

"...that's why we can't use storage scrolls for this," I finished explaining as we slid the box up the wall of the motel with a seal that allowed it to stick to the surface and move, courtesy of me, that left me with only 2130 EXP until I level. "Don't want to reduce the Hyuuga to a fine paste."

"So you can use storage scrolls as a weapon?" Hisako asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yup," I nodded. "I'm mainly wondering why it wasn't done sooner."

"Huh," Hisako blew her dark bangs out of her eyes. "Is that something you're going to work on when we get back?"

"Maybe," I shrugged. "The concept is interesting enough, I guess. I don't really see the point since I can reduce someone to bloody giblets with a punch, though."

Hisako hummed, and went back to looking at the ground. The Wall.

She was acting oddly civil. I wonder what she and Nichiren talked about while we were interrogating the blind guy. Speaking of which, I wonder if ANBU had found him already?

Kakashi opened the window ahead of us and we tilted the box inside. It fell to the floor with a clatter and thankfully it was intact as we entered.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail.

Completed: Get the box back to Sensei's Motel room.

Talk with your team.

(Optional): Meet Arai at the Warehouse for the final journey.

"Huh," I said, tilting my head.

"What's the matter?" Kakashi asked.

"Apparently I'll get closer to a power-spike if we complete the contract as intended as well as solve this mess," I answered, gesturing to the box.

"Oh," Kakashi blinked. "Huh. Okay…let's see what the Hokage says once we've sent a message to him."

"Are we really going to finish the mission?" Nichiren asked, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"We do have a job to do," Kakashi shrugged. "But this is a huge breach in Konoha security, so…I don't think so."

"I'd like too if at all possible," I input.

"I'll make a note of that," Kakashi nodded. "Now, let's get a message off to the Hokage. At best, we'll meet our client at the warehouse and start making serious inquiries."

"Of the lethal kind?" I asked.

"Depends," Kakashi shrugged. Then he looked seriously at each of us. "We can't leave our friend unguarded while we get a message off."

"I volunteer for guard duty," I raised my hand. "I don't need to sleep and if something does happen, the three of you will still be able to get some rest without undue stress further impacting your energy levels."

Speech Check Success: 39/30.

"Are you volunteering because you know something is going to happen?" Kakashi looked at me critically, his visible eye narrowing.

"I haven't received any kind of premonition," I replied with a raised eyebrow. "But I have a gut feeling that something will happen regardless of how we divide ourselves up."

Kakashi sighed. "Alright. Daisuke, stand guard and don't let anything happen. Hisako and Nichiren, you'll come with me to send a message off."

"Yes Sensei," Nichiren said. Then he turned to me. "Be careful."

"Stay safe," Hisako frowned.

"I will," I waved at them. "See you later."

They leapt through the window. I turned off the light and sat on top of the box, cross-legged and waited. Well, I didn't use the wait command, but I waited the old fashion way.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail

Completed: Talk with your team.

Guard the Branch Member.

(Optional): Meet Arai at the Warehouse for the final journey.

This was big.

Absolutely massive.

Naturally, I had a million and one questions. Who was the Hyuuga? How did he get captured? Who captured him? Who did they get to draw the seal network? Is our client the middle man or the merchant? Did he draw the seals? If not, then who did he get? Or is he shipping the contents on the behalf of someone?

So many questions.

Another thing.

I straight up killed a guy on the way here. Well, I mean…I've killed people before. I mean, at the house I saw myself murdering members of the Brotherhood of Steel. Blood and guts everywhere. But that was just a Genjutsu…it was real enough. Completely real at the time.

I'm no stranger to murder…which is somewhat disturbing in implication.

Perception Check Success: 8/6.

There were footsteps outside of my door. Slow, methodical and heavy. I noted the shadow that stretched from the light shining beneath the door.

I cracked my knuckles.

Suddenly, the door exploded off of its hinges flying directly at me. I stopped it with my palm, using my chakra to cushion it so it didn't explode all over the room. Then I let it go, causing it to fall onto the floor then it fell forward.

Standing in the doorway was a man. He had a pot belly and wore a grey battle-kimono with bandages wrapped around his fingers and I guess they well all the way up his arms. He had a goatee with reached out to a point, it being silver. He was entirely bald and his eyes were red.

I pointed to my seat. "Is this your box?"

