
Conquered 3

Tsunade was working at her desk, nearly finished with her paperwork, nearly finished. The sun hung low and fat in the sky, light shining through the windows. Maybe she'd play some cards after this-today she felt lucky, this would be her night, for sure. The fact that she'd told herself that dozens of times before with the same sureness and been proven wrong again and again did not deter her in the slightest.

 Her door opened slightly, and Tsunade didn't even have to look up to know who it was. There weren't a lot of people who would enter the office of the Hokage without at least knocking or announcing themselves first. "Hello, Sasuke-san." She said, looking up quickly-a little too quickly, unable to hide her eagerness and joy at seeing him-at her young lover.

 "Senju." That was all he called her in private, his voice laced with a bit of scorn. Just hearing him say it reminded her of the number he'd done on her ass. It was a week later and Tsunade's bruises still hadn't faded completely. She shifted in her seat without thinking, feeling the heat of his gaze upon her.

 "Let me guess. Hungry for more?" She teased, tugging at the strap of her shirt with one hand, exposing even more of her bountiful cleavage.

"Not exactly." Sasuke replied, hands behind his back. He could be so damn stiff sometimes, like he didn't even see her as a sexual entity, not even after filling her ass up with jizz not so long ago. Truthfully, Tsunade found that enticing.

"I understand you'll be heading to Kirigakure soon." Tsunade wrinkled her brow. How did he know about that-oh right. She had mentioned something to Sakura, and no doubt the young girl told Sasuke everything.

"Yes, and?"

"And I wish to accompany you. As your…bodyguard." Just the barest hint of a smile crossed his face.

"Sasuke, you are beyond a doubt a very powerful ninja. But do you really believe I need protection? It's a routine trip, just to sign some documents, and have a few boring dinners. Unless…" Tsunade considered what she knew about Sasuke. He wasn't the kind of person to bring up something like this unless he had a specific reason in mind. Given what she knew of his sexual appetities…

"Is this about the Mizukage?"

Sasuke inclided his head. "Indeed. I wanted to apologize for how our last meeting went." He was talking about the Kage Summit.

"You mean when you attacked her and the other Kage? I'm sure that will go over swimmingly." Still, Sasuke had a way with women. If he wanted to, Tsuande was fairly certain he could seduce Terumi.

"So you want me to take you as my bodyguard just so you can fuck another woman, while I do Kage busy work? That's asking a bit much, even for you, Sasuke." She bit her lip, and Sasuke knew if he decided to press the issue, she'd give in rather than risk upsetting him. He had plenty of other women right in here in Konoha, Tsunade's amazing oral skills notwithstanding.

He strode towards the desk, smiling. "How about this? If I can make you climax in," He considered. "Four minutes, then you take me with you. If not, I'll give up all other women for you, just for one month."

This was it! Her lucky night! Tsunade smirked. "Deal."

Tsunade would have been upset with how the bet turned out, if Sasuke hadn't ended up fucking her raw again. As he put it, they both won. And now, a few days later, a rather sore Tsunade and her bodyguard had arrived at the Village of Bloody Mist. Tsunade still didn't like the idea of Sasuke sleeping with someone else when she was going to be so close at hand, but she supposed that was his prerogative. She could sleep with whoever she wanted, after all. But who could compare to him? And that damn Mizukage was twenty years her junior. And her tits were probably even bigger, the green-eyed wench. Tsuande found the whole thing very frustrating.

It showed on her face as she and Sasuke arrived outside the Mizukage's chambers. "Something bothering you, Hokage?" The smugness in his voice was unmistakable.

"I'll find some way to get back at you for this, Sasuke. I'll, I'll-" At her side, Sasuke was suddenly very close, too close for normal circumstances but to anybody watching, it simply looked like a bodyguard whispering something to his charge.

"You'll what? Deafen me with your screams as you climax? You'll make my penis sore from constant blowjobs? You'll make me come until I pass out? Oh yes, I fear your retribution…Senju." She could feel his breath on her cheek, and an image of his enormous prick entered her mind, causing a tingle to run through her body. Tsunade tried to dismiss the thoughts as the doors to the Mizukage's office opened, but found she could not. Damn, this boy already had a hold on her.

