

Shiva a teen his life changes when he learns about his parents and his grandpa is actually the king of a mithical worlds. He is not a human but a blooder who protects the other worlds from capturing from gods, devils ,etc...., A mystrious shadow teaches him to become strong. The worlds which is like a fariytale and the story of why Shiva was hidden by his grandfather for past twenty years? how he will make gods and devils tremble just by hearing his name.

Sanjay_K_L · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs


Professor started to explains things to Shiva that This forest has cloud valley which you can only see clearly so can he allow professor in.

He thinks about letting the professor in cloud gives a way to the professor.

He tells Shiva the castle that chose him is not an ordinary castle it already has cloud valley and magical forest with dangerous plants and trees it won't cause any damages to him.

But when someone tries to break in to the castle their life will be killed by the trees and the beast leaves in this forest.

What are the beats leaves in the forest suddenly the phoenix's, dragons, snakes along with Sheshnag, narashims with ferric beast and cute inserts and small and different animals they kneel to him and recognized him as its master from the back a small cub jumps to him,

he turns and looked at it was Yali that selected him and the other yali's present in this forest. Shiva with the doubt face asks professor that is this beast present in every castle of the Yali house.

Professor tells Shiva "No, this castle previous owner must collect them and grew them here even when a new student selected by the castle beasts' dose not accepts them as their master this is a drawback of the previously existing castle.

But in your case, they came here personally and acknowledged you as their master. This has never happened before."

And professor advised Shiva to be careful of traps set for the intruders and Shiva might trigger it and professor left to his castle to take rest.

Shiva went inside the castle it looked marvellous he thought to himself and went to his room to take rest thinking that let take tomorrow detour of this castle.

When the sun rises the inside of the castle also become brighter to the sunlight now Shiva notices that the room, he slept was very beautiful and made of pure white colour floor the celling and the wall. When he came outside,

he saw the entire interior of the place glows in golden colour and each room as its own colour and eye-catching view and workmanship and crafting and the paintings on the walls are all marvellous.

There is a maid comes from inside the castle and says "My name is Yuriyna I am your personal maid There is your personal army can be created in here by species that swore loyalty by unbreakable pledge.

If someone dares to disobey you will face death even if it is a god, demon, human and blooders master."

Shiva asks her that he never had the memory of Yuriyna swore her loyalty. She says she is the magical forests in the blooder form.

Shiva gets ready for his first day of his classes he asks Yuriyna that "What classes are for today?"

She tells him "Today morning is swordsmanship class, in afternoon is spear Manship class, in evening is biology class."

Shiva went to the class on the way to the class he met his friends Karthik, Henry and Sakshi and asks them how was their drome's they say that they were 6 students in a room and a common room.

After they told him about their story, they ask Shiva about his drome and he says it look over royal for only one person.

While this conversation is going on they entered the castle. Professor Krishnan comes into the class and introduces himself as homeroom teacher if they face any problems during class,

they need to inform to him even while taking any leave before taking it.

He calls a student front and explains about bloodlust to everyone tells the student to concentrate his bloodlust in the sword he holds.

When he tried to do it, the sword blasted into pieces and the boy who tried to take bloodlust had a backlash the teacher asked him to take some rest. Now he explains that trying to bring bloodlust carelessly will lead to severe backlash.

Krishnan explains to everyone when he entered class, he saw some students in the class tries to use bloodlust he tells them it may even take their life or severe backlash will lead them can never use bloodlust.

Now he explains the basics of the bloodlust he tells them to create a tiny cube of the bloodlust and allow them to flow through the body when they feel pressured,

they must stop it and continue it again after 45 minutes. Now everyone started trying to form the cube and flow it through the body everyone fails.

Shiva can't able to feel the tiny bit of the bloodlust the class finishes Shiva thinks about where he was wrong and why he don't feel any bloodlust? Krishnan advices Shiva that he was trying it wrongly and gave him the book of basics and him to practice it.