He nodded. "It is."

"Oh," I blinked. "So, can I ask who you are?"

"'Fraid I'm on a tight schedule," He replied, moving the bandages on his hand to bite his knuckle hard enough to bleed. "So I'll just be taking that box."

"That's a shame," I replied, standing up. Then I sent out a bunch of strings, trying to repeat my performance earlier that day. What I didn't expect was for my strings to fizzle out when he raised up his arm to block them, causing the bandages to glow.


He's put seals on his bandages. Okay then.

As far as boss battles go, I'm predicting a fairly difficult match.


He charged forward and I brought my hands together for rapid-fire hand signs.

Force Lightning.

Lightning chakra poured from my fingertips, causing my opponent to raise his arms again in defense, but that's what I wanted. The best part about my copy of the famous technique was that it was fairly easy to maintain while I was moving. So I ran up to the guy with lightning firing at him, my chakra levels depleting rapidly and I kicked him in the stomach.

Or I tried, he was significantly faster than I was and stepped backward, the bandages on his hands rapidly unfurling and constricting themselves around my hands and throat, draining the chakra out of my hands and strangling…the life…out of me.

An oxygen counter appeared in my vision, slowly ticking down.

"Sorry kid," The enemy said. "But I can't let you get in the way of this."

I'm not a child.

I slammed my bound hands around the thread leading to my neck and-

Agility Check Success: 8/8.

Managed to untie it swiftly enough that he couldn't do anything about it. Gasping for breath, I broke into a full tackle, slamming into him with my shoulder and knocking him down.

"You little punk," He snarled, grabbing a kunai out of his jacket and sending it at a direct coarse with my head.

I barely dodged out of the way, giving him a kick in the stomach for his trouble. No chakra meant no Tsunade Special. Which means he's going to beat me unless I untie myself and fast.

Agility Check Success: 8/8.

My hands were unwrapped now, thankfull-OW SON OF A-

-28 HP.

He hit me with another kunai to my side. Out.

My chakra was starting to come back, faster than usual since his chakra-drain dispelled my Henge. Great. Fantastic.

We were in the hall now. He was running away, briefly facing backward to send his bandages after me. I jumped over the bandages as they tried to curl around me, sticking to the wall and surging forward after him, bouncing from floor to wall to dodge the doors that were spread throughout.

His bandage defense made using Jutsu on him problematic. If I had to bet, his seals use the excess chakra to power themselves and keep the strain off my opponent here.

The enemy recalled his bandages and they formed a screen of seals right in front of me, crap, crap, crap…

Agility Check Success: 8/7.

I was thankfully able to stop and back track, jumping and sliding to get around the serpentine seals as they came after me once again. I breathed out a scattering of small fireballs but they were swiftly intercepted.


I ducked back into my room and out the window. I ran on the wall and thankfully found an open window at the end of the hall, which I used to dive in and get back into the hall, emerging on the other side. His back was turned to me and with a fist full of chakra, I jumped right for him.

Sneak Check Failure: 22/25.

He turned to face me almost immediately and with a look of panic in his aged eyes, brought his bandages around my hands just before they collided with his face.

Dang it.

The punch was to his eye and sent him recoiling, allowing me to untie my hands once again. He threw a kunai, then another in rapid succession as he leapt down the hallway. I dodged both, but they threw off my momentum. With a snarl on his face, my opponent threw out his bandages again.

Perception Check Success: 8/6.


He drew seals on both sides of the bandages. The first set drained chakra. This set…

Fuinjutsu Check Success: 52/40.

Oh crap.

I jumped for him and his snarl turned to a panicked expression as the bandages homed in on my chakra signature. I cocked my fist back and tried to hit him in the face once again before-

-210 HP.

Head Crippled.

Torso Crippled.

Left Arm Crippled.

Right Arm Crippled.

Left Leg Crippled.

Right Leg Crippled.

The sound was deafening. I could feel the floor give out beneath me as the bomb his bandages set off ripped a shockwave through the air and through me, fire scorching my skin. I collapsed to the floor beneath. Dust and ash clung to the air.

I coughed dust and air. My vision blurred and my ears couldn't hear anything past the ringing sound. The pain was unbearable, every move making it worse. But I had to move; if I could survive that, so could he, and he might be in a position to start with the killing.

Endurance Check Success: 6/6.