Inside the Mizukage's office Mei Terumi sat, seemingly serene as always. "Greetings, Hokage. Welcome to my village." She beckoned, standing up and motioning with one regal arm. Tsuande entered, and Sasuke followed.

Mei's serene demeanor cracked just briefly as she caught sight of Sasuke. Her one visible eye, flashing emerald, caught sight of his face. She remembered the boy who had infiltrated the Kage Summit, remembered his power. He had been cute then too, but now he seemed-more confident, she surmised. He held himself with the kind of composure and surety of self that she expected from ninja three times his age. But then, his accomplishments were many.

Still, Mei covered up her surprise, as well as the slight-joy?-she felt at seeing the boy and turned her attention to Tsunade. "I am eager to get down to business, Hokage, as I'm sure you are. If you'll just instruct your bodyguard to remain outside?" With this new peace between the villages, there was no need for a bodyguard to stay directly in the chambers of the Kage. Even if he was fine eyecandy.

Tsunade turned to Sasuke, and to Mei it almost looked she was reluctant to send him away, as well. "Yes, Sasuke, will you leave us? I will return to you-that is, our rooms-shortly."

Sasuke inclined his head. "Yes, Hokage." Mei noticed he didn't add 'sama' to that. "I will prepare our rooms." He said, before departing, sliding the door shut behind him.

Mei had made sure they would have fine accomodations in her village, but something about the way he said our rooms. He almost made it sound like he and Tsunade would be sharing a room. But that was silly.

She shook her head, carefully styled hair bouncing slightly. "Shall we?" She said, motioning for Tsunade to take a seat. They had work to do. Idly, Terumi ran a hand across her hair, briefly revealing her other eye before the strands fell back in place. "He's a cute boy, isn't he?" The Mizuakge said.

Tsunade stifled the sudden flash of jealously she felt. "If you like them that young, Mizukage. But I imagine at your age, you're starting to widen your options so you can finally find a husband?"

Terumi let anger show for an instant on her beautiful face, emerald eyes narrowed. "You're far older than I, Hokage."

"But I have no wish for a husband to pester me," Tsunade returned. Not now when I have Sasuke to satisfy me so.

They continued this way, sniping at each other here and there as only two such powerful yet diplomatic women could. Eventually they got their work finished. Tsunade made her way to her own quarters, which adjoined the rooms Sasuke had been given. She opened his door first, peering inside. Empty. She went to her own, larger quarters next. Nothing. There was only one place Tsunade was willing to bet he'd be found.

"That little bastard." She said, clenching a fist. Still, the fact that he was willing to do something like this under her very nose also sent a little thrill of attraction down her spine. Sasuke was truly his own master, and no one else.

 Mei closed her bedroom behind her, taking in the luxury of her room. Being Mizukage had its perks-her room was high up from the village, with a long terrace and sloping awnings to protect from the rain and mist. Light from the moon filtered through her glass patio doors, but the room was so large and the night so cloudy much of the room was sheltered in darkness.

"Mizukage." A voice called. Mei didn't shriek in fright like some little girl, she simply turned on her heel, dress bouncing as her boobs jiggled-she rarely wore a bra and today was no exception. Besides, she knew who that voiced belonged to.

"Uchiha? What are you doing here?" She asked, hands on her hips. She wasn't afraid-although maybe she should have been. Mei very much doubted he meant her any violence, but if he did-well last time there had been other Kage in the room with her when he decided to attack. Mei wasn't sure she could defeat Sasuke, if it came to that. Still, he took a step forward, and she stood her ground.

"I think its obvious," Sasuke said, hair falling in front of his face, throwing his eyes into shadow. "When we first met, you said I was cute."

She blew air from her mouth, sighing. "And you thought that warranted an uninvited trip to my room, at night? You must not get complimented much." She smirked.

