
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 67 The National War Begins

Chapter 67 The National War Begins

After An Miaoling returned to the imperial palace, she did not go out again, waiting for Qin Tian to go out.

Another half month passed, Qin Tian finally went out.


"Uncle Qin!"

Qin Tian, ​​who had just gone out, heard the shouts of the two women.

He took out a middle-grade imperial sword and handed it to Mu Qingqing, "See if you like it!"

Mu Qingqing took the sword, and after checking it, she said happily, "I like it! Thank you Uncle Qin!"

Then she immediately began to recognize the Lord, and suddenly a vision of heaven and earth appeared over the imperial capital.

The Ice Queen in the depths of the imperial palace also showed a smile.

After Mu Qingqing recognized the master, he said goodbye politely to Qin Tian and left in a hurry.

Qin Tian is also in a good mood at this moment, because this time he has also refined three medicinal pills of the middle grade of the emperor.

Middle-grade medicinal herbs are far stronger than low-grade medicinal herbs.

After he has absorbed a pill, added some early accumulation, and then signed in, he should be able to directly break through the Emperor Realm.

After getting along with An Miaoling for a while, Qin Tian handed An Miaoling a middle-grade medicine pill.

"Is this a middle-grade emperor?" An Miaoling was shocked!

She had also absorbed one of the middle-rank emperor rank before, and knew the preciousness of this medicinal pill, and in terms of value, he was no less than the emperor soldier.

"Master is amazing!" Qin Tian nodded and said proudly.

"Master Xie!" An Miaoling thanked her very gently.

Then he took out the Qingluo Ruyi cloud pattern shirt he bought and handed it to Qin Tian, ​​"I also have a gift for the master."

Qin Tian took the Qingluo Ruyi cloud pattern shirt in surprise. This was the first time he received a gift.

Qin Tian changed his clothes directly.

After putting on the Qingluo Ruyi cloud pattern shirt, the whole person has a little more airy temperament.

"Does it look good!" Qin Tian asked.


"Have you bought it for yourself! Quickly wear it and show it to the master."

After An Miaoling heard this, she immediately remembered the ultra-thin underwear she bought, and said with a blushing face:

"don't want!"

Qin Tian was surprised when he saw An Miaoling's expression.

So he secretly decided that he would visit An Miaoling's boudoir more in the future, and sooner or later he would see what he wanted to see.

Then the two went to retreat with the medicine pill.

Ten days later, An Miaoling left the customs.

Under the impetus of the huge medicinal power of the middle grade of the emperor, she broke through to the second level of the holy realm.

In addition, there is still a lot of residual medicinal power in her body, and it will take a while to digest!

An Miaoling went to see Qin Tian first after leaving the customs, but Qin Tian was still in retreat!

From the breath, it can be felt that Qin Tian's breath has become stronger.

Seeing this, she didn't bother.

Then she learned that the Haotian Empire and the ancestors of the blood domain jointly launched an attack on the Haotian Empire.

In more than ten days, the Haotian Empire had already captured nine cities.

Now the entire Haotian Empire is in panic!

According to this progress, the Haotian Empire will be destroyed in two or three months.

After hearing the news, An Miaoling was a little worried that her enemies had united.

The ancestors of the blood domain made all the shots, most likely because he killed his son before.

In the end, she decided to fight against the ancestors of the blood domain and the Kunyuan Empire together with the Haotian Empire.

She left a message to the master first, and then went to find Mu Qingqing, but at this moment Mu Qingqing had already gone to the front line.

After asking about the location, An Miaoling took Kun Yuanxian to find it.

In order to speed up the progress, the Kunyuan Empire and the ancestors of the blood domain launched an attack on the Haotian Empire in two directions.

Early Yuan City!

Mu Qingqing, her aunt Mu Yun and an old Ou are fighting the men of the blood ancestor.

Among them are the Demon Lord, Luo Hu and others.

It was Mu Qingqing who fought against the Demon Lord.

Although Mu Qingqing was only at the first level of the Emperor Realm, she still had the upper hand with the Emperor Armament in her hand.

After the Demon Lord and Mu Qingqing fought several times, his martial skills were completely damaged.