Endurance Check Failure: 6/8.

With a cry of pain that I couldn't suppress, I managed to stand up. We were in the lobby, my blurring vision and pounding headache notwithstanding. Since it was late at night, no one was in the lobby, but assuredly there was people awake now.

I limped over to the wall, taking cover while I looked for the boss.

Perception Check Success: 8/5.

There he was, hiding on the other side of the desk. The curious glow of green chakra gave him away.

…he was healing himself.


Endurance Check Failure: 6/7.

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep standing. I fell to the floor with a painful thump but I couldn't stop. So I started sliding forward with my chakra, going around the desk like a snake. I used chakra-strings to pull shuriken from the pouch on my belt.

I came around to him and he looked awful. His left eye had popped, his whole torso was charred black and I think I could see his ribs poking out. His legs were both broken, the right one was a severe compound fracture.

My strings were used to restrain his hands and he fought. The shuriken were used to sever the bandages… should've done that sooner He grabbed another kunai and I attempted to stop him from stabbing me right there.

-21 HP.

Have you ever been in so much pain that it stopped bothering you? That was me, as the kunai that had been stabbed my forearm caused significantly less distress than I thought it should as I wrenched the kunai from his hand using my bone as leverage.

"…what are you?" My unfortunate opponent asked with terror in his eyes.

Charisma Check Failed: 1/4.

Seriously? What kind of question was that? "Durable."

+500 EXP.

His grey matter now decorated the front-lobby just like the upstairs hall.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail

Completed: Guard the Branch Member.

Talk with your team.

(Optional): Meet Arai at the Warehouse for the final journey.

I started to slide, my blurry vision causing me to steer wrong and right into a wall. Ow.

-5 HP.

…maybe I should just sit tight and wait for my team to show up. And hope the boss here was by himself, because I'm going to die if I find anyone else.

I wonder if he was in the bingo book? Will I get a massive bounty for killing this guy? I hope so.

How extensive are my injuries?

Perception Check Success: 8/8.

…missing depth perception, so I've lost another eye. Odd breeze across my teeth so I've got a hole in my face, possibly missing the cheek entirely. My nose seems oddly spacious. I brought a hand up to check on it and…I don't have a nose. Great.

Ribs and organs are exposed, as well as the right femur and shin. Possibly the left as well. Third degree burns all over as well as lacerations. I think my left arms been dislocated…though it's more likely it's been nearly amputated. There's also a hole in my throat, which will make speaking difficult.

"Daisuke!" I saw someone come into my field of vision.

Was that Hisako? I think that was Hisako.

"He's still alive!" That…was that Nichiren. I think. Lot of ringing in my ears.

I hope that's my team and not enemies I'm mishearing. I'll just use wait for an hour and see what happens. Skip an hour of pain.

…when I came too, I was on an operating table with surgeons leaning over me with scalpels-time to sleep!

I came too again in a hospital room, the windows closed. The sun hadn't risen yet. I checked my condition and I had fully healed. Hastily tore off all the bandages and casts and stood up. Where's my gear? With a grumble, I pulled out my black notebook from wherever I pull it from and…yeah, my gear is still in my inventory. It doesn't list it as damaged or anything, so I wonder...I used my inventory to equip my broken equipment.

There was a mirror in the hospital room, and so I was able to see that my equipment was completely undamaged, which made no sense in regards to what happened earlier. Clearly, this was game mechanics at work. I wonder if I can fix any piece of armor that I wear just by sleeping in it? Well, most likely by putting it in my inventory…I'll have to work out the details later. Right now, I need to let my teammates know I'm alright. A few hand signs to apply my Henge and I was ready to go.

So, I left my room and saw…oh, Kakashi-sensei. He was standing guard outside my hospital room and looking at me like I had risen from the grave.

"Hi Sensei," I said with a wave. "Slept it off."

"I can see that," Kakashi nodded.

"I woke up on the surgeons table…that was fun," I nodded. "Well, from my meditation. Not an actual 'sleep'. If you know what I mean."

"Sure," Kakashi blinked, sounding completely at a loss of what to do.

"Where's Hisako and Nichiren?" I asked, looking around for them.

"Hisako had to use the bathroom and Nichiren went to get a snack," Kakashi replied.

"That's odd, I thought they'd be back at the Motel," I frowned. "They still need to sleep. Did you guys run into trouble?"

