
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 65 An Miaoling Is Here

Chapter 65 An Miaoling Is Here

The people below who heard this sentence envy for a while, who doesn't want the imperial soldiers?

The banquet time was three days, Qin Tian got up and left after eating something.

Mu Qingqing and Empress Bingxuan also chased after them, wanting to talk to Qin Tian.

Speaking of which, Empress Bingxuan only met Qin Tian.

Qin Tian's impression of Empress Bingxuan was that she couldn't see through.

Even if she used the royal secret method, how to investigate Qin Tian is in the agile period.

After walking out of the palace, Qin Tian said, "If the blueprint materials are ready, I can help you refine them now."

Mu Qingqing was overjoyed after hearing this, and then quickly said, "It's ready."

She took out the blueprints and materials from the ring and asked tentatively, "Can Uncle Qin refine the imperial soldiers of the middle grade?"

Qin Tian fell into silence, because it took more than ten days to refine the middle-grade imperial soldiers, which was a long time.

Seeing Qin Tian's silence, Mu Qingqing thought she couldn't make it, so she quickly said, "If it doesn't work, forget it, I'll just talk about it casually."

Qin Tian pondered, "It's not impossible, it just takes a long time."

Mu Qingqing's mother and daughter were shocked when they heard Qin Tian's words.

Unexpectedly, Qin Tian could actually make a middle-rank emperor soldier.

Qin Tian's image was raised a bit in their hearts.

But they also heard the meaning in Qin Tian's words, but felt that the time was long.

If this is the case, it is enough for them to pay Qin Tian a satisfactory reward.

After the mother and daughter discussed, Mu Qingqing said, "If possible, I still hope that Uncle Qin can help me refine the imperial soldiers of the middle grade."

"I'll give you two mid-grade imperial weapon refining materials, in addition to one mid-grade imperial elixir, and two low-grade elixir as a reward."

Qin Tian was also a little surprised when he heard that there was an elixir of the middle grade of the emperor.

"Okay, I'll help you refine it."

Mu Qingqing was overjoyed after hearing Qin Tian's promise, and then took out the materials and elixir and handed them over to Qin Tian.

The emperor-rank middle-grade elixir is a 15,000-year-old snow ginseng, and the aura on it is compelling.

It is indeed much better than the elixir obtained the day before yesterday.

After Qin Tian put away the things, he came to the refining room in the palace, ready to close the refining device.

Even with two materials, he planned to directly train two imperial soldiers, and he also planned to finish the medicinal pills of the middle grade of the emperor.

After Qin Tian put the material on the table, then Qin Tian took out the Heavenly God Hammer and started refining.

With the Heavenly God's Hammer, the first step requires much less effort, and the speed can also be improved.

Mood Painting Studio.

After An Miaoling left the customs, she saw the master's message, saying that she was going to attend Mu Qingqing's succession banquet.

Mu Qingqing also sent her an invitation, and he checked the time, which was the second day of the banquet.

So she was going to take a look, just to relax.

Of course, it may also be that she is not very concerned about the astringent master.

An Miaoling also brought a man in black robe when she went out this time, which was arranged by Qin Tian to protect her.

The two quickly rushed out of Qingyun City to Haotian City.

When she was about to arrive at Haotian City, An Miaoling put on a veil to cover her prosperous face.

Then she took the man in black robe and walked to the imperial palace.

Although An Miaoling was wearing a veil, it also caused many male cultivators to turn back frequently.

Because even in Haotian City, there are not many beauties with temperament like An Miaoling.

While walking, someone came up to chat up.

"The girl is from out of town!"

"I'm the captain of Hao Qiwei. I'm familiar with Haotian City. I can be a tour guide for the girl."

"No need!" An Miaoling said coldly.

Seeing what the man wanted to say, An Miaoling directly released the sword intent that contained killing intent.

Directly scared the other party back again and again.

Soon she came to the gate of the imperial palace.

There are guards at the door, so she can't break through.