Therefore, he did not dare to summon the newly cultivated life Gu, because it was too fragile.

At this time, he missed his previous life Gu.

Thinking of this, he is even more ruthless Qin Tian.

Mu Qingqing became more and more brave in battle, and the royal sword skills emerged one after another.

Emperor-rank mid-grade martial skill - Haoran Sword Qi! Following Mu Qingqing's coquettish shout, a huge

sword qi suddenly smashed down.

The Demon Lord's expression changed dramatically, because Mu Qingqing's move just restrained their demon cultivator.

It's too late to run now, he can only force this move.

He turned into a mass of black gas and slammed into it.

The collision between the black energy and the sword energy was temporarily stalemate.

The huge energy aftermath spread to all around.

The powerhouses under the Emperor Realm within one kilometer were directly overturned by this air wave.

Mu Qingqing continued to send sword qi to the sword qi.

The Demon Lord in the black gas couldn't hold on anymore, and he shouted, "Come and help!"

A second-level powerhouse of the Emperor Realm who was slaughtering rushed over to save the siege.

He condensed a huge black palm in the void and slammed it towards Mu Qingqing.

Feeling the powerful attack, Mu Qingqing needed to resist, but she was a little unwilling.

Because he can kill the demon master in three seconds.

If you give up now, you will still be hurt.

Just when she was about to give up and resist the giant black palm.

A silver light lasing came and slammed into the black giant palm.


The giant palm was directly dissipated by the silver light, turning into black gas and dissipating in the air.

When the silver light stopped, everyone realized that this was a girl with a sword.

The girl overwhelmed the country and the city, but her expression was colder.

After the crisis was resolved, Mu Qingqing broke out violently and pressed down.


The black gas that the demon master turned into was directly shaken away.

Then it changed back to its main body and fell to the ground.

Mu Qingqing turned around and said gratefully, "Thank you, Sister An!"

An Miao nodded slightly and said solemnly, "The ancestor of the blood domain is also my enemy, we help each other!"

After hearing this, Mu Qingqing's mouth immediately evoked a good-looking range!

Because if An Miaoling joins, Qin Tian should also join.

In this way, it can just make up for their lack of top combat power.

At this time, the Demon Lord, who was already seriously injured, stood up tremblingly, ready to run.

But at the beginning, he was killed by An Miaoling with a sword from the air.

After the death of a second-level Emperor Realm combat power, the battle situation was reversed.

At this moment, a powerhouse of the third emperor realm appeared in the field.

Mu Qingqing instantly showed a look of fear, "This is the Great Elder of the Blood Region Mountain, the first person under the Blood Region Patriarch."

An Miaoling had also heard of this person, but he was only at the second level of the Emperor Realm before and did not expect to break through now.

Although she lost to the third level of the Emperor Realm, she was not afraid at all, because Kun Yuanxian was there.

Mu Qingqing shouted decisively, "Withdraw, let's withdraw first!"

But she just ran a few steps and found that An Miaoling didn't move. She could only stop and shout, "Sister An, let's withdraw first!"

"The third level of the Emperor Realm is not something we can contend against!"

An Miaoling turned her head and said

lightly, "It's okay!"

Then I saw a black-robed man with a spear rushing towards the elder of the Bloody Mountain.

After just fighting a few moves, the elder was surprised to find that the opponent was someone he knew.

"You are Kun Yuanxian?" The Great Elder shouted in surprise!

This shout made everyone stunned, they had all heard of Kun Yuanxian's name.

After all, that was the god of war of the Kun Yuan Empire.

But why would he defect?

Kun Yuanxian, who was made into a demon corpse, naturally wouldn't answer him, and some just charged again and again.

In the end, the elder was injured and lost, so he could only escape with someone to move rescue soldiers.

Then she pointed to Kun Yuanxian and asked, "What's going on here?"

She always saw a man in black robe behind An Miaoling.

But she didn't care, she thought it was a bodyguard or a guardian.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the enemy god of war Kun Yuanxian.

An Miaoling shook her head and said, "I don't know the specifics. It was the master who arranged to protect me. It should be controlled by the master!"

under control? Mu Qingqing was a little stunned, a third-level emperor can still be controlled.

This kind of terrifying means is terrifying to think about.