
Shocked That My Apprentice Is Actually An Empress

[Invincible Shuangwen + Empress + Sweet Pet] Qin Tian, ​​a son of a worldly rich family, joined the Kunlun Sword Sect under the leadership of the fairy and became Kunlun's little uncle. Awaken the sign-in system, and sign in at the beginning to obtain mysterious exercises. He originally wanted to lie flat and sign in to practice, but he was apprenticed by the unfeeling female emperor who was evading pursuit. There is no way, from now on the Empress has lived...

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
75 Chs

Chapter 35 Sign In Rewards

Chapter 35 Sign In Rewards

When Qin Tian woke up, there was a full moon and stars in the sky.

Very good-looking, Bai Xiaoru saw Qin Tian woke up and stopped cultivating.

"Get up quickly when you wake up, my tail is numb from your pillow."

Qin Tian sat up quickly, "Have I slept for a long time?"

Bai Xiaoru pointed to the sky, "It's already midnight, what do you think?"

Qin Tian smiled awkwardly and began to change the subject, "Today's moon is very beautiful."

"Well, but it's not as good as the moonlight in Qingqiu." Bai Xiaoru said in a low voice, a little nostalgic.

Qin Tian patted Bai Xiaoru on the back and said, "The time of a cultivator goes by quickly, and it won't be long before you can return to Qingqiu."

"You don't have to worry about the contract, I can cancel it if you need it."

Bai Xiaoru heard this and was a little moved.

"Why are you being so kind to me?" Bai Xiaoru looked at Qin Tian and asked curiously, at this moment she felt that Qin Tian was like the light that illuminated her life.

"Because I am your master."

The next day, Qin Tian began to learn the artifact refining. He first took some low-level materials to practice his hands to prove the artifact refining knowledge he had acquired.

Item refining and alchemy are also very similar, so Qin Tian learned very quickly, and after three months, he was ready to try to refine imperial soldiers.

There are three most important steps in the refiner.

The first step is the process of tempering, removing impurities and refining.

Qin Tian took out three kinds of emperor-level low-grade refiner materials that could promote each other, and began to temper.

He is using the Ten Thousand Stacks Heavenly Hammer, which is to stack it up and down, and the consumption of himself will increase with each stack.

Fortunately, Qin Tian has an immortal body to persist until the end, which would be impossible if he changed to another holy realm.

If it is not completed, it means that these materials are useless.

After the material is tempered, Qin Tian starts the second step.

The second step is fusion, which fuses the refined materials together to become the weapon embryo you want.

Qin Tian continued to output spiritual power, increasing the fire, and after melting all the refining materials, it began to fuse.

Then comes the third step.

The third step is the formation method, which gives the weapon formation method, that is, enchantment, to make it more powerful and have more functions.

The main reason why imperial soldiers are rare in Zhongzhou is also because of the backwardness of the artifact refining formation.

Only when the formation is strong can the characteristics of the weapon be fully utilized.

Qin Tian knew a lot about the formation technique before, and now he has been in contact with the refining formation technique for a

few months, so he is relatively skilled.

In the end, it took Qin Tian three days to finally complete the refining of the imperial soldiers.

At this time, a vision of heaven and earth appeared in the sky above Zangjian Pavilion.

It's just that this vision is only in a small area, so the four saints of Lingjian Pavilion noticed it.

Although the Four Sages were surprised, when they saw that the vision was from the Tibetan Sword Pavilion, they restrained their curiosity and did not come to check.

Qin Tian was very happy after successfully refining the first imperial soldiers.

He thought of the scene where he made a lot of imperial soldiers, and then swept across Zhongzhou with a group of emperor-level younger brothers to help An Miaoling and the little fox get revenge.

Then he prepared to continue refining.

In Zhongzhou, if it is a weapon of the semi-emperor rank, they usually prepare two pieces of refining materials.

The success rate is high only when

there are two chances. If it is an imperial soldier, it needs more, and the success rate is also very low.

And there are not many who are qualified to refine imperial soldiers in Zhongzhou.

The second imperial soldier Qin Tian refined a long sword, and the third Qin Tian refined a sword.

Because most people use swords.