So she gave Qin Tian a sound transmission, but Qin Tian did not return to her, and finally she could only give a sound transmission to Mu Qingqing.

As soon as the sound transmission was completed, two men came, one of whom was the one who had chatted with An Miaoling before.

"Big brother, this beauty is not bad!" The man in white, known as the big brother, nodded with satisfaction, "It is true that there is a rare quality in the world, and it should not be worse than Xiao Meng of Xiao family."

The man in white came over and said with a smile, "The girl wants to see the style of the new emperor!"

"I can take you in if needed."

An Miaoling glanced at it and said, "No need, someone will pick me up soon."

"Oh! Could it be that the girl is the daughter of that city?" the man in white asked.


"If your family's official position is not high, it is very difficult to see the new emperor. I am a captain of Hao Qiwei."

"If you follow me, the palace can be said to be unimpeded!" The man in white said that he was a little proud.

An Miaoling ignored him.

The man in white frowned as he thought, waiting to find out the identity of the woman and making calculations.

It didn't take long for Mu Qingqing to appear in a dragon robe.

The man in white and the others hurriedly knelt down!

Then the man in white saw that An Miaoling was motionless, so he quickly said, "Empress Mutian is here, why don't you kneel?"

An Miaoling not only did not kneel, but stepped forward and said:

"Congratulations, I just got out of customs!"

Mu Qingqing's smiling Kaidō: "As long as Sister An can come!"

An Miaoling didn't speak polite words, so she asked directly, "Where is my master? I can't even send him a voice transmission!"

"Uncle Qin is in retreat and refining, maybe he didn't see it!"

The man in white kneeling beside him heard the conversation between the two women, and he was already sweating coldly.

Unexpectedly, An Miaoling turned out to be the apprentice of Master Qin, the imperial refiner.

The Gong Yu family of the four major families in the previous imperial capital was expelled because of offending Master Qin.

Not to mention the captain himself.

Then he began to recall every sentence he had said before, whether there was any sin against An Miaoling in that sentence.

After chatting a few words, the two women walked towards the depths of the imperial palace, and the man in black robe followed behind.

Just when the man in white thought he had escaped, he heard An Miaoling say something.

"That person said just now that he can travel freely in the imperial palace."

The man in white was shocked, and slapped himself hard, thinking to himself, "I won't put on a fork in the future."

An Miaoling followed Mu Qingqing for a drink, and asked Mu Qingqing to arrange a room for her to rest.

She likes quietness!

She has been waiting for half a month, Qin Tian has not left the customs yet!

Mu Qingqing had just succeeded to the throne, and there were many things to do, so she seldom came to An Miaoling.

So she prepared to go out for a walk by herself, by the way, to see if the emperor had any nice dresses.

After all, wearing those pieces all the time, the master will get tired of it!

She brought Kun Yuanxian, the man in black robe, to the largest royal firm in Haotian City.

Kun Yuanxian was waiting downstairs, while she went up to choose.

There are top-quality dresses here, which are much better than those seen in Chongming!

So An Miaoling is also choosing carefully.

She wouldn't be shy when Qin Tian wasn't around, especially when she was shopping for obscene clothes.

She bought and chose three pieces in total, and she blushed a little when she picked the last one.

Because of which material is thinner.

When she bought it, she thought to herself, I just collect it, I won't wear it.

Unless... wait until I finish my revenge!

Later, she chose for herself a top-quality color-sleeved pleated phoenix-tail skirt.

For so many years, it seems that the master has given him things, and it seems that he has not bought anything for him.

After choosing for a long time, she finally chose a Qingluo Ruyi cloud pattern shirt. She felt that Qin Tian should be very temperamental.

After buying clothes, she walked outside the store, but she saw a person before she took a few steps.

Then her expression became cold, and then she showed a lot of killing intent.

Because this person is called blood frivolous, the son of her enemy, the ancestor of the blood domain.

She watched Xue go out of the city frivolously, she quickly followed, and she didn't really want to do it in the city.