
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 2 The Innate Vision Of The Emperor's Soldier Recognizing The Lord

Chapter 2 The Innate Vision Of The Emperor's Soldier Recognizing The Lord

"I promise."

"Girl, you are thinking about it, why should you make a mistake?" Some peak masters were unwilling and wanted to try it.

"I have made up my mind." After speaking, she directly greeted Qin Tian with an apprenticeship.

"My disciple, An Miaoling, has seen the master."

At this point, Qin Tian nodded and said, "You will be my apprentice in the future."


[Congratulations to Host for receiving a good apprentice, this girl is the reincarnation of the empress, and I hope to cultivate it well. ]

Reward: All martial skills learned are improved by one level.

Rewards: Supreme Swordsmanship, Heart Swordsmanship.

Reward: Supreme Imperial Soldier, Ice Glass Sword

Hearing the voice in his mind, Qin Tian's eyes lit up, and his martial skills were improved by another level.

He learned a lot of martial arts, footwork, boxing, swordsmanship and so on.

He made a lot of money from this promotion.

I also began to plan in my heart, and took the time to find the macaque demon emperor to practice my hands.

He has been thinking about the monkey wine of the macaque demon emperor.

As for the supreme swordsmanship, it is even more powerful, because it surpasses the imperial rank.

Qin Tian in a good mood said, "Let's go, disciple, follow me to Zangjian Peak."

An Miaoling nodded and followed behind.

Before leaving, Mo Wentian instructed, "Don't misunderstand your children."

Many palaces in Cangjian Peak are uninhabited, so they are somewhat dilapidated.

The only place where people live is Zangjian Pavilion.

After coming to Cangjian Pavilion, Qin Tian said:

"There are many rooms. You can pack a room and settle down by yourself, and then come to me after you settle down."

An Miaoling nodded and left, choosing a room at random.

The house is very dirty with a lot of dust.

An Miaoling frowned in disgust, but did not expect her generation of empresses to clean up by herself.

After cleaning the house, she found Qin Tian, ​​"Master, where can I get the elixir?"

Qin Tian looked at An Miaoling's dirty little face and couldn't help but reach over and wipe it.

An Miaoling was stunned for a while, then stepped back and looked at Qin Tian with a frosty face.

The heart is even more turbulent.

She, the peerless female emperor who kills decisively, was touched in the face and took advantage of her?

In the past, other male cultivators didn't even have the courage to look at them, let alone touch them.

Thinking of this, she was burning with anger, and she also made a decision in her heart.

That is to wait for the repair to recover, and immediately cut off the hand that Qin Tian touched her.

"Your face is dirty, let me wipe it for you, why are you so excited?" Qin Tian was a little puzzled.


An Miaoling snorted coldly and didn't look at him, she was afraid that she couldn't help but do it now.

After thinking about it, Qin Tian took out the best imperial soldier ice glass sword: "You worship me and I as your teacher, and this sword is just a teacher's ceremony."

An Miaoling said without looking, "No!"

She doesn't feel that a spiritual realm can come up with anything good.

"You're welcome! Take what the master gave you." Qin Tian shoved the sword directly into her arms after speaking.

An Miaoling picked up the sword and was about to throw it away, but found that something was wrong.

Then she probed with her divine sense, and she was stunned after the probe.

Then his breathing became quicker, and his heart was even more shocked to the extreme.

This turned out to be the best imperial soldier?

Weapons, exercises and medicinal herbs are divided into yellow rank, mysterious rank, earth rank, heaven rank, emperor rank, and supreme.

Each level is further divided into low-grade, middle-grade, high-grade and top-grade.

In the last life, she also had an imperial soldier, but it was only a low-grade one.

The main purpose of the people who joined forces to kill her at the beginning was also to capture her imperial soldiers.

In the face of this kind of treasure, no one is not moved, and now this kind of treasure is actually in his own hands. "You...you really give it to me?"

"Yeah, if you don't like it, forget it." After saying that, he reached out and took it back.

An Miaoling quickly covered her sword, "I like it!"

"As long as you like it!" Qin Tian smiled gently.

An Miaoling frowned and asked inexplicably, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Why? Why didn't I just say that this is an apprenticeship ceremony!"

"Shouldn't it be right for the master to give his apprentice a ceremony?" Qin Tian Kaidō.


An Miaoling responded with a complicated expression.

Qin Tian's behavior really touched her, and even her heart was fluctuated.

In her previous life, she walked the world with one sword and one sword, and cut off all cause and effect.

Can it still be done in this lifetime? Under the impact of the treasure, she was also a little unconfident!

Then she thought of something, "How can you have an imperial soldier?"

"Pick it up."

Qin Tian casual Kaidō.

"Pick it up? You lied to the child!" An Miaoling looked in disbelief.

"Then what?" Qin Tian asked back.

An Miaoling hesitated, but suddenly she felt this possibility again.

Otherwise, how can a Spiritual Realm obtain the best imperial soldiers by virtue of his ability.

Thinking of this, her heart slowly calmed down.

He should be, he didn't know the value of this sword, so he gave it to himself.

For the sake of the sword, she decided to forgive Qin Tian for touching her face before.

After she figured out what was going on, she immediately began to confess to the Lord by dripping blood.

After the blood entered the body of the sword, the body of the sword emitted colorful rays of light, and then the rays of light shot straight into the sky, triggering a vision of heaven and earth.

Qin Tian's expression changed, and he quickly waved his hand, and the vision disappeared quickly.

But now it's too late.

Asking Tianfeng, Mo Wentian, who was cultivating, instantly disappeared from his room.

In the depths of the wild mountains, several demon emperors and a sleeping mysterious existence opened their eyes at the same time.

The suzerain of the Demon Sect of the Eastern Continent and the Western Regions looked in the direction of the Kunlun Sword Sect and muttered:

"It's kind of interesting, I'll go meet the Kunlun Sword Sect for a while when I get out of the customs."

An Miaoling also made the next jump, and quickly retracted the ice glass, which had completed the recognition of the master, into her body.

As soon as he took it back, Mo Wentian came, "Did you see anything?"

Qin Tian lazily Kaidō, "Seeing a vision in the sky, nothing else matters."

Mo Wentian didn't believe it, and looked at An Miaoling again.

An Miaoling nodded again and again, agreeing with Qin Tian's statement.

Afterwards, Mo Wentian checked it out in person before he was relieved.

"This vision appeared in my Kunlun, I am afraid that my Kunlun is in trouble, you should be careful yourself."

After speaking, Mo Wentian left with a dejected expression.

An Miaoling also knew that she was in trouble, and looked at Qin Tian with embarrassment.

In her previous life, she also recognized the master as a low-grade imperial soldier, but she did not say that the vision went straight to the sky.

At the same time she was also a little surprised, Qin Tian could actually make the vision disappear.

She felt that her master became more and more mysterious.

Qin Tian smiled and said, "I'm going to cook."

Because he was born in the world, so he has the habit of eating.

Only the demon lock tower in Tibetan Sword Peak is different, it is used to detain some edible monsters.

Qin Tian walked into the lock demon tower and glanced at it, there were two pig demon kings and one three-legged black chicken king.

In the end, he grabbed the three-legged black chicken king and murmured, "It's time to replenish the stock."

After he had the meat, he went to the medicine garden to pick some spiritual leaves and other ingredients.

After he had enough ingredients, he came to the kitchen and started cooking soup and cooking. After a long time of work, one soup and two dishes were finally ready.