"Not as much trouble as you did," Kakashi said. "Daisuke…did you know?"

"Know what?" I asked.

"Know the amount of trouble that was coming your way?" Kakashi asked with a narrowing eye.

"I guessed," I replied. I mean, a choice like that usually involves either a mob attacking the group or a one-on-one duel. I was right, but that's genre savviness hitting reality which doesn't always work.

"You guessed," Kakashi repeated with a disgusted tone on his voice.

"Like I said, I guessed that trouble was going to find us no matter which way we went," I replied with a shrug. "So I picked my battlefield. Sounds like I was right."

"I suppose you were," Kakashi shrugged, his eye still narrow. "We got attacked by a gang of five, trying to take us out before they moved on the box at the motel. After we dispatched them, we heard an explosion coming from the motel. There, we find the corpse of an A-rank missing-nin and you."

"So he was in the bingo book!" I said with a smile. "I get his bounty, right?"

Kakashi sighed and ran a hand through his silver hair. "Are you serious right now?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"This isn't a game, Daisuke!" Kakashi shouted. "Y-"

I lost it.

I started laughing. I laughed hard and long. I laughed until my lungs burned and my breath was gone. My laughter was changed to coughs and still I couldn't hold it in, coughing and wheezing as my body tried to force more laughter, even as I was forced to my hands and knees. Finally, I was able to stop the coughs…even as a giggle remained on my lips.

Kakashi was quiet.

"Not a game," I repeated, slowly standing up. "You have no idea how well I know that fact, Kakashi-sensei."

"Then why act like it is?" Kakashi asked, angry but distressed. "Why put yourself in a position, deliberately, where you know someone is going to try to kill you?"

"I get closer to a power spike if I kill something," I shrugged. Might as well get it out of the way…they already know everything else.

"You get closer to a power spike if you kill something," Kakashi's eye was widening.

"Yup," I nodded with a frown. "I found that out when I cleared out the rats on soldier pills, way back when…got a premonition they needed killing, so I did. Got my first power spike by the end of my first day at the academy."

"Rats on soldier pills," Kakashi repeated, sounding stunned.

"A pair of orphans in the same orphanage as me thought they'd make good training partners," I shrugged. "Way too good for them, nearly killed me. But I slept that off too."

"You've made it a habit of sleeping off near-death experiences," Kakashi sounded tired and angry now.

"Why not sleep it off?" I asked, raising my eyebrow. "I don't want to live with being maimed."

"That's not what I meant," Kakashi slapped his forehead. "I mean that you have no sense of self-preservation."

"I have plenty of sense of self preservation," I replied. "That's why I kill threats before they can attack me…or kill Nichiren and Hisako."

"Daisuke, protecting your teammates isn't your sole responsibility," Kakashi blinked. "You need to protect yourself."

"I did protect myself," I replied. "Besides, I got Hisako and Nichiren out of the missing-nin's way and mostly out of danger with you to guard them. It worked out."

"Daisuke," Kakashi said levelly. "I can't afford to bring a suicidal Genin on missions."

I blinked. Once, twice. "I'm not suicidal. We handled it. I don't see the problem."

"Daisuke, what happens when you pick a fight that you can't win?" Kakashi asked, distress and anger getting more severe. "Like what nearly happened a couple hours ago? You can't tell me that wasn't a close call."

"Eventually there won't be any fight I can't win," I shrugged. "Besides, I was told to guard the box. That's what I did."

"You did," Kakashi's eye narrowed. Then he sighed. "I just want you to be careful, Daisuke. Your team cares for you, even if you have trouble seeing it."

"I have trouble seeing it sometimes," I admitted under my breath.

"And if you die," Kakashi continued. "You cannot serve Konoha."

"Well, I might make a jutsu to reanimate my corpse," I suggested. "It might not even be hard just…"

"Daisuke," Kakashi was giving me the death glare to end all death glares.

"Sorry," I replied meekly. "I'll be more careful in the future, Sensei. Promise."

Hisako chose that moment to walk up. She grabbed my shoulders and twisted me to face her. She had a large bandage wrapped around her right arm. She looked me up and down, examining me for…something. I felt self-conscious. She pointed at me and looked as if she was going to start speaking, only for her finger to drop and for her shoulders to fall.