Sasuke took another step closer. "Oh, I get complimented plenty," He returned evenly. "But it is a bit unusual to hear it during a fight like the one in which we first met. It spoke volumes about your character." Mei crossed her arms, acting as if his words were meaningless.

"And what brilliant insights did you come to, boy?" He was less than a foot away now.

"That you are a desperate woman." The words hung between them-Mei made no motion to deny them, her voice caught in her throat. "I hear you are still unmarried, though not by choice."

Mei shook her head, anger rising in her like bile. "Then you heard wrong. I have chosen to remain unmarried because-" As sudden as it started, her venom was gone, leaving her standing lamely, an attack conceived but not executed.

"Because no man, or rather no man you might deem worthy," Sasuke allowed, sounding cold and mocking, "Has deemed you worthy. Yes? No?" He tilted his head at her, and the moonlight got the gleam of his teeth. Smiling, mocking. Grinning, an act of intimidation. She wanted to smack that smug smile off her face, but she didn't. She didn't wilt back from his advances, either, she simply stayed still, contemplating possibilities.

"Yes. There are few men I would accept, and of those few…" She left the sentence unfinished but the question answered.

"Perhaps they wish a younger bride." She swung at him then, hand scything through the air. Comments about her being single were one thing-she was single, after all. But Mei Terumi was not an old spinster.

Sasuke caught her wrist easily, and wrenched her arm back, spinning her apart. His chest was against her back now. "Well, you have the spark of a younger woman, at least." He chuckled, a warm sound in her ear. She squirmed, but didn't try anything too drastic just yet. Sasuke's grip was painful, but if he really wanted to, he could do worse.

"But…" The word dangled like a carrot, and Mei, pent up sexually, slightly bored by her job, and above all, sick of being the one in charge, lunged for it.

"But what?" She ground out, still trying to pull free from his grip.

"Well, I have no interest in being your husband, Terumi. But that does not mean I can't perform certain marital duties. In my own fashion." His mouth dipped low, near her neck. The small hairs on her body rose and places in her almost forgotten began to ache, coming awake after a long hibernation.

"And what fashion might that be? Skulking about in people's bedrooms, hoping someone might accept your propositions?"

"I have no need to hope. I have no trouble finding at least one woman who attempts to satisfy me." That word, attempts stuck out to Mei. What did it take to satisfy this strange boy, this former exile, this kin-killer? And just how would she go about finding out? She tired of this game, if game it was. The Mizukage wanted answers

"So what happens now, Uchiha?"

His tongue flicked out, tasting the air, the scent of the room. He drew it just across her neck, almost too lightly to be felt.

"That depends on you. If you wish me to leave, all you have to do is say so." Sasuke relinquished her arm, and she turned to face him, gingerly rubbing her wrist. His gaze was steadfast, and her emerald eye shone in the darkness.

"You will go when I give my leave, Uchiha. This is my village. While you are, we can see if your actions can measure up to your words."

"Very well." He moved against her, arms encircling her waist. Mei didn't resist, but she didn't melt into her arms either. She reclined her head, baring her lithe neck illuminated in the moonlight. Sasuke's lips met hers and despite herself Mei returned the kiss, full lips working against Sasuke's insistent mouth. It had been long-too long-since Mei had experienced a kiss like this. Sasuke was surprisingly gentle, though still firm, his hand pressing at the small of her back, the other trailing along her side, caressing the Mizukage through her dress

The kiss deepened as Mei opened her mouth, and the pair's tongue pressed against each other, flicking and slurping, lips smacking with hunger. Mei pressed her pelvis against Sasuke feeling the heat of his body and a hardening penis, shifting in his pants. He felt fairly large, surprisingly so. The Mizukage worked hard, she deserved something like this, she thought to herself.

Only when they needed breath did the two break off the kiss, and Sasuke's tongue darted out, licking along Mei's lips sensually.

"Do you know why I find so many men inadequate, Uchiha?" Her voice was soft and sweaty, so close to his mouth.

