If Hinata had been under the impression that Sasuke would actually let her walk out of his house like that--cum trailing down her legs, her body sweaty and everything reeking of sex--then she was sorely mistaken. Sasuke was an innately possessive person… and even the idea of letting anybody else see his property like that was frankly laughable. Hinata was his, to breed and to fuck, to use and destroy at his leisure. The only person who would ever get to witness cum pouring from her pussy, smearing her face, her clothes, or soul… was him. And it was going to remain that way.
He didn't stop her from walking out of the door or anything of that sort. However, he had cast a genjutsu over her effortlessly - behind her back, so fast and efficiently that she didn't notice a thing. Perhaps if she had activated her Byakugan, there was a chance--a slim one--that she would detect his genjutsu. Otherwise, she was unfortunately not aware of the fact that her cum stained, sweat soaked, whore-ish looking appearance was currently disguised.
It was a win-win scenario for Sasuke. His slut's 'virtue' was still intact to the rest of the village, and none of those perverts got to look at his property either. On top of that, he furthered his degradation of Hinata--truly imposing on her what her place was compared to him, even if the circumstances weren't entirely truthful.
Sasuke shrugged. It wasn't like she would know.
And so, Hinata conducted her little walk of shame. She wanted to take to the rooftops--but she was far too sore to do so. So she walked through the streets, feeling as if every other person was looking at her. 'I must look a mess,' she thought glumly, trying in vain to fix her sweaty and disheveled hair--as if that was the place to start, what with the cum stains and the jizz flowing down her leg.
She flatly refused to walk this way through her house. So, when she reached the Hyuga compound, she fought the pain and simply jumped up to the window just outside of her bedroom--the same one Sasuke had slipped in through when he had discovered her secret and started blackmailing her.
The shower she took was nice, long and warm. The feel of the hot water caressing her body bordered on heavenly--though it wasn't without its downsides… like having to scrub the equivalent of thirty normal men's loads out of her pussy, when in fact it had just been one of Sasuke's.
When she stepped out of the bathroom, clad in a fluffy towel, Hinata felt… clean.
At least, as clean as a woman could feel after her womb had been violated by Sasuke. As much as she had tried… it was seemingly impossible to truly wash out her illicit lover's entire load. She could still feel it inside of her, rocking against the walls of her womb… so warm, and hot, and gooey, and thick, and just… amazing.
She could deny it all she wanted to Sasuke--but she could not deny it to herself. What point was there in that? She was used goods now. Sasuke had taken her virginity. He had taken his long, thick, and fat cock, and had destroyed her cunt with it. He had used her womb as little more than a place to dump his essence. And he'd made her walk home like that… as if he didn't care that other men had seen her like that--because he knew that he had already claimed her, and that no other man would be able to even begin the process of (un)claiming her from him. It was just impossible.
A load in her womb. Such a delightful thing--one that warmed her entire body. Then, the thought of a load once every two days… three days… once a day for the rest of her life.
Hinata shuddered. She refused to think about the circumstances of her borderline sexual slavery--for now, she just wanted to sleep.
She flopped onto her bed, yanked the covers over her, and tried to find some degree of sleep. Of course, that was difficult with cum still leaking from her… but she tried at the very least.
You had to give her that.
Sasuke, in his 'great consideration' waited until the next morning before he called upon her once again. By that time, Hinata hadn't even left her bedroom--she had simply been lounging about, reading a book now and then, polishing some of her ninja gear, or just gently rocking herself back and forth in order to enjoy that sweet sensation of his still present cum sloshing about in her womb.
His signal was a bird. The hawk came swooping up to her window--clicking its beak against the glass.
Hinata blinked at it innocently. She had not come to realize the differences between Sasuke's hawks, and the ones that the village used. So, she stood up from her bed, pulled open the window, and took the scroll from the hawk's mouth with a degree of concentration on her face. What mission had the Hokage cooked up for her now?
Well, any hope of going on a mission--and thus escaping Sasuke for a few days--was quickly quashed.
She opened the scroll.
It was short, curt, and to the point. Basically, it was from Sasuke.
'My house.' it read. 'You have one hour.'
Hinata swallowed. It didn't take a medical nin to realize who the scroll was from--and the threat that lingered over her head. With a heavy heart, Hinata dressed… making sure to grab clothes that she didn't really like all that much, considering what had happened to the last pair. She still wore the same lavender jacket, though. The one that covered up her figure--or more accurately, the one that covered up Sasuke's property, even if she wasn't entirely in agreement with that definition quite yet.