Qin Tian practiced four weapons of the lower emperor rank in one breath.

The vision of the Tibetan Sword Pavilion is also frequently issued.

An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru couldn't help coming over to watch, and finally even Shangguanya and other four saints from Lingjian Pavilion couldn't help coming over.

When they saw that Qin Tian had refined the imperial soldiers, they were completely shocked.

Especially Bai Xiaoru and An Miaoling, they used to be emperors and lived in Zhongzhou.

Therefore, they know the value of the Zhongzhou Imperial Army, which exists as the foundation of the major forces. The few people who can refine imperial soldiers in Zhongzhou are all the people that the major forces want to curry favor with.

And for those few, it is extremely difficult to refine the imperial soldiers.

Qin Tian refreshed their cognition once.

Looking at the surprise of everyone, Qin Tian showed a harmless smile and said:

If you follow me in the future, as long as you cultivate to the emperor realm, you will reward the emperor soldiers.

Hearing Qin Tian's words,

Shangguanya and the other four saints were speechless in surprise.

With the imperial soldiers not to mention anything else, the challenge of surpassing the rank must be very simple. Coupled with the emperor rank exercises that Qin Tian gave them, they have already begun to look forward to the future.

Qin Tian put away the four imperial soldiers, and then took out the only piece of mid-grade imperial-grade crafting material and some other-quality crafting materials.

"Master wants to train emperor-level mid-grade weapons?" An Miaoling couldn't help asking.

Qin Tian nodded and said, "Try it."

After that, Qin Tian started refining step by step, but the difficulty of refining is indeed much more difficult than that of the low-grade imperial soldiers.

As far as the first step of tempering is concerned, the number of times he stacks it has more than doubled.

In this way, even if he had the immortal body, he would be very tired, and his forehead was sweating.

An Miaoling took out her scented handkerchief to help Qin Tian wipe the sweat.

Finally, after a day and a half, I completed the first step.

Then began to fuse, this is a delicate job, Qin Tian spent five days.

But after Qin Tian made the prototype of the weapon, everyone was confused.

Because what Qin Tian refined turned out to be kitchen knives.

Shangguan Ya and several people secretly said that the boss is the boss, which is too willful.

An Miaoling and Bai Xiaoru also looked at Qin Tian strangely.

But when they thought that the knife was used to cut vegetables and cook for them, they reluctantly accepted it.

In the end Qin Tian spent another six days arranging the formation.

In a total of about twelve and a half days, the kitchen knife of the imperial middle grade was finally successfully refined.

After the refining was over, Shangguanya threw a wink at Qin Tian, ​​and went back to Lingjian Pavilion with Long Yi and the others to practice.

At this time, they also had the motivation to practice.

In the evening, when Qin Tian used an

imperial kitchen knife to cut meat, he felt that it was unusual, just like cutting tofu.

After Qin Tian made the meal, the three of them ate and drank in the moonlight, so happy.

Qin Tian also started taking medicinal herbs to practice after eating.

Yamanaka has no sun and moon, and a few years have passed in a flash.

Sign in!


[You have accumulated check-in value for five years, do you receive rewards? ]



[Sign-in reward: Spirit-gathering beads, the best of the imperial rank, can improve the wearer's training speed and replenish the wearer's spiritual power. ]

[Sign-in reward: He has been upgraded to the thirteenth level of the Great Transformation of Freedom. ]

[Sign-in reward: Eternal immortality, upgraded to triple. ]

This time he signed in, his realm did not improve, because he took medicine before to break through the second level of the holy realm, so he still stayed at the original realm.

Now that he got the reward, he just raised the number of layers of his transformation to freedom.

As for the Ju Lingzhu, which is a good auxiliary cultivation treasure, he wore it directly.

In this way, he also has the confidence to challenge the Emperor Realm.

Just when he was happy, he heard the

sound of the system again.


[It is detected that all the realms of the host are forcibly improved by this system, and the host does not have its own way, so it is recommended that the host ban the spiritual power, transform the mortal to comprehend the world, and comprehend its own way. ]

[If you agree, the host's spiritual power and storage ring will be sealed three days later, and if you use it actively, it will be considered a failure. ]