"You're a bit of a size queen?" Sasuke said, smirking again. Her hand, wrapped around his bicep, squeezed lightly, nails pinching. He made a face of mock-pain.

"As Mizukage, and even before that, I have been constantly best by responsibilities. My life has been one of sacrificing what I want so that I can do what I must. Not for myself, but for my village, for my people. Everyday I have to make decisions, settle disputes, maintain order. It is very tiresome."

Sasuke stroked her hair softly, pushing her bangs aside so he could see both of her eyes. "I believe I understand," He whispered. "You wish to be free from the pressures, if only briefly. You wish to be able to surrender control."

Almost sadly, Mei nodded, the weight of her burdens still weighing down on her, even in this room, her private sanctuary. "Can you…do that for me? Take away my choices, my sense of control?"

He smiled again, more solemnly this time. "Oh, yes."

Mei closed her eyes as his hands trialed up her body, tugging at her clothes. Soon her breasts were exposed, the warm air between their bodies breezing over her sensitive nipples. Sasuke lingered his hands over her chest, even running a finger through the shallow valley of her cleavage, but avoided touching the massive orbs themselves. Soon her dress was unzipped and pooled at her feet, and she stepped out of it, following Sasuke's lead as he moved forward, hands on her hips directing her.

They made their way to the bed where Mei laid down, looking up at Sasuke. He tore his own clothes asunder, and Mei got her first view at his naked body. Pale, chiseled muscle on his torso and arms led down to a thin waist, sinewy legs, and a full bramble of pubic hair that sprouted up over a massive penis. It was the largest Mei had ever seen, and while Sasuke's earlier 'size queen' comment wasn't true, she did find a dark thrill running through her body at the sight of so much meat. Hard, thick, throbbing, it could fill her up in ways that no one had ever done before. Sasuke picked his clothes up, and quickly reduced them to shreds with several quick, calculated motions. Mei looked up at him, hips moving on their own, wiggling slightly in her anticipation, thighs rubbing together. Her pussy grew moist as Sasuke placed the first strip of cloth on her face, obscuring her eyes.

Inside was darkness, and her body suddenly grew more aware, the slightest position of her limbs at the forefront of her mind. Sasuke stripped her of every last speck of clothing, except for her mesh leggings. Mei was acutely aware of how they clung to her calves and lower thighs, growing tighter as her body began to sweat slightly.

Sasuke gripped her wrist gently, binding it to her bedpost, repeating the action with her other wrist and ankles. She was spread-eagle, naked, blindfolded, dripping with need. As Mizukage, her furnishings were quite lavish, and her bed was no exception. As a result, her arms and legs were stretched taut, every muscle on display, unconsciously clenching and unflexing in this strained position. It was more unfomrtable than painful though-Mei was a strong, resilient woman and it would take more than nearly hyper-extending her shoulders to cow her. Blindfolded, she listened intently, trying to determine where Sasuke was now.

He stood still, and she could feel his eyes on her, tracing every curve of her, memorizing this moment-the Mizukage completely helpless, a sexualized object ready to be used in any way he saw fit. And she was expecting that, so he had to be a little unpredictable.

Bending over, Sasuke whispered in her ear. "A lot of women in similar positions-overcome by stress and outside pressures, like a little physical pain to wash away their emotional troubles. Spankings and so forth. But such a powerful kunoichi could resist any pain, yes?"

Mei nodded, lips quavering. "Yes, yes." She said, wondering. Was he going to strike her? She could feel gooseflesh rising at the idea.

Indeed, Sasuke strode to the foot of the bed and traced a hand along the underside of her read, warm, wiggling, and bouncy in his head, wonderfully hefty. He gave her a soft smack, and she moaned. "But pain is only a secondary motivator. We don't do things because of pain, we avoid painful situations. What really drives us," He was by her other ear now, tongue dancing over her sensitive lobe. A single, solitary finger traced along her ribs, almost tickling.