The journey to Sasuke's house was a quiet one, filled with anxiety that bubbled in her gut (alongside his cum), and affected nearly everything about her. Hinata's hands were clammy. Her face felt red and flushed. Her eyes seemed a tad bit dilated. She was glancing from side to side, forward and back as she walked, as if afraid of someone trying to get her. She was supposed to be the one with the all seeing eyes--and yet it still felt as if Sasuke had his gaze upon her wherever she went.
When she finally was in front of Sasuke's door, she was practically in hysterics. Her hand shook so badly that she had to command it to knock thrice for it to only knock once--but one knock was all it took. Ten seconds later, the door swung open; strong fingers enclosed around her wrist, and yanked her into the house. The door closed behind that.
Sasuke smirked.
Hinata blinked at him.
Then, he swept her up and kissed her. His hands roamed freely across her body--slipping beneath her jacket to caress her bare skin. His lips devoured her own, his tongue sliding into her mouth and plundering it.
Her mind went blank. 'He's… kissing me.' Hinata realized. 'Why is he-' Unfortunately, that thought was cut short as Sasuke quite literally picked her up, hefting up her body as if she were little more than a sack of potatoes. He was still intent on exploring every intracie of her mouth with his own.
There was a method to his madness, as there always was--Sasuke wasn't one to do something without a reason for it.
Hinata was his now, and he'd proven that. He had shown his dark side to her--taking her without mercy, making her scream and buck like a whore, and making her walk home (at least in her mind)with his cum drooling down her thigh, her shame revealed for all to laugh at.
Now, he would show her his 'good' side. He would show her what happened if she was a good girl and earned a reward. Now, it was time to demonstrate to Hinata the great things about being his 'slave'.
He carried her to his room, still devouring her mouth. She was so soft and responsible, her overwhelming curves flowing against his body. This woman was too sexy to be as shy as she was--but that was for the better, he supposed, since it ensured she would never even fathom of being with another man.
One of his hands held her taut against his chest. The other was busy unzipping and discarding of her jacket--ninja flexibility certainly helped with a tricky maneuver like that. In fact, he didn't allow her to undress herself--he did it all for her.
Even after he'd set her down on his bed. "Lift your arms." Sasuke murmured, and she did so--as he dragged her shirt over her head. She blushed prettily as he caught sight of her drab white bra. Sasuke merely clicked his teeth, before unhooking and tossing it to the side. "Lift your legs." he said, as he gripped the hem of her pants. She did so--and slowly, he dragged them down, so that a matching pair of plain cotton panties was revealed. Again, Sasuke said nothing… merely disposing of those next, thankfully not by incineration as he had done her last pair.
She bit her lip. Before, she could claim some level of separation--but now, she was totally and utterly naked. He did not have to pull up a skirt, or contend with her blouse to access her breasts; he had full and total access to every inch of her body, from the little nub between her legs to the heavy and plump breasts resting on her chest.
Her face paled slightly as Sasuke began to strip as well. His pants came off first--and she averted her eyes from his thing… though that did nothing to spare her the sight of the muscles that rippled across his biceps and chest. He flashed her a smirk.
"Don't be afraid to look." Sasuke murmured. "It isn't going to hurt you… at least, if you don't make it angry."
Her lip wobbled.
Slowly… her gaze traveled downward. With her keen eyes, she traced every contour of his flaccid member--every inch, every little detail, even the way his orange sized balls would swing from side to side idly.
"Mmm." Sasuke grunted. Finally, he made his move. He eased himself onto the bed, the springs squeaking beneath their combined weight. "Spread your legs," he said.
And she did.
"Already wet…" Sasuke murmured, teasing her folds with a finger. "I'm glad your body remembers what I'm capable of." He let out a light chuckle, before taking up the position. He settled himself in between her thighs, resting his still flaccid member on her belly. Sasuke wrapped his arms beneath her armpits, linking them up around his back. "Wrap your legs around my waist…" he murmured into her ear. "And put your head on my shoulder."
She followed his instructions to the letter, wounding her long and near endless legs around his torso--resting her head on his shoulder so that Sasuke could feel her hot breath against his cheek.
He reached a hand down to his member, giving it a few languid strokes. That was all he needed to get hard--what with this beautiful woman's body arrayed before him, and the knowledge that she was his property… any sane man would have gotten erect. And Sasuke was (mostly) included in that category.
"You're still not used to my size." he informed her curtly. It wasn't a matter of debate--Sasuke was gigantic, and Hinata's sexual experience… left much to be desired. "Even though you're wet, this still might hurt. Tough it out. Bite my shoulder if you have to-" She gasped slightly. "-just avoid the neck area… I'm not trying to go and visit the hospital." He paused. "Do you understand?"
"Y-yes!" Hinata said quickly. She shuddered slightly, as he slid his hardened shaft up and down her slit. "I… I understand."
