
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 62 Capture The Dragon Vein

Chapter 62 Capture The Dragon Vein

It's like selling Qin Tian a favor.

Anyway, he can't get the dragon pulse.

The addition of Xiao Zhan temporarily eased Zongwu's dilemma.

But this is only temporary, because both of them are injured, and they will definitely lose after a long time.

On the other hand, Qin Tian's seal is coming to an end.


The dragon pulse was taken into his body at once.


[Congratulations on completing the Huafan task! ]

[Reward: The best emperor-level, Jiutian Xuan stove! ]

[Reward: The best of the emperor, the god's hammer! ]

[Reward: Supreme Secret Technique, Magic Sound Control Corpse Technique! ]

[Sign-in reward increased by 30%! ]

After finally completing this task, the reward is also very rich.

Jiutian Xuan stove and Tianshen hammer, these two are used for alchemy and alchemy.

When you reach the top-grade and top-grade emperor rank, you can't practice it without a good alchemy furnace and a forging hammer.

That is to say, at present, the alchemists and alchemists in Zhongzhou can only make middle grades.

Finally, he looked at the magic sound control corpse technique, which is the secret technique of the supreme order.

Magic sound control corpse: use magic sound to control corpse, the corpse level is the supreme rank and

below, and you can control one more per level.

This secret method is amazing!

That is to say, if there is a corpse of the supreme rank now, then you can have a younger brother of the supreme rank.

But at this stage, the Kun Yuanxian in front of him can be controlled and used first.

Now Kun Yuanxian has completely suppressed Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan.

Qin Tian took out the sword of life and death, bent his legs slightly, and jumped forward.

It came to the top of Kun Yuanxian's head.

Broken Stars!

The sword pointed down and stabbed sharply.

The powerful killing intent made Kun Yuanxian horrified.

He knew that he had greatly underestimated the young man in front of him.

At this time, he could only raise his spear to block this move.


The strange power of Broken Star exploded on him directly through the spear.

At this point he was frightened.

If it wasn't for his high realm, he would have been blown away by this.

Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan also finally realized Qin Tian's strength, and one move hurts the third level of the Emperor Realm, which is so terrifying!

Qin Tian did not talk about martial arts behind, three people besieged, Qin Tian is the main.

Kun Yuanxian, who was beaten, was injured more and more, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to run.

Kun Yuanxian stood in the circle of three people with a hideous expression on his face.

He stared at Qin Tian and said, "You don't give me a way to live, so let's die together!"

After speaking, Kun Yuanxian took out a talisman.

A trace of lightning flashed across the talisman, which contained terrifying energy.

Feeling this energy, Qin Tian's scalp felt numb.

"Young Master Qin, be careful, this is the Nine Nether God Thunder Talisman passed down by the ancestors of the Kun Yuan Empire."

"The power of this talisman is comparable to a half-step supreme strike."

Qin Tian was also surprised after hearing this, but he did not retreat.

Chong Yin Yang!

Qin Tian roared, and the sword of life and death blasted away with the energy of yin and yang.

At the moment when Fu Zhuan was urged, the sword of life and death did not enter Kun Yuanxian's heart.


A thunderous thunder flashed in the air, and the dark clouds covered it, as if a more powerful thunder was brewing.

At this time Qin Tian also took back the life and death sword, but he could feel that he was locked.

A few people next to him also felt this terrifying power and looked worried.

Especially An Miaoling, who clenched the ice glass sword in both hands and felt like she wanted to rush up.

boom! ! !

A thunder with the thickness of a bucket suddenly fell!

Broken Stars!

Qin Tian shouted angrily and greeted him with the sword of life and death.


The ground was directly split into a huge pit.

Countless dusts were raised, blocking the sight, Qin Tian's life and death were uncertain.


An Miaoling shouted anxiously and rushed into the giant pit.

At this time, the sky gradually returned to clear!

In the giant pit, An Miaoling tightly hugged Qin Tian who was overflowing with blood from the corner of his mouth.