Uhh…uh oh. She doesn't like being reminded of what I can do. "I'm sorry."

With tears in her eyes, she immediately seized me in a hug, her pony-tail lightly smacking me in the face. "You're okay…you're okay..."

I awkwardly returned it, slowly wrapping my arms around her. "Yes I am."

Is it just me, or has she gotten really weepy the past couple of days? Must be pretty traumatic or something. Maybe I should get her a present or something? To help her out? That might be good. Probably not sweets…that might be misconstrued, if my old life is any indication.

Ooh, maybe I can build some training weights, like what Lee uses! That'd be good.

"Uh…" Nichiren arrived, arms filled with candy bars. He had a gauze taped to his forehead and his hair had been messed up. "So, you're okay, Daisuke?"

Hisako let me go with a sniffle. I noticed that Nichiren's glasses were starting to fall down again.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied with a shrug. "Bloodline makes injuries meaningless, really. Can I see your glasses?"

"My glasses?" Nichiren asked in confusion. "Sure?"

"Thank you," I said, seizing them with chakra-strings and used a couple of hand-signs to adjust the temples on the side to hug Nichiren's face better.

+75 EXP.

Yeah, yeah. Shut up.

I gently slid Nichiren's glasses back on his face. "There. Sorry, seeing those fall off for the hundredth time was bugging me."

"Thanks," Nichiren blinked with a growing smile. "Really, thank you!"

"Don't mention it," I replied with a nod.

So…quick calculation…1555 until my next level up. Great.

"So, what's next?" I asked Kakashi. "I can tell you that nothing else is going to threaten the box."

"Are you sure," Kakashi raised an eyebrow.

"Positive," I nodded. "Premonition."

"Awesome," Nichiren said, handing me a candy-bar.

"We need to get you three checked out," Kakashi said, still tired. "Then we are going to move the box to a different motel until reinforcements from Konoha arrive. Then you three are going to sleep and stand guard while I inform our client to stall, should it come to that. Understood?"

"Hai Sensei," Hisako replied.

Quest Updated: The Organ Trail

Completed: Talk with your team.

Move the Branch Member.

Wait for reinforcements.

(Optional): Meet Arai at the Warehouse for the final journey.

Thankfully, the box was completely and absolutely undamaged. Only the corner of the room had any sign of damage from my fight. As we moved the box to another motel and gave the owner a writ to pay for damages, I was able to learn about my little boss fight.

Mori Kazu was an A-rank homeless Nin, son of a missing-nin from Rock. He was a genius of sealing, that I could infer from what he could do. He obtained a bounty on his head for killing three Chunin on a delivery mission to Suna and taking all of their scrolls, all storage and explosive. Apparently, he learned quite a bit from those scrolls.

So what have I learned?

One, that I need to work Fuinjutsu into my fighting style to counter people like him. Two, don't assume I can take every quest and challenge that comes my way, as the only reason I'm alive right now is because I'm very, very lucky. And three, I need to work out some tactics to use in case I'm ever out of chakra because that fight was much harder than it should've been because he deprived me of chakra.

Should be simple now that I know I need to do it.

I was currently sitting in my room; the box having been deposited in Kakashi's room. I, of course, wasn't tired. Not in the slightest.

…Maybe I should check on Hisako and Nichiren. They were injured and I'd like to know the story behind it.

So I stood up off of my bed, and walked down the hall. I saw that Hisako's light was still on. So I walked over and got ready to knock.

"I used to think Daisuke was almost invincible," Nichiren's voice came from the other side of the door.

"So did I," Hisako sounded less than happy. "At least now we know he's just un-killable."

"…are you okay?" Nichiren asked, concern evident in his voice.

I shouldn't eavesdrop. I have a strict no eavesdropping policy. But…I need to hear this.

"Nichiren, do you know how long I've known Daisuke?" Hisako asked quietly.

Nichiren was quiet for a moment. "Not exactly."

"Since our first day at the academy," Hisako clarified. She sighed. "I met him at our first Taijutsu class. He was extremely good at it, even then. He kicked me in the stomach hard enough to leave a boot print."

"That," Nichiren paused. "Had to hurt."

"It did," Hisako said. Then she sounded…wistful? Odd. "I was so mad when I got home. I told my Mom about it, and she told me that he'd make a great training partner because he was so good."