He pressed against her entrance now, the bulbous head of his cock looking so gigantic compared to her little snatch. With a thrust of his hips… Sasuke slid inside. "Gah!" Hinata groaned. "Oh… oh… wow…"
Sasuke had been right--it did hurt. It might seem strange that it might hurt more, after he'd alright taken her virginity and fucked a load into her womb… but before, he hadn't given her a chance to comprehend the pain before he had started pounding her into submission. Now, he was slow… and through, as through as a man could be when he was exploring his property.
He was silent. Stoic even, not a single emotion betrayed on his features as he continued to ease himself into her. The fit of his cock… it was overwhelming. The description of 'easing himself into her' seemed rather lax--it was more akin to forcing himself, because Hinata was so tight that he had to fight for every inch of fat cock that he drove into her.
Still, Sasuke was not one to give up easily. And he continued to drive himself into his property, intent on marking every inch of her pussy as his own. When he was done with her, she would accept his girth as easily as if she were breathing--that was something he would make sure of.
"How deep am I inside of you, Hinata?" he asked quietly.
Her reply… near immediate. "S-so deep." she whimpered, voice muffled as her head was buried into his neck.
"Do you think any other man could get this deep inside of you?" Sasuke murmured. He continued to push himself into her--there just always seemed to be more cock, even after he'd filled her to the point where she felt as if her pussy was on the brink of splitting in two.
Her lips formed a silent 'O'. "No…" she whispered.
"Do you think any other man is as big as I am?" Sasuke continued. "As thick?" He rocked his hips back and forth, and she shook against him--her legs and arms clinging to him for dear life. "Do you think any other man could make you feel as full as you are right now?"
Full. There it was--that delicious word that so perfectly described the sensation that she felt in that moment. Full. That sting of pain was gone now, replaced by an earthy undertone of pleasure that made her toes curl. Still, he kept pushing, and pushing… and her pussy did little more than clench around him, tighter and tighter, almost as if it never wanted to let go.
Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, he bottomed out inside of her. So… much… cock. It seemed unreal--and yet here she was, languishing in that nice full feeling of being packed full of enough cock to satisfy a dozen women at once.
Then he began to move. Hinata whimpered… then she moaned… then she cried out--especially as he pulled out of her, only to thrust back in. He was still gentle, but it was a sort of gentleness that was bridled with intensity. Every thrust was still powerful, causing their thighs to smack together and her pussy to squelch lewdly, but it was clear that he was reserving a lot of power for her sake.
She was still being beaten down however. He had stripped away any ability for her to try and compartmentalize what was happening--because this was an undeniable truce. She was in Uchiha Sasuke's house. She was on his bed, naked. And he was inside of her… filling her… fucking her with every intention of making her his own little pet.
And she liked.
She liked it. It was such a harrowing thought--but when a woman was packed full of too much cock, she thought many a thought that her normal self would be petrified to think.
"Oh… oh…" She moaned. It was such a natural thing… to moan, especially for him.
He hit her G-spot… and she came. She shook, and shivered, her eyes closing as she came. It was such a wonderful feeling--and the added juices that flowed around his shaft enabled him to thrust in and out of her faster than before.
Sasuke really dug in his cock by this point. He still wasn't rough--but there was no power being held back now. Every thrust was jam packed with strength, the bed rocking back and forth, the springs creaking beneath the force of his thrusts. Her body was no match, her breasts bouncing this way and that. Her cunt felt raw and red, her womb bruised and battered beneath his assault.
She was clawing at his back, tearing long red scratches with her fingernails. He was so big--so good, so deep. "Ugh… ugh…!" Hinata groaned, throwing her head back as she came yet again. "Yes, yes!" Faster and faster he thrusted.
"Who owns you?" Sasuke demanded, as he continued to slam into her.
Her mouth opened--her lips fluttered, as if she wanted to say it… but nothing came out.
"I suppose we're not there yet." Sasuke said. "I suppose I shouldn't have expected it to be that easy." He gave a casual, menial shrug.
Then he came, and injected her pussy with liquid hot cum.
The entire world seemed to flip upside down.
She leaned back, and stared at him.
"Ho- hot…" she whimpered, as she felt him spasming inside of her. It was so hot, like a fire had been lit inside of her womb.
"Shh…" Sasuke said once more.
He leaned down… and held her. She was cumming again--her pussy rippling around his cock, even as he continued to shoot his load inside of her.
She was so warm…
So safe…
So full…
… and it all felt so right.
That question he'd asked her.
"Who owns you?"
Hinata knew the answer now.
"You do…" she whispered, though Sasuke couldn't hear it.