Then put the medicine pill into Qin Tian's mouth all the time.

Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan watched from above the giant pit without disturbing the master and the disciple.

After plugging in five or six medicinal pills in succession, Qin Tian still did not wake up.

An Miaoling was anxious.

The attack just now, even if she was at the peak of her previous life, could not resist.

So she couldn't help but think about it, and the tears kept dripping down.

Qin Tian, ​​who was in a daze, felt that his face and lips were a little wet, so he licked it subconsciously.

"So salty!" Qin Tian murmured softly.

Hearing these three words, An Miaoling, who was thinking wildly, came back to her senses.

Then she saw Qin Tian slowly opened her eyes.

When Qin Tian woke up and saw An Miaoling with tears, he knew why things were so salty.

He raised his hand to wipe An Miaoling's tears, and said, "Master is fine!"

An Miaoling nodded slightly, then became shy, because she also noticed that Qin Tian's mouth was wet.

Qin Tian is fine now.

The powerful body and the supreme weapon, the Sword of Life and Death, helped him resist most of the damage.

He slowly got up and took Kun Yuanxian's body back into the ring.

Then look around, those who haven't left are directly scared away by Qin Tian's eyes.

Then he switched to the artistic conception of life, and a violent sword wave slashed towards Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan.

This mutation, both of them were scared to pee, and directly forgot to resist. When they came back to their senses, they found that their injuries were recovering at a very fast speed.

The two were extremely shocked by this magical method!

An Miaoling covered her mouth and chuckled, she knew that the master must have done it on purpose.

Seeing An Miaoling laughing, Qin Tian said, "This time it's an interest. It won't be long before I take you to the Kunyuan Empire."

"Yeah!" An Miaoling responded without saying anything.

Then Tian Qin pretended to be weak and returned to Yijinghuazhai with the help of An Miaoling.

Zong Wu and Xiao Zhan stayed behind to clean up the battlefield. So many people died before, and there

were a lot of spoils.

After returning to Yijinghuazhai, Qin Tian took the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon that he had killed before into a medicine pool.

Then he pulled An Miaoling, and Bai Xiaoru took a medicinal bath with herself.

Originally, the two women refused, but Qin Tian pretended to be pitiful, saying that his injury was not yet healed, and it was dangerous to take a medicinal bath alone.

In the end, the two women agreed, looking at the two stunning beauties wearing the underwear they bought, standing on either side.

This picture is indescribable!

After the medicinal power of the medicine pool and the blood of the five-clawed golden dragon came into play, An Miaoling had already started to breathe like a blue orchid, and her face was blushing.

Then the two got closer and closer, and it didn't take long for the two hot bodies to embrace each other.

On the side, Bai Xiaoru was peeking with a blushing face.

Qin Tian sighed, "She is taking advantage of being a teacher again."

"Then you can push her away!" Bai Xiaoru said.

Qin Tian didn't answer, but said: "Our master and apprentice just increase their relationship and help each other."

"You didn't see that Miao Ling's body is constantly strengthening. If you also have this need, the master will also help you."


Bai Xiaoru quickly distanced herself from Qin Tian and said, "As beautiful as you want!"

After the medicated bath was absorbed, An Miaoling immediately distanced herself from Qin Tian, ​​then blushed and said coquettishly, "Master, I won't take the medicated bath with you anymore."

Qin Tian smiled and said, "Who can say what will happen in the future!"

Afterwards, Qin Tian placed the Qinglongmai in the inner courtyard and began to study the magic sound control corpse book.

This study lasted for more than three months, and he finally achieved the first level, which was able to control a corpse.

So he took out Kun Yuanxian's corpse and began to use the magic sound control corpse technique.

It didn't take long for him to feel that he had an inexplicable connection with Kun Yuanxian.

You can use the magic sound to issue instructions to him.

Then Qin Tian prepared a black robe for him, and his weapon was his imperial long spear.

Now he finally has the combat power of a third-level emperor.

