
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 36 Huafan's New Task

Chapter 36 Huafan's New Task

Hearing the system's words, Qin Tian was also confused.

He knows a lot of Dao, such as kendo, and he can teach An Miaoling.

But these are not Taos that belong to him. He just understands a little bit because of the system. He doesn't study it too much, let alone comprehend it.

So kendo is not his way, so what is his own way? Why do Taoism?

Qin Tian suddenly felt that it was necessary for him to find this answer.



[Host agrees to Huafan, and starts to seal Host's spiritual power and storage ring three days later. ]

After An Miaoling broke through the second level of the semi-sacred realm, she began to retreat to try to break through the sword intent and comprehend the sword domain.

So Qin Tian was not prepared to disturb him.

He thinks that it shouldn't take long to find his own way, maybe she can come back before she leaves the customs.

Then he went to Bai Xiaoru, and now Bai Xiaoru has broken through to the first level of the holy realm.

Therefore, Qin Tian also won the reward again, and the cultivation qualification was upgraded to the emperor grade, that is, the same cultivation qualification as An Miaoling.

In addition, the sign-in reward has also increased by 20%.

At this time, Bai Xiaoru in the room turned into a human figure, and lay lazily on the bed in sexy underwear.

Qin Tian pushed the door and entered, Bai Xiaoru sat up in shock and looked at Qin Tian shyly.

Qin Tian is also the first time to see such a sexy side of Bai Xiaoru.

A pair of eye-catching eyes, a face like a disaster, plus those few exciting white and greasy spots.

He couldn't bear to look away.

Bai Xiaoru quickly picked up the quilt to cover herself, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Why are you here so late?"

After the sexy body was blocked, Qin Tian also recovered.

I'm going to go out for a while, go to Zhongzhou, are you going?

Go to Zhongzhou? Bai Xiaoru thought about it and let it go.

"No, it's too dangerous for me to go now."

"Then I'll go by myself, don't miss me too much."

After speaking, Qin Tian left alone, he decided to go to a strange place in Zhongzhou.

This time his destination was the Haotian Empire.

He was going to find a small town in the Haotian Empire to stay.

He only brought the Imperial Army kitchen knife, because the kitchen knife can be used for both cooking and self-defense.

Even if he encounters a strong enemy, without using spiritual power, his physical body and kitchen knife are enough to deal with ordinary enemies.

Qin Tian first came to Liangjie Mountain, then slowly deepened from Liangjie Mountain, heading towards Zhongzhou.

After arriving in Zhongzhou, he felt that the spiritual energy of the world in Zhongzhou was indeed much stronger than that in Dongzhou.

After entering Zhongzhou, he didn't know the way, so he could only keep going, and asked when he met someone.

As he walked, he received a system message.

[Hint: The host's spiritual power and storage ring have been banned, and the enlightenment of transforming the ordinary has officially begun. I hope that the host will find his own way as soon as possible. ]

[System task 1: The family is entwined, without the use of force to obtain 100,000 top-quality spirit stones. ]

[System task 2: Make a name for yourself and gain the approval of 100,000 people without using force. ]

Qin Tian suddenly felt that Hua Fan was quite interesting. These two tasks seemed to increase the difficulty for him.

But Qin Tian felt that this task is not difficult, these two tasks plus enlightenment, it is equivalent to three tasks, this wave of big profits.

Qin Tian is now in a mountain forest, and there are many monsters in the forest.

But Qin Tian's kitchen knives and powerful body are completely true.

It's just that he has no spiritual power

now, so he is very slow.

As he was walking, he heard someone howling not far ahead, so he hurried over.

It's hard to come across a person, he doesn't want to be a corpse.

When he arrived, he saw a nirvana giant python bit a man's leg and was about to swallow it in his stomach.

How could Qin Tian let such a tragedy happen, he hurriedly shot the kitchen knife as a dart.

He was very strong, so the kitchen knife flew to the python's head in one breath. Boom!

The kitchen knife pierced directly into the python's eye.

The python let out a painful howl, its mouth loosened, and the person in its mouth fell to the ground.

Qin Tian hurried over and punched the giant python's seven inches.

The python panned backwards like a cannonball, directly smashing the tree behind him.

Qin Tian strode over, pulled out his kitchen knife, and slashed with a few more knives.

In the end, the python was completely out of breath.

At this time, Qin Tian looked at the middle-aged man next to him, his face turned blue at this moment, obviously poisoned.

But now Qin Tian's storage ring is useless, so there is no way to help him detoxify.

After thinking about it, he looked at the body of the python, thinking that the guts of the python might be able to detoxify.

So he hurriedly ran over and dug out the gall of the python, and stuffed it into the middle-aged man's mouth.

a long time.

The middle-aged man's poison was relieved, but his injuries were still severe and he fell into a coma.

Qin Tian cut his finger with a kitchen knife, and then dripped a drop of blood into the middle-aged man's mouth.

It didn't take long for the middle-aged man to wake up.

Qin Tian suddenly felt that he was like a walking Tang monk, and a drop of blood could save a dying person.

After the middle-aged man woke up, he immediately knelt down to Qin Tian, ​​grateful.

He couldn't describe the feeling of the rest of his life. The main thing was that he still had a frail wife and a five-year-old child at home.

If he dies and there is no pillar at home, what is the difference between it and the sky falling.

Then Qin Tian began to ask about the location of the Haotian Empire.

But it just so happened that the middle-aged man was also a member of the Haotian Empire, and he came out to kill monsters to subsidize his family.

The two got to know each other for a while, and Qin Tian knew that his name was Niushan.

Niu Shan put away the giant python under Qin Tian's signal, Qin Tian also doesn't need this.

Because the requirements of the system task are not to rely on force.

Qin Tian followed Niu Shan for a long time and came to Qingyun City, a city on the frontier of the Haotian Empire.

After entering the city, I found that this small town is still very lively, with many warriors coming and going.

Niu Shan introduced: "Because our city is relatively close to the Qingyun Mountains, there will be more warriors hunting."

Qin Tian followed Niu Shan to his house. His house was quite large, covering an area of ​​500 square meters and a small courtyard at the front door.

After entering, he saw Niu Shan's wife and six-year-old son.

The son is very cute, but the wife's face is worse.

After being introduced by Niu Shan, I learned that it was the root cause of a previous injury.

Therefore, Niu Shan needs to go out hunting often to get spirit stones to buy healing medicine, to keep his wife's injury from getting worse.

Although Qin Tian's blood could be saved, he did not do it.

Because he doesn't have this obligation, and he doesn't want to reveal that he is special.

Later, Niu Shan was very happy to know that Qin Tian was going to stay in Qingyun City.

They gave him a two-story building, with a shop on the first floor and a place to live on the second floor.

Qin Tian was also not polite and took it calmly.

After arriving at his house, Qin Tian first cleaned it a little.

Then I started thinking about how I could make money with Lingshi.

After much deliberation, he decided to draw a small book, which he used to read often.

Because he felt that this kind of love between people and monsters was still very fresh in the eyes of the cultivators.

It first painted the white lady, and he was very satisfied after the painting.

Because of the white lady in the painting, he made reference to two beauties, Bai Xiaoru and An Miaoling.

As for Xu Xian, he drew it with reference to his own appearance, so he was more satisfied.

Qin Tian's painting lasted for three days, and it has been painted until the bridge section of Jinshan.