
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 1 The Heartless Empress

Chapter 1 The Heartless Empress

Outside the Kunlun Mountains.

A tall, slender and beautiful girl in a black dress swiftly passed through the jungle.

Not far behind, several people in black robes were chasing after him.

"An Miaoling, the sect master is ready to make you a saint, why are you running away?"

An Miaoling snorted and ignored it.

The suzerain of the Demon Sect named her a saint, simply because she had a special physique and wanted to plant a demon seed on her.

After planting the Demon Seed, he will become his cauldron, and since then he will be reduced to his plaything.

This kind of trick, as the reincarnation of the heartless queen, she would not understand how to see it.

Live again.

No one, nothing can stop her from becoming stronger.

this life.

She wants to practice Taishang Wangqinglu to Ultimate, and then go for revenge.

From then on, cut off the cause and effect, alone, and only ask the Dao.

Speaking of revenge, her expression turned cold.

That time, she and three emperor realm powerhouses joined hands to hunt for treasure, but she didn't expect it to be a game.

in order to kill her.

Inside the Kunlun Mountains.

Kunlun Sword Sect, Tibetan Sword Peak.

Today is the day when Kunlun Sword Sect recruits disciples.

Qin Tian, ​​as the Peak Master of Cangjian Peak, needs to go through the motions.

There is only him in Cangjianfeng, so he is not going to recruit people, and no one is willing to enter Cangjianfeng.

Because in the eyes of outsiders, he is just a low-level cultivator in the Spiritual Realm.

And he just wanted to be a young man lying flat.

The place to recruit disciples is called Xianyuantai.

There are ten seats on the Immortal Fate Platform, one for each Peak Master of the Nine Peaks of Kunlun.

Sect Master, don't ask Tian to have a seat.

After Qin Tian took his seat, he took out a book and read it leisurely.

Mo Wentian got angry when he saw Qin Tian's lazy appearance:

"Look at you, every day is either planting herbs or teasing fish and birds, and the good years are all wasted."

"I really don't know how Junior Sister Jiang fell in love with you back then."

"Sect Master calm down, Junior Sister Jiang, as the only Sacred Realm Venerable in this sect for thousands of years, naturally has her unique vision."

It was Su Lan, the peak master of Yujian Peak, who was friends with Jiang Qingxue, the previous peak master of Cangjian Peak.

So looking at Jiang Qingxue's face, he will take care of Qin Tian.

Su Lan didn't say anything, but Mo Wentian was even more annoyed when he said, "He has a unique vision, do you think he is unique?"

Su Lan smiled awkwardly and said, "Maybe the time has not come."

Qin Tian smiled kindly towards Su Lan, not paying too much attention to Mo Xiangtian's words.

Fifteen years ago, he was a child of a rich family in the world.

Jiang Qingxue was seriously injured when she went out to practice, and happened to be hit by Qin Tian who was playing around.

Later, Qin Tian took her home for recuperation, which lasted half a month.

Before leaving, Jiang Qingxue, in order to repay him, took him, who had extremely poor aptitude, back to the Tibetan Sword Peak for cultivation.

Become the second disciple of Cangjian Peak.

After arriving at Cangjian Peak, he actually obtained the sign-in system.

The first time he signed in, he obtained the Supreme Exercise, "He transformed into Zizai Dafa."

Although the cultivation technique is powerful, his cultivation aptitude is really poor.

It was only after the second check-in that he received a reward, and he was promoted to the second level of the Dafa of Transformation.

After the cultivation technique was improved, his realm also improved.

This reward surprised him very much, and he also saw the hope of becoming stronger.

Afterwards, he silently signed in at Cangjian Peak, and by the way, he got along with Jiang Qingxue day and night.

But the good times didn't last long. Five years later, Jiang Qingxue left not long after breaking through the holy realm. It was said that she went to a mysterious place to practice.

Before leaving, Qin Tian promised that he would go to find her in the future.

Jiang Qingxue smiled and left.

After that, Zangjian Peak was the only one left, and he naturally became the Peak Master of Zangjian Peak.

After many years of signing in, Qin Tian raised his Hua Zizi Dafa to the ninth level, becoming a semi-holy.

But he wasn't going to reveal his realm, because his realm was exposed, and there must be a lot of people coming to worship the mountain gate.

At that time, it will be too troublesome to manage and teach the disciples again. Wouldn't it be nice to lie flat?

at this time

More than 100 people who participated in the sect trial have successively entered the sect of the Kunlun Sword Sect.

After coming in, they were immediately stunned.

Surrounded by spiritual energy in the sect, it can be seen to the naked eye that imposing immortal palaces stand in all directions.

There are many disciples of Yujianfei in the air chatting and laughing, all of which seems to be a fairyland.

This is the sect they yearn for, and it is also one of the three major sects of Dongzhou Righteous Path.

"Wow! Look, sitting in the middle is Sect Master Mo Wentian, one of the six semi-sages of Dongzhou."

"And the peak master of Yujian Peak, Su Lan, is one of the three beauties in Dongzhou." The Qingshan tester exclaimed.

The white-clothed tester said, "Everyone knows what you said."

"But do you know that the Kunlun Sword Sect was the number one force in Dongzhou ten years ago."

"And all of this is due to Jiang Qingxue, the peak owner of Cangjian Peak. She is the only holy place in Dongzhou and the most beautiful woman in Dongzhou."

"It's just that the good times don't last long, and she left shortly after the breakthrough."

The Qingshan tester answered: "I have heard my father say this, but the current Tibetan Sword Peak is no longer available."

"It is said that the peak master of Cangjian Peak only has the Spiritual Realm, which is similar to us. You must remember to avoid lightning."

