
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 58 Auction

Chapter 58 Auction

As the day of the auction draws nearer, the number of people in Qingyun City is also increasing.

Even the powerhouses of the Emperor Realm came to nearly 20, but they were basically the first Emperor Realm.

The venue chosen by Linzhou is very large and can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

It was remodeled with a large colosseum, and a lot of private rooms were made above it for the emperor realm powerhouse.

In this auction, in addition to the three emperor-rank low-grade medicinal pills and three half-emperor soldiers provided by Qin Tian, ​​there are also many other auction items.

They also want to take this opportunity to sell at a good price.

Finally came the day of the auction.

In order to deter those who have ideas, Qin Tian asked Zong Wu and Bai Li Ce to go to the town.

In addition, after Xiao Zhan got the news, he also spontaneously brought people to help maintain order.

Seeing that the people below this lineup are talking about it.

"What's the background of this Lin's business, so he can let Master Baili and General Xiao sit for him."

"Yeah, this lineup is comparable to an auction held by the royal family."

"Haha, there were some old people who had some ideas before, but now I'm afraid I'm going to be cowardly."

In the discussion of the powerful people below.

Lin Wan wore a beautiful red dress and walked to the auction stand in the middle.

Host the auction in the spotlight.

Qin Tian was also present, and he was going to buy some Ten Thousand Years elixir and imperial-level refining materials.

Qin Tian wasn't interested in the Heaven-ranked items in front.

At the back, the climax came, and the materials and elixir of the emperor-level weapon began to appear.

A total of three Imperial Item Refining Materials and five Ten Thousand Years Elixir.

They were all won by Qin Tian.

You can directly use the pills and weapons he auctioned to pay for it later.

This move of Qin Tian also makes a lot of people unhappy, is also guessing Qin Tian's identity at the same time.

So proud.

They were a little worried that Qin Tian would bid for the medicine pill and weapon.

But fortunately he didn't, and all the emperor realm powerhouses bid one after another, because this kind of thing is hard to see.

The final auction ended successfully, plus the elixir and refining materials obtained from the previous auction.

Qin Tian obtained a total of six imperial refining materials and nine Ten Thousand Years elixir.

After putting away the things, Qin Tian rushed to Yijinghuazhai, but he was stopped by an Emperor Realm 1st layer powerhouse before he went too far.

"Boy hand over the materials and elixir you bought, and I will spare your life."

Qin Tian looked around, and he could feel that several emperors were watching him.

The man in front of him was just a bird in his early days.

"If you have the ability, come and grab it!" Qin Tian said lightly.

The emperor realm was a little hesitant, the previous sentence was just a test, and behind his back he was ready to escape.

He can feel that Qin Tian is unusual, because he cannot detect Qin Tian's strength.

But Qin Tian has the financial resources and fearlessness, so he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Seeing that he didn't dare to make a move, Qin Tian continued to walk.

The face of the Emperor Realm powerhouse began to struggle, but in the end he held back.

He endured it, but a second-level emperor realm cultivator in the dark couldn't bear it, because he was confident.

Since no one dared to probe the bottom, he could only go up on his own.

Mo Xiu didn't talk nonsense, he just slashed with a knife when he came up.

Qin Tian felt it and pulled out the knife around his waist to block.


Mo Xiu took a few steps back, while Qin Tian moved back several dozen meters.

He carried this move with his flesh alone.

The demon cultivator caught up and slashed out again.


Zong Wu appeared and took over the move.

"Why do you want to help him? Don't you want to share a piece of the pie?" Mo Xiu said coldly.

He recognized that Zong Wu was the one who sat at the auction before.

"He is my son, why do you think I should help him?" Zong Wu said murderously. son? Mo Xiu looked at Qin Tian in surprise, then smiled, "I'm reckless, so I won't bother."

After talking about the magic cultivator, he was ready to leave, and he couldn't take advantage of Zong Wu.

Zong Wu looked to Qin Tian for advice.

Qin Tian said indifferently, "Since the shot is made, then there will be a price to pay, kill it."

At this moment, Zong Wu is not hesitating, and it just so happens that he also wants to try his new sword technique.

He rushed towards the demon cultivator like a shadow and killed him.

Seeing this, Mo Xiu's face became gloomy.

Magic palm!

A huge black palm slapped towards Zong Wu, who was rushing towards him.

Zong Wu paused for a while, slashed with a knife, and the black palm directly turned into black energy and dissipated in the air.

Seeing that his unique move was easily resolved, the magic cultivator was a little scared.

Demon clone!

After Mo Xiu gave a light drink, he suddenly turned into six shadows and ran in different directions.

"Do you still want to run?"

Zong Wu coldly snorted and made a unique move, "The first style of the Heaven-Breaking Sabre cuts in all directions."

Suddenly, a powerful energy was centered on Zongwu, split into eight forces, and blasted away in all directions.

When the energy came into contact with the clone, the clone dissipated directly, only the main body was knocked to the ground, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Zong Wu rushed over and resorted to the second style, slashing without interruption.

A dazzling knife wave slashed past.

Mo Xiu panicked and picked up his weapon to resist, but it was all in vain.

His weapon was directly cut off, but he himself was cut into two pieces.

The powerhouses watching nearby were amazed, this combat power is afraid that it is directly chasing the third level of the Emperor Realm.

The Emperor Realm 1st Layer, who hadn't done it before, was also secretly grateful. Fortunately, he didn't do it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to escape the result of being cut in half.

Then Zong Wu picked up Mo Xiu's storage ring and followed Qin Tian back to Yijing Huazhai.

Qin Tian now owns a total of 20 imperial price low-grade elixir and three refining materials.

These things are enough for him to refine for a long time.

However, he still needs to ask Lin to collect some auxiliary medicines before he can start alchemy.

Now that there are more resources in hand, it is time to call Shangguanya and others.

He gave Zong Wu two letters and asked him to go for a run, one was for Shangguan Ya Sisheng.

The other letter was addressed to Mo Wentian. If there is a younger generation of disciples in the sect

who are willing to come to Zhongzhou, they can bring it over to him for training.

After Zong Wu left, Qin Tian went to find An Miaoling, and she started to consolidate after comprehending Sword Domain.

It should be almost there by now.


Qin Tian came to the door of An Miao Lingwu, just about to push the door to go in, but found that there was a formation at the door.

Is it?

A vivid picture appeared in Qin Tian's mind.

So he carefully found the loophole of the formation and broke it aside.

Then he leaned in front of the window and looked into the room. Under the light of the candlelight, he could see a figure in the room undressing.

One piece!

Two pieces!

Miao Ling usually wears three pieces, but one is missing.

Thinking of this, he breathed a little faster, after all, he had never seen the whole thing.

Just when he was about to see the true face of Mount Lu, an embarrassed voice came out:


Careless! Careless!

Qin Tian knew that it was because he was too excited just now and his breath was chaotic.

When it was discovered, Qin Tian simply pushed the door and went in.

"You??" An Miaoling hid behind the tub shyly.

"What are you hiding, because the teacher knows that you are still wearing one!"