
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 11 The Secret Situation Meets The Old Ones

Chapter 11 The Secret Situation Meets The Old Ones

She cut through the belly of the monster with a sword and found a treasure map inside.

Judging from the breath and the texture on the surface, it is a little old, and it does not seem to be fake.

After thinking about it, she decided to check it out.

Following the guidance of the treasure map, she came all the way to the Temple of Heaven.

Looking at the name, she seemed familiar.

It should be a certain force that she has seen before, but she can't remember which one.

When she stepped into the magic palace, she felt something was wrong.

It was as if invisible eyes were watching her.

But she has confidence in her own strength, so she is not afraid.

Cultivation resources are the most important. With more resources, she can return to the peak as soon as possible.

She didn't want to be discovered by the enemy family in the future, and she could only wait for her death to implicate her master.

In front of it is a long corridor, surrounded by black air.

Looking a little gloomy, An Miaoling cautiously moved on.

Suddenly she felt that there seemed to be something she needed in the depths of the magic palace.

In the corridor, she killed some demonic monsters.

Finally, she came to the door of the main hall.

She could feel that what she wanted was there.

open the door.

Walking into the hall, there was no one in the hall.

There is only a jade box in the middle, the jade box is open, and there is a heavenly phoenix holy fruit on it.

It was this thing that made her ice phoenix bloodline echo.

The Heavenly Phoenix Sacred Fruit is the spiritual fruit of the lower rank of the emperor.

After eating it, ordinary cultivators can increase their aptitude and enhance their strength just like Nirvana rebirth.

After she ate it, the effect was even greater.

Because she is the bloodline of the ice phoenix, the same origin.

Although good things are in front of her eyes, she did not let her guard down and moved forward step by step.

Just when An Miaoling was about to touch the holy fruit, she suddenly felt something move under her feet.

So she quickly left her previous position.

And just as she left, a sleepy formation appeared on the ground.

A soul body above the trapped formation gradually appeared.

It turned out to be a holy soul!

An Miaoling's expression became solemn, and the holy soul is the soul of the strong in the holy realm.

When Mu Yihan in the form of a holy soul saw An Miaoling's appearance clearly.

His face turned grim.

Back then, he was the owner of this face, and he slaughtered many powerful people in her Tianmo Palace, which led to her downfall in Tianmo Palace.

It was fortunate that she was not in the sect that time, otherwise she would not be spared.

"The Heartless Empress, you should be damned." Mu Yihan roared angrily.

An Miaoling frowned, it turned out to be someone who knew her.

Because her appearance after rebirth is almost the same as her previous life.

"Who are you?" An Miaoling asked back.

"I don't know if you still remember Tianmo Palace?"

An Miaoling thought for a while and replied, "It seems to be a bit of an impression."

She offended many forces in her last life because of her personality.

But there are not many forces that can make her fully remember, at least Tianmozong is not included in this list.

"The queen really didn't take our Tianmo Palace in her eyes."

"Come on, only those superpowers can be like you!"

An Miaoling did not respond to her and continued to wait for the following.

"Looking at the appearance of the Empress, it should be a reincarnation, right?" Mu Yihan asked tentatively.

Although she repeatedly confirmed that An Miaoling was only at the third level of Nirvana.

But she was still a little worried, after all, the name of the Heartless Empress was too loud.

An Miaoling smiled lightly, "You'll know if you try it?"

Mu Yihan's expression kept changing, but in the end, desire prevailed over reason.

She wanted to take revenge, and she also wanted to take away An Miaoling's body.

As long as you get the body of An Miaoling, you are taking the holy fruit of Tianfeng.

It won't be long before she can return to the holy realm, and it is not impossible to break through to the emperor realm in the future.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help it.

"Bring your body!"

Mu Yihan roared angrily, and the holy soul turned into black energy and slammed into An Miaoling.

An Miaoling directly took out the ice glass sword, Dacheng sword intent poured out and slashed with one sword.


The black qi was directly split, and then re-condensed into a holy soul. "You... are you an imperial soldier?"

An ecstatic smile appeared on Mu Yihan's face.

As far as she knew, many of the emperor realm powerhouses did not have emperor soldiers.

If you have imperial soldiers, you will be able to challenge higher levels.

"What if you have imperial soldiers?"

"With your third Nirvana state, you won't be able to exert much power at all." Mu Yihan said.

After the words fell, Mu Yihan's attack was even faster and fiercer.

After a few moves, An Miaoling was injured.

Saint Soul, after all, also has some combat power and means of the Holy Realm.

And she is only in the third stage of Nirvana now, and she has not yet achieved good fortune, so she is naturally not an opponent.


After the black air escaped An Miaoling's sword, it attacked from behind.

An Miaoling, who was in a hurry, was directly hit and flew, the sword fell to the ground, and the person was seriously injured.

The black qi turned back into a holy soul and walked towards An Miaoling step by step.


"How many years, I can finally take revenge."

"Your body will be mine from now on." Mu Yihan's face was full of excitement.

Just when Mu Yihan was complacent, An Miaoling took out the space-time order and began to urge it.

Whether he can survive or not depends on whether the master is reliable or not.

Qin Tian, ​​who was rushing to Liangjieshan, stopped after sensing the call.

"Huh? Who dares to touch my disciple?"

While speaking, he condensed a spiritual body in the form of a golden villain.

With his consciousness, the spirit body miraculously appeared in front of An Miaoling's eyes.

Qin Tian looked at An Miaoling who was injured on the ground, and then looked at Mu Yihan.

"You dare to hurt my disciple?"

After he finished speaking, he punched away, and the holy soul was directly smashed into black energy.

The black qi floated into the distance to reveal the holy spirit again.

"Who are you?"

Mu Yihan was a little stunned, the little golden man in front of him looked like a spiritual body.

The spiritual body is so powerful, and the main body is at least a holy realm.

Qin Tian did not talk nonsense and continued to attack.

The first time he used it, he didn't know how long the spirit body could last.

So he wanted to resolve the fight as soon as possible.

Ancestral Dragon Claw!

Zulong ascends to heaven!

Qin Tian's move was more than a move, and Mu Yihan's holy soul gradually weakened.

She knew that if she kept going, she would be blown away.

"You forced me, I fought with you."

After speaking, she turned into black gas and quickly retreated to a large coffin on the side.

The lid of the coffin was lifted, and inside was the corpse of a holy monster.

This is the way she has left for herself. She doesn't want to become a monster unless she has to.

She drilled directly into the monster's body.

Qin Tian didn't want to delay the time and punch him.

But Mu Yihan had successfully possessed himself.

The monster is called the Spirit Storm Saint Ape, which is inherited from the ancient bloodline.

After successfully possessing herself, she raised her hand, and her huge palm blocked Qin Tian's punch.

And her other fist slammed into Qin Tian.

Qin Tian flew out upside down and smashed the stone pillar behind him.

Under this blow, the spirit body dimmed a little.

At the same time, the holy ape possessed by Mu Yihan rushed over.

Qin Tian didn't panic at all, he took a sharp breath, and the surrounding spiritual energy poured into the spiritual body.

The spirit body solidified in the second time.

Qin Tian constantly controlled his skinny spirit body to avoid attacks.

Although every move hit the key points, it still couldn't break the defense of the holy ape.

Because he is only a spirit body now, and Spirit Storm Saint Ape's defense is too strong.

Mu Yihan seized the opportunity to smash Qin Tian's spiritual body on the ground.

And one foot stepped on an arm of Qin Tian's spiritual body.

Qin Tian turned over and stood up.

Mu Yihan smashed it with another punch, Qin Tian ducked sideways.

There was a big hole in the ground.