"-Is pleasure. People will do incredible things if they think it will make them feel…good." He finished, working his finger around her side to her crotch, her obliques tensed at his touch. Continuing to nibble at and lick at her ear, which soon had the Mizukage gasping and flushed, legs working slightly against their bonds, Sasuke teased and rubbed at her body. As he moved about her, his hands rubbed her calves, her upper arms, the softly defined muscles of her abdomen, before gliding over her full breasts. There was no sense of time for Mei, so she had no idea how long Sasuke was teasing her, she only felt her need to be really touched, to be groped and squeezed, to have fingers exploring her inside and out, rising, growing.

Every now and then, when she felt she couldn't take waiting much longer, Sasuke would do something unexpected. First he pinched her nipples, and Mei moaned, sighing. But then he twisted further, tugging and pulling until Mei's breasts rose straight up, twin hills jutting up from her chest. "Ahh!" She gasped, biting her lip in frustration.

Sasuke released her and massaged her breasts gently, the sudden soft ctouches a marked, deliberate contrast to the prior rough treatment. He dipped his head low over her, ghostly breaths making her nipples even stiffer. He licked at the sensitive nubs, moving from one to the other, and Mei whimpered softly. "Sa-Sasuke." She said, using his first name for the first time.

He ignored her and suddenly his touches disappeared again. She whimpered slightly louder this time, desperate to be touched, to be used.

She felt the heat of his breath again, so close to her sex. Mei's breath hissed out between clenched teeth as Sasuke's finger traced along the edges of her entrance, touching her clit just for a moment before withdrawing. He continued this pattern, lazily touching her and caressing her sensitive pussy before he would cease her ministrations, each time slowly allowing Mei's need to dissipate before returning his attention before she went back to normal.

Finally, after what seemed, two of Sasuke's fingers plunged inside of her with startling abruptness. She gasped, and he worked inside her, knuckles rubbing inside against her inner walls, fingertips caressing and stroking. Slowly he widened his fingers, stretching her out. Soaking with need, Mei widened easily at his touch, body as ready as she had ever been. Sasuke jammed his thumb against Mei, drawing panting, heaving breaths to rise up from her throat. Her tits jiggled as she shook her head softly, hair matted to her sweaty face. The blindfold was hot and heavy against her eyes, and her arms drew taught as her body shook at the pleasure coursing through her. She was close, so close-

"Nooo!" She moaned, as Sasuke withdrew his hand from her. Even that, the sudden movement of his fingers as they pulled out, was almost enough to push her over the edge. With her legs spread as wide as they were, Mei could scarcely move, though she was despite to rub her thighs together, hoping that might bring her desperate release.

"Puh-please," She whispered, and Sasuke was suddenly atop her, arms pressing down on her inner elbows, knees inside her thighs, keeping her immobilized. He kissed her again, and blinded, unable to touch him with anything save her lips and tongue, Mei reacted hungrily. She wanted to devour him nearly as much as she wished to be devoured by him, she craved this passion, this dark flame that had been ignited inside her. Famously unmarried she might have been, but Mei Terumi was no blushing virgin. Still she had never experienced anything quite like this, the constant raising and losing of her arousal, her need. Pleasure switched with pain in rapid, dizzying succession.

Sasuke bit her lips as he kissed her, more aggressive this time, pinning the Kage to her bed and claiming her as his own. She gasped as he broke the kiss off, saliva hanging to her lips. He sucked at her neck, mouth feeling slightly cool compared to how hot her body was. Again she felt a soft, gentle throbbing in her loins, and she threw her head back, seeking to melt into her pillows. And again just as suddenly, Sasuke bit down on her neck, teeth squeezing and nearly piercing her skin.

"Ahh! Oh, god…" Mei moaned, ankles tensed, trying to kick as she squealed slightly at such rough treatment.

Sasuke again stepped back, and this time simply watched her for a full minute, while she panted, trying to control her breathing, her hunger. It was in vain, for still she yearned for more, for sweet release. "Sasuke-please, please, I need to…"

He shushed her, and though she could not see him, Mei imagined his face was that of a teacher, waving away the concerns of a student beneath his notice. "Yes, yes, I know. I think you might finally be ready, Mizukage."