Then he went to Bai Xiaoru, feeling that he hadn't talked to her for a long time, and he still missed her a bit.

As soon as he walked to the door, he heard Bai Xiao: "Brother-in-law doesn't love you anymore, I haven't come to see you for so long."

Qin Tian pushed in the door, "Didn't I come to see you guys?"

Bai Xiaoxiao was slightly embarrassed.

"Brother-in-law, I'm going out to play, you can do it yourself." After that, she ran away.

At this time, Bai Xiaoru sat quietly on the chair, still so beautiful.

Qin Tian walked over, picked up Bai Xiaoru and walked to the bed.

"You... what are you doing?" She was a little panicked by Qin Tian's actions.

He's not going to take me that way! Thinking of this, Bai Xiaoru's face turned red.


I will reject him!

Swear to death!

Just when Bai Xiaoru was thinking wildly, Qin Tian threw him on the bed and went to the mountain himself.

"Sit more spacious here!"

? ? That's it?

Bai Xiaoru originally thought that Qin Tian was going to do something to herself.

"Did you miss me!" Qin Tian asked.

"No!" Bai Xiaoru refused to admit it.

"Show your tail and lie down for me."

Bai Xiaoru's mouth was a little unhappy, and Qin Tian began to miss her tail again.

"I reject!"

"I'm your master, you can't refuse."

"I'm going to refuse!" Bai Xiaoru said tenderly.

Qin Tian looked cute when Bai Xiaoru pouted.

Even if Bai Xiaoru didn't give him a tail pillow, he moved his head to Bai Xiaoru's thigh.

Bai Xiaoru's face instantly turned red, "Get up for me."

She lifted Qin Tian's head vigorously, but Qin Tian's head seemed to be stuck on her leg and couldn't lift it at all.

After trying for a while, she gave up, "Why are you free to come to me today?" Bai Xiaoru asked.

"Didn't I say I miss you!"

"I think you miss my tail!" Bai Xiaoru said angrily.

"Isn't that the same, doesn't the tail grow on you!"

She knew that she couldn't say enough about Qin Tian, ​​so she didn't say it.

The two fell silent.

Qin Tian lay on her lap, soft and fragrant and very comfortable.

He wanted to lie down like this for three days and three nights.

After a while, Qin Tian asked, "Are you cruel to your parents?"

After being silent for a while, Bai Xiaoru said, "I don't hate it, they had no choice but to let me go in the end."

"Then do you want to go home?" Qin Tian continued to ask.

There was a flash of anticipation in Bai Xiaoru's eyes when she heard returning home, but it was only a flash, she did not answer Qin Tian's question.

"Tell me when you want to go back, and I'll take you back."

After saying that, Qin Tian closed his eyes and started to be intoxicated.

Qin Tian seemed to be really tired, and it seemed that he slept soundly because he was very comfortable.

In the middle, Bai Xiaoxiao peeked twice and Qin Tian didn't wake up.

When her younger sister saw her intimate appearance with Qin Tian, ​​she was shy for a while.

The sky was getting dark gradually, Qin Tian also slept for a long time, so Bai Xiaoru wanted to wake him up.

Looking at Qin Tian's handsome little face, she couldn't help pinching it twice.

Then he leaned down mischievously and blew against Qin Tian's eyelashes.

Qin Tian pushed his hand subconsciously, as if he had hit something soft.

So he pushed it again, it was very comfortable, he felt that the breath of the orchid was more urgent, Qin Tian opened his eyes, and Bai Xiaoru was shyly preparing to distance himself from him.

The arms of both hands cover the front of the front, and the lines outlined by the luxurious Xingyue glazed skirt are very full, but there are some small folds and small messes between the raised chest at the moment…

With long hair and a shawl, her cheeks were white and flushed, and Bai Xiao stared at Qin Tian so shyly,

with a bit of obvious anger and complaints, plus a very low hum.

Then Bai Xiaoru hurriedly shrank back and threw Qin Tian's head down.