A group of people continued chatting and talking, waiting for the trial to begin.

At the entrance of the sect, An Miaoling watched as the apprentices entered in an orderly manner, and she followed.

The black-robed man who followed behind saw that An Miaoling had entered the Kunlun Sword Sect and could only give up temporarily.

"Let's go, let's go back and report to the Sect Master, this matter is not over."

After An Miaoling entered, the admission time was basically over.

When the bell rang, Mo Wentian slowly got up and announced:

The trial begins!

The first item is testing qualifications, which can eliminate at least half of the people. People kept groaning and leaving the Kunlun Sword Sect.

Only when An Miaoling was tested, there was an uproar on the field.

Even the lazy Qin Tian took another look.

The temperature on the field became lower, and a phantom of an ice phoenix loomed.

"This is actually the bloodline of the Bingfeng!" Mo Wentian was shocked.

Once this ancient bloodline is awakened, the probability of entering the holy realm is very high.


Mo Wentian forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, and he also had some concerns in his heart.

After the talent test, it is a martial arts trial.

In a martial arts trial.

An Miaoling also easily won the first place by virtue of her previous life's exercises and martial arts.

After all the trials were over, the nine peak masters stood up one by one and introduced themselves.

It's just that when they introduced them, they all looked at An Miaoling consciously or unintentionally.

When Qin Tian introduced it, he stood up and said a simple sentence.

"I am Qin Tian, ​​the peak master of Cangjian Peak. I am a lazy person and have no special skills."

When he was done he sat down.

"Wow! The leader of Qin Feng is too handsome!"

"Yeah! If I can kiss him, I feel like I can break through."

"It's a pity, if my father didn't let me, I really want to join Cangjian Peak."

The female testers below were immediately attracted by Qin Tian's appearance.

Mo Wentian heard

After the introduction, the peak masters began to pick people.

"Little girl Lin Xue is suitable for cultivating Jade Sword Art, so join me at Jade Sword Peak." Su Lan said.

Mo Wentian nodded, "It's really suitable."

"This talent called Zhao Tian is a thunder attribute, and I want it from Yuleifeng."

The peak masters of each peak got up one after another to select disciples.

Only Qin Tian is still sitting leisurely and reading a book.


Only An Miaoling was selected among the testers in the field.

At this moment, An Miaoling stood there with a cold expression, like a fairy who doesn't eat fireworks on earth.

But if you look closely, you can see the arrogance in her eyes.

All the peak masters, including the head, looked at An Miaoling, this might be the next Jiang Qingxue.

Mo Wentian got up and said, "I want to accept you as a closed disciple, are you willing?"

An Miaoling frowned. Although Mo Wentian was the suzerain, he was also a semi-sacred powerhouse.

If you follow him, some of your secrets are in danger of being exposed.

An Miaoling hesitated, Mo Wentian was stunned, and the peak masters of the other peaks showed joy.

"I just saw that your swordsmanship is good. It should be a swordsman. In terms of swordsmanship, my Tianjianfeng ranks first in the sect."

"My Yuleifeng's Fenglei Sword is also good. As long as you are willing to come, I will pass my Tianjie Fenglei Sword to you."

"Come to my Spirit Medicine Peak, the spirit medicine is enough." The Peak Master of Spirit Medicine Peak was not to be outdone.

Qin Tian laughed when he saw this scene.

"You are still laughing, and you should reflect on why you can't recruit people."

After Mo Wentian finished talking about Qin Tian, ​​he looked at An Miaoling.

"You can choose which peak you want to join. Cultivation resources are indispensable to the sect."

An Miaoling nodded and began to sweep over several peak masters, and finally she locked her gaze on Qin Tian.

"I want to join Cangjian Peak."

She made this decision carefully.

What she lacks now is only cultivation resources, not the teachings of the strong.

Needle drop can be heard!

Everyone was stunned.

"Have you made up your mind?" Mo Tian asked.

An Miaoling nodded seriously, "I think about it."

As soon as the words fell, the faces of several peak masters turned black.

"You follow him? What can he teach you if he is only agile?" The first person to speak was Yuleifeng's peak master.

"Yes, girl, if you have the guidance of a good teacher in your practice, you can get twice the result with half the effort. Don't be fooled by Qin Tian's beauty." The peak master of Tianjian Peak also said.


Qin Tian looked at An Miaoling carefully.

At this time, there was no special expression on An Miaoling's calamitous face.

Still flat and cold.

"Are you sure you want to worship me as your teacher?" Qin Tian put down the book in his hand and said slowly.

An Miaoling nodded, "Yes!"

Mo Wentian looked at Qin Tian and whispered, "Hurry up and put it away, what are you doing?"

Qin Tian smiled helplessly, "Even if you insist on worshipping me as your teacher, you have to abide by my rules, are you willing?"

An Miaoling frowned upon hearing this.

My dignified and unfeeling empress worships you as a teacher, what else is there to do?

But in order to have a good cultivation environment, she finally endured it.

"I would."

Qin Tian glanced at An Miaoling in surprise and continued:

"I'm very busy, so I probably don't have much time to teach you."

Without waiting for An Miaoling to reply, Mo Wentian said quickly, "You can come to me at any time if you have any questions about your cultivation."

He just wants to keep people now. As for who will teach, it will not be too late to say in the future.

Qin Tian continued, "Sometimes I will arrange some trivial things for you to do, would you like to?"

An Miaoling took a deep look at Qin Tian.

There was no expression on his face, but he was very angry in his heart.

I will endure!

When I break through, let's see how you manage me.

Thinking of this, she made a decision.