His mouth was on her breasts again, licking, sucking, and biting. She cooed at the rough handling of her sensitive breasts, fairly certain she'd have bruises, blood blisters, and hickeys the next day. She didn't care one whit, if it meant she could finally get off. His hands dipped down her waist and then, right as her heat burned at its highest-

"Ahhhh!" Mei thrashed as Sasuke fingered her rapidly, thrusting in and out, no teasing this time, no withdrawing. His hand was soon slick with her juices and her pussy made shameful, embarrassing sounds as he jummed the crook of his hand against her, squelching out her inner fluids, and then he touched her most sensitive spot, the delicate numb, right there.

"Sasuke!" The Mizukare shouted his name before losing the ability to form words, grunting and panting. Her orgasm, advanced and denied so many times, tore through her like a storm. It left her panting, trembling, her body superheated in an instant and suddenly much cooler, the sheets of her bed sticking to her sweat-slick back and ass. Before she could return back to earth fully, she felt a heavy, almost slow prodding at her entrance. This was no finger, to be accepted easily and play shallowly in the entrance of her sticky, wet channel.

This massive battering ram force she felt nudging at her lips could only be Sasuke's cock. Even after having seen it just briefly, the image of it ran through the Mizukage's mind. Blindfolded as she was, it was all she saw, its might all she could fathom.

Sasuke gripped her hips, teeth bared. He had been holding off his own pleasure even longer than the Mizukage's, however much fun it had been to tease her soon. Now he would have his own reward. He slipped inside slowly, but without too much difficulty, given how much she was dripping for him. Her pussy spread wide as Sasuke began to sink himself inside her. Inch by inch, until he was about halfway in, and Mei was panting again, already on the verge of another orgasm. Sasuke knew she would cycle through them quickly now.

With that thought in mind, his fingers tightened on her hips, digging into her pelvis as he thrust, cramming the last inches of his cock inside her. At these depths, her pussy was tight, unspoiled and she screamed out, surprised at the mild pain and exsquite pleasure. As Sasuke began rocking back and forth inside her, giving her no time to adjust, she came again, grunting like an animal. Sasuke moaned as well, her tightness wonderful as her inner muscles clenched him like a velvet fist.

Going ever faster, Sasuke's balls soon began to smack off Mei's toned ass, the fleshy sound joining their chorus of moans and sighs. Sasuke licked along her throat, nipping at her jawline as Mei's limbs again worked uselessly at her bonds. Had she truly wanted to, the mighty Mizukage could likely free herself. But that was the absolute last thing she wanted.

The bed creaked and groaned, the posts and headboard knocking against the wall as their sex continued, heedless to any outside concerns. Mei felt like he was going to fuck her right through the mattress, his body above hers, drilling down into her. Sasuke felt his own release rapidly approaching, and dangled a hand up in Mei's hair, tugging at it. He elicited yet another sound of pain and pleasure from her as she moaned, trying to form words. Her lips worked uselessly for a few seconds before…

"Sasuke…I want…" Just then he slapped her, hard. Mei wanted to rub at the site of impact, where she knew her skin was turning red already, but she was simply stunned for a moment. She soon corrected herself.

"I need…" She whispered.

"Yes, Terumi? What do you need?" He said, a voice above her, imperceptible and resounding in her ears.

"Please, release in me. Fill me with your seed."

"And if you get pregnant?" He called.

"Then I will have a child…to love me where no husband could. And if not…I will still, ugh," She choked off as a particularly hard thrust slammed his cockhead into her deepest places, knocking off against some inner wall of hers.

"I will always remember this," She completed.

