this, his spirit body will suffer a lot.

But now he has to delay the time until the main body arrives.

An Miaoling saw how powerful it was, and threw the ice glass sword directly, "Master takes the sword!"

Qin Tian charged up again after taking the ice glass sword.

Broken Stars!

When the ancestors of the blood domain showed no weakness, the blood domain mad knife!

This move Qin Tian fell behind, and the spiritual body dimmed a little.

He realized that he couldn't fight recklessly, and the spiritual body would not be able to insist on the arrival of the main body at all.

Later, he began to fight, trying not to take the attack of the ancestors of the blood domain.

After a few tricks, the ancestor of the blood domain discovered Qin Tian's intention.

The attack became more ferocious.

Qin Tian's spiritual body is also getting dimmer.

At this time, although the battle on Mu Qingqing's side had a great advantage, they were still worried.

Because once the ancestors of the blood domain freed their hands, none of them would be their opponents.

Now they can only pray that Qin Tian will come soon. laugh!

The spirit body was forced to retreat, and now it has become somewhat transparent.

The remaining spiritual power is not much, Qin Tian used the remaining spiritual power to make a move to swallow the sun and the moon.


The blood domain ancestor was repelled by several hundred meters, but Qin Tian's spiritual body dissipated.

The ice glass sword returned to An Miaoling's hand.

She began to look around hoping to see the voice, and everyone else was looking.

Including the ancestors of the blood domain.

After seeing that no one was there, the ancestor of the blood domain rushed towards An Miaoling.

After the previous fight, he felt that Qin Tian was unusual.

It's best to let the dust settle before his body arrives.

He just wants to kill An Miaoling now!


The ancestor of the blood domain was cut down with a knife.

When An Miaoling was about to raise her sword to resist.

A familiar figure hugged her slender waist and quickly ducked to the side to avoid the knife.

"Wow! Brother-in-law is so handsome!" Bai Xiaoxiao shouted in surprise.

Mu Qingqing looked envious, if only I was hugging her.

Zong Wu and others finally breathed a sigh of relief, if Qin Tian didn't come, they would be waiting to die.

Qin Tian felt a pity when he saw Kun Yuanxian's broken corpse.

So he looked at the ancestor of the blood domain, and wanted to make the ancestor of the blood domain into a demon corpse, but he felt that it was a bit inappropriate.

Because the ancestor of the blood domain is An Miaoling's enemy, this is an eyesore to watch every day.

Just when Qin Tian was thinking, An Miaoling in her arms twisted her body.

She was a little embarrassed to be watched by so many people.

Qin Tian knew that now was not the time to be tired, so he let go of An Miaoling.

Then, with a wave of the sword of life and death, a force of life poured into An Miaoling's body.

An Miaoling recovered quickly from her injuries.

Seeing Qin Tian's method, the blood domain ancestor was a little jealous.

Then Qin Tian switched the mood of death and opened the immortal body, and his breath became stronger.

The blood domain ancestor slashed over with a blood domain mad knife, wanting to try the depth of Qin Tian.

Qin Tian stabbed hard, "Broken Stars!"


The power of Qin Tian's sword skill directly penetrated the knife of the blood domain ancestor, causing direct damage to his body.


There were two wounds on the ancestor of the blood domain.

After being injured, the ancestor of the blood domain exploded in shape!

This time he also found that Qin Tian was much more powerful than before.

Qin Tian did not give him a chance to breathe and attacked again.

Start close combat.

But after a few tricks, the ancestor of the blood domain found that his imperial soldiers had been cut out of the gap.

"Are you a top-grade imperial soldier?" The blood domain ancestor said in shock.

Qin Tian shook his head and continued to attack.


The imperial soldiers of the ancestors of the blood domain finally broke apart!

Hearing this voice, everyone at the scene was extremely shocked, how could they cut off the imperial soldiers?

After the break of the imperial soldiers, the ancestors of the blood domain have lost their fighting spirit.

He didn't want to take revenge or anything.

Blood Shield!

The ancestor of the blood domain shouted, turned into a mass of blood and quickly escaped.

Qin Tian hurriedly slashed away with his flying sword! The speed is even faster than the blood shield of the ancestors of the blood domain!

Seeing the flying sword coming, the ancestor of the blood domain resolutely gave up the physical body, and the emperor's soul floated away.

At this time, it was too late for Qin Tian to chase again.

The Emperor Soul, blessed with the power of the blood shield, is too fast.

Qin Tian looked at An Miaoling apologetically and said, "I was careless, and even let his emperor escape!"

An Miaoling shook her head: "If the body is gone, Emperor Soul will be easy to deal with. We will find him sooner or later."

Qin Tian nodded.

On the other side, the first elder was a little lost after seeing the result of the ancestor of the blood domain, and was penetrated by Zong Wu's longevity knife.

The rest of the powerhouses in the Blood Region were almost killed because of Bai Xiaoru and others joining in.