
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 39 Layout

Chapter 39 Layout

After seeing Qin Tian lightly, he frowned. Although Qin Tian has a very high appearance, he is only a mortal.

In her heart, she looked down on mortals.

When Qianxue saw Qianwei come in, she quickly said, "Sister, this son is here to hide from the rain. He said that he knows the author of The Legend of the White Snake!"

Qianwei looked at Qin Tian, ​​but she didn't believe it.

"You just stay here and don't run around. When the rain stops, you can leave quickly." Qianwei said coldly, then turned around and left in disgust.

Qianxue said awkwardly, "My sister may not like strangers."

Qin Tian nodded and didn't care, he was just a passerby!

After some conversation just now, Qianxue felt that Qin Tian was a person with a lot of connotation.

It's a pity that such a person is just a mortal.

So she took out a copy of the low-grade exercises and handed it to Qin Tian.

"Young Master, this is a cultivation method. You can use it to practice. After stepping into the Immortal Dao, you will not have to worry about birth, old age, sickness and death."

This move of Qianxue made Qin Tian quite fond of him, so he decided to form a good relationship.

Qin Tian did not take the exercises given by Qianxue, but took out half of the Sutra of Sitting and Forgetting Longevity from his arms and said:

"You don't need your exercises, I have a better one here."

After speaking, Qin Tian handed over the exercises:

"Give it to you as a thank you for the girl's hospitality. I just hope that the girl will not teach it to others."

Qianxue subconsciously took over the Sutra of Longevity and began to read it, and she was shocked when she saw it, because her cultivation technique reached the third level of the semi-sacred at most.

But Qin Tian's book can be cultivated to the third level of the Holy Realm, and it is very mysterious.

After watching it for a while, she realized something. She believed that as long as she cultivated, she would be able to break through to the second level of the Creation Realm in a short period of time.

Qianxue was a little embarrassed when she looked at this exercise, because this exercise was too valuable, and it was so called without merit.

She is a person who doesn't like to owe favors, but this exercise is too important to her.

After hesitating for a moment, Qianxue gritted her teeth and returned the exercise to Qin Tian, ​​"Young Master, this exercise is too precious, I..."

Qin Tian didn't expect Qianxue to have such a noble quality, so he couldn't help but glance at it.

Qianxue's aptitude is still very good, it is a holy rank, but her aptitude still contains a trace of ancient times, which means that her aptitude has the opportunity to be promoted to the emperor's rank.

It's just that the price that needs to be spent is very high, but Qin Tian is also willing to forge this good relationship.

"Let's do it, you can take the exercise first, and you can promise me a condition next time you meet."

In the end, Qianxue could not resist the temptation of the exercises and agreed.

Then make sure that no one will see the exercises, including her sister.

At this time the rain also stopped, Qin Tian was ready to go out hunting.

The moment Qin Tian walked out of the house, Qianxue asked, "Where can I find Young Master in the future?"

"Qingyun City, artistic conception painting studio." Qin Tian replied and slowly disappeared from Qianxue's field of vision.

Not long after Qin Tian left, Qianwei came back. She looked at Qianxue and said displeasedly:

"Don't let this kind of mortal enter Zhuangzi in the future. He is not the same as us."

Qianxue bit her lip and tried to explain a few words, but in the end she still didn't say it.

Because she knows her sister's character and is more snobby.

At the same time, she has a feeling that Qin Tian is not a mortal, but a peerless master.

Qianwei looked at Preacher White Snake on the table again, "If you have time to practice more, don't keep looking at these things, it's contaminated with mortal popularity, you must understand what situation we are in now."

On the other hand, Qin Tian continued to search deeply for the Demon King, and it was still difficult to meet the Demon King in the periphery of the Qingyun Mountains. Looking for him, he heard a sound of fighting, so he walked over curiously to have a look.

It turned out to be the demon king Guangming Tiger of the second level of the Creation Realm.

But his opponent was the white-robed boy who Qin Tian met on the street before, the old man in the emperor realm.

The teenager is very young, only about twenty, but his realm has reached the first level of the realm of creation, which is a very rare genius.

This should be the result of the Emperor Realm old man, who spared no effort to cultivate before his death.

The teenager challenged the Bright Tiger, and he should also want to help the old man in the emperor realm to supplement his life.

But Qin Tian knew that it was futile, and the light demon king was useless to the emperor realm powerhouse.

Unless it is the level of the demon emperor, it is almost the same.

Because of the low level of the young man, he was somewhat lost, but he did not want to retreat.

As a result, he became more and more passive, and even got injured.


The young man was inadvertently hit by the Bright Tiger and flew out.

Just when Guangminghu was about to make up a claw, Qin Tian rushed up with an arrow, the kitchen knife held high, and he slashed down with a ruthless knife.

A knife was cut directly on Guangming Tiger's body, and blood flowed.

He also saw Qin Tian rush over

before, but Qin Tian did not have spiritual power fluctuations, so he didn't care.

Qin Tian chased after the victory and went back with a knife.

This time Guangming Tiger went all out and slapped it with one paw.


Bright Tiger's claws cut open directly with a kitchen knife, and roared in pain.

He originally thought that he could shoot Qin Tian with one claw with all his strength, but he did not expect the result to be like this.

After Guangminghu suffered two knives, he was no longer Qin Tian's opponent.

After Guangming Tiger fell, Qin Tian walked up to the boy and said, "Bright Tiger's injury to the old man is useless."

The young man shuddered when he heard Qin Tian's words, thinking to himself, could it be that Grandpa's enemy has come?

But he saw that Qin Tian did not show any malice, so he asked tentatively, "How did you know about my grandfather?"

Qin Tian heard the words and said, "I see, I saw you and your grandfather on the streets of Qingyun City before."

The young man was relieved, and he began to seriously look at Qin Tian.

What puzzled him was that he could not feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power in Qin Tian.

But he was able to easily kill the

Bright Tiger just now.

Therefore, he judged that Qin Tian should be introverted, and the strength of this kind of person is probably comparable to that of his grandfather.

Thinking of this, he quickly asked, "You can see my master's situation at a glance, so do you have a solution?"

Qin Tian pointed at Guangming Tiger and said, "Take this and come with me."

The young man thought Qin Tian had a way to help his grandfather, and immediately ran over to put away the bright tiger, and then followed Qin Tian to the artistic conception painting studio.

Qin Tian asked him to put the Bright Tiger in the kitchen, and then he re-wrote a book of cultivation methods below the third level of the Holy Land of Sitting and Forgetting the Book of Longevity.

The book that was given to Qianxue was originally intended for the old man, but now he can only write a new one.

He began to miss the time when he had spiritual power. If he had spiritual power, he could directly enter it into the blank jade slip with spiritual carving.

After writing, Qin Tian handed the exercise to the young man and asked him to take it back to the old man, which might be useful.

After the young man thanked him repeatedly, he hurriedly left the Yijing Painting Studio.

Qin Tian believes that the old man will

find him soon, because the first part can only help him slow down the passage of life a little, and only the latter part can really solve the problem.