"As will I, Terumi," Sasuke's arms wrapped around her shoulders as he thrust madly, hips bouncing off her body. Soon she shrieked as her largest orgasm yet erupted. Sasuke moaned, her pussy suqeezuing him ever tighter. Had her legs been free, Mei would have wrapped them around his waist. As he exploded inside her, splattering the inside of her pussy with his seed, filling her to the brim, she never wanted to let him go. Their juices mingled and mixed as Sasuke rutted within her, staining her seats, pooling about her thighs. Slowly he withdrew, and she felt the flurry of his fingers working at the back of her head.

With a rustling sound her blindfold was removed. Adjusting from total darkness to the dim light of the room, she beheld Sasuke's face, slightly flushed but otherwise still impenetrable.

"Sasuke…that was amazing." She breathed, sweaty and sated, body feeling relaxed and somewhat spongy. He cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Was? Mizukage, are you under the impression that we're finished?" He had withdrawn from her channel, which was still softly dribbling jizz out, such was the enormity of his issue. His member, splayed out against her hairless crotch, hardly felt diminished at all, though. She glanced down between their bodies, seeing his cock as turgid as ever.

"We're just getting started."

She tried to protest, to tell him she needed a few minutes, but her words fell on deaf words. Sasuke quickly removed her bonds, and Mei rubbed at her wrists and ankles, working feeling back into them. She didn't notice what Sasuke was doing with the strips of cloth until it was too late.

Roughly he wrenched her hands behind and down her back, cuffing her hands together with the remnants of his shirt. Sasuke pressed down on her back, and Mei's legs kicked feebly. He caught them easily and bent ankles forward. With another blur of motions, Sasuke tied her ankles to her wrists, leaving her totally bound, limbs usless, on her chest. Sasuke tugged her about by the hair, dragging her to one edge of the bed, her tits swaying over, pressed against the outer side of the mattress.

"Open," He said, cock swaying in front of her lips. Mei risked one trembling glance up at him-she hadn't expected this, and even in her wildest fantasies would not have thought things could go far. Still, slowly she opened her mouth. Sasuke thrust forward eagerly and, unable to use her hands to assist, Mei focused on working her mouth, tongue sliding over him like a snake. She bobbed her head back and forth, which Sasuke seemed content with for a few moments. Her saliva leaked down the sides of her mouth, dropping to the floor beneath, little runners of spit trickling along the length of his cock as well.

Sasuke grabbed her ankles and wrists, holding her by the edges of her bonds and began thrusting deeper and faster. She couldn't take the whole thing, it was simply too big! Mei's eyes bulged as her throat expanded obscenely, gagging and retching on the cock. She felt like she might puke, but Sasuke was careful to withdraw before she lost too much control of her body, or before her air grew too thin. Still, she felt dominated by this monster in her mouth, seeing only the flat muscles of his lower body, his hefty swinging balls making contact with her chin, and the dark thatch of hair beyond. Sasuke mashed her face down against his crotch, and her spit clotted in his pubes, backsplashing against her own face. Sasuke withdrew, allowing her to gasp and splutter. Tears leaked from the corner of her eyes as Sasuke smacked his cock against her face. She looked a far cry from the aloof, judgmental Kage most people saw.

Rather than walk around her, Sasuke demonstrated just how much she was at her mercy, plucking up her compressed, bound form and spinning her in the air before plopping her back down on the bed, facing away from him. Her bouncy ass and pussy were off the edge of the bed, and she heard Sasuke pluck something up from the floor. A kind of…leathery sound, with metal jingling slightly.

Her breath caught in her throat as she realized what it was, Sasuke making a snapping sound with the object. Her belt. Once, experimentally, he snapped it against the hills of her rump, causing Mizukage to cry out in pain and shock. He paused, letting the pain sink in, rubbing her ass with one firm hand.

Then it truly began. Again and again he whipped the Mizukage with her own belt, in her own bed, tearing screams and choked yowls from her throat. While the pain was stunning, that wasn't the worst of it. No, the worst was when he would stop, and dip his face down, thrusting his mouth against her sensitive pussy and ass, licking and slurping. She was dripping with sex, arousal undiminished-quite the opposite-by the repeated blows. He kept her on the edge of agony and ecstasy.

After countless of minutes of this, the Mizukage ceased her thrashing, becoming slightly unresponsive. Her body and mind-how could she take any more. "Sa-sauke, please," She gasped. "I can't go on."

He clucked his tongue. "More's the pity. Because I can." He discarded the belt and tore her bonds off, leaving her aching arms and legs to collapse against the bed spread.

Then she felt her rear pulled up, face pushed down into the stained, soaked sheets, the scent of her own come and juices overwhelming in her nostrils. Sasuke mounted her from behind and plunged back in her slippery, stretched out cunt, wringing another round of fresh cries.

"SASUKE!" She shouted, her body screaming pleasure and pain at her again. He fucked her over and over, until she thought she would fall apart, or simply pass out from the intensity of it all. He smacked her sore ass with one free hand, the other tugging at her hair. To her utter surprise and shame, Mei found her hips moving on their own, bucking back at thim, her ass bouncing as she tried to swallow his entire length with her pussy, to take all of that rigid meat inside her packed channel until suddenly, jittering, she came again, juices splashing out against Sasuke's crotch.

She felt sudden heat as he pulled out and came along her ass and lower back, and then she was pulled from the bed, and thrown on the floor. Sasuke bent her vertical, spreading her legs as he prepared to piledrive into her sideways. He plunged on, unsatisfied, taking her body to heights she hadn't thought possible. He continually changed postitions, laying her back flat on the ground and tossing her legs up over his arms, pulling her on top of him and forcing her to bounce, helpless to do anything but ride his member, pelvic muscles working on his length as Mei splayed his hands over his firm, feeling like she was quite literally coming her brains out. Sasuke merely spanked her ass, egging her to bounce faster, tits jiggling, ass swaying up and down.

It seemed to Mei as she was no longer participating, merely watching as some outside force controlled her body. She surprised both of them by climbing off his dick, locking eyes with him for a moment, licking her lips. Standing up, she turned over him, ass visible, pussy dripping down onto his body as her legs stood somehow solidly, despite feeling like jelly, as she dipped down, giving him a standing blowjob as her body bent impossibly in two. She took his length far deeper of her own accord than she had thought she could do without being forced to. Her hands even played over her balls, nails caressing and teasing before rooting her hands firmly against his muscled thighs. Anchored like this, Sasuke watched, lips pressed tight in pleasure as she bobbed up and down, making exaggereated, filthy slurping noises as she collected spent jizz, the sweat of his body, and her own collected juices from his groin. She was still not able to deepthroat him without gagging, but Mei didn't mind, compelled to suck on, throat muscles working and spasming.

Finally she rode him reverse, ass not so much bouncing as crashing up and down on him. She ground her hips, forcing as much of his length possible inside her cunt, fingers splayed out against her own clit. Sasuke only occassionaly thrust upwards, sending additional mind-numbing jolts of pleasure through Mei's mind. She had lost count of how many times she had climaxed-she was pretty much unaware of everything except the pleasure and aches of her body.

"Sasuke, I'm coming! I can't take it! Oh, gawddd!"

 As she came upon his rigid, unyielding length, he sat up, legs wrapping around her as he pushed his way deeper inside her pussy, finally letting go with one last orgasm.

Sasuke stood up, and Mei fell limply to the floor. She was unconscious, or near to it. He jerked the last ropes of come from his member, splattering across her face and hair. Again, somehow, a few strands had fallen across her eyes, only now her hair was streaked through with the yellowish-white of his seed. So fell the impressive, impassive Mizukage and Sasuke, while run ragged, was not yet truly spent.

Taking a photo of the dimly breathing woman, Sasuke crouched down, whispering to her.

"Depending on how your work with Tsunade goes," He breathed, "We could be here for quite some time."

Mei gurgled, spit foaming at her mouth. Sasuke wrapped the remnants of his clothes about his waist and left the room. He wondered if the Hokage was still awake. Of course, it didn't really matter. If not, he'd simply wake her up by fucking her in the ass. Either way worked for him..