"She had a point, I guess," Nichiren replied.

"She did," Hisako said. "So…I sucked it up. I made sure to spar with him as often as I could. I got beaten almost every time. But…he never lorded his victory over me. The couple times I won, he actually congratulated me over them."

"Really?" Nichiren asked.

"I mean, it was mostly just an acknowledgement over his shoulder as we went to our next class," Hisako replied. "But still. I was surprised. It wasn't like he was good at making friends. Sometimes he'd try to reach out to the other kids but…they didn't like him."

"He was creepy," Nichiren said.

"I know he was," Hisako sighed. "It was just really sad you know? So I…started trying to help him. He actually got better somewhat; during our first year."

I got up to level five during my first year. Since my stats scale with level, I would, of course have gotten better.

"Then we got on the same team and…he starts pulling jutsu from nowhere," Hisako sighed. "I thought we were…relatively close in ability before that. "I keep trying to help him. I didn't think it was…that bad at first. I just thought it was a little unfair."

"Then the house happened," Hisako's voice turned dark.

"Yeah," Nichiren's voice was equally dark.

"You know what it was like," Hisako said quietly. "Unable to save the ones you cared about as the impossible closed in around you."

I do know what it was like.

"Then Kakashi broke us out…and Daisuke had gotten out himself," Hisako gave a hollow laugh. "I bet it only took him a couple seconds to get out."

Not true. It felt more like ten minutes or so.

"That's when it hit me," Hisako kept going. "Just how impossibly unfair it was. How ridiculous Daisuke's power is."

"I know," Nichiren replied.

"I mean, think about it," Hisako continued. "When he grows up, he's not going to need us…not going to need me."

There was a quiet. Yeah she was crushing. I knew that for a fact. I'm not okay with this, she's twelve.

"You like him?" Nichiren sounded somewhat incredulous.


"Him?" Nichiren still sounded incredulous.

"Yes," Hisako said.

"You like him," It was a statement this time.

"Nichiren," Hisako growled in irritation.

"Sorry," Nichiren replied defensively. "It just…seems a little odd."

"I know," Hisako sounded depressed. "…then he walks out when we were talking about the House. I needed him there. We needed him there. But he left."

Well yes, I didn't want you to know that I saw Konoha get nuked and invaded by what has become an expy of the Space Marines from Warhammer30K.

…I think it was 30K. Might be 50K. Doubt it was 40K.

"Apparently, he didn't see much of anything horrifying," Nichiren mused darkly.

No, I just don't trust you guys with the knowledge that I'm a reincarnate with video-game powers.

"I'd been trying to help him for years," Hisako sniffed. "Trying to help him be…social."

She was? Wow, I was depressed during my academy years. Barely paid attention to much during that time.

"Then, that night we had dinner with your parents," Hisako continued, sounding happy. "I saw it. I saw the person Daisuke could be if he knew how to be social. A person who could listen, who didn't sound like he wanted to bite your head off at random, who didn't stick his foot in his mouth constantly. I saw it."

"Yeah," Nichiren replied. "It was…kind of strange."

"But it was wonderful," Hisako said dreamily before returning to her depressed mood. "Then he went back to normal. My socially incompetent, outrageously powerful sparring partner."

There was a quiet.

"Then he offered to teach me jutsu," Hisako sounded sad again. "Which was…actually really sweet of him in a weird way. But I don't want him to see me as a student. I want him to see me as a partner."

"You want him to see you as his girlfriend," Nichiren asked quietly.

"…yeah," Hisako replied morosely.

That probably won't ever happen. At least not until she's an adult and even then it's doubtful.

"At least we know we're not useless," Nichiren tried to sound cheerful. "I mean, both of us are amazing at stealth in comparison."

"Yeah," Hisako said. "And after we figure that out, he kills an A-rank target in the bingo-book."

"…He did nearly die," Nichiren backpedaled. "I mean, that's not good but…still."

Hisako gave a hollow chuckle. "But you know what the worst part about all this is?"

"What?" Nichiren asked.

"He gets better at everything in bursts and training doesn't help," Hisako sounded even more depressed. "That means all the effort I put into helping him be better at socializing was pointless."


"And I feel like a sack of dirt," Hisako was crying again. "Because I liked him better when he was brainwashed."


I…screw it.

I'm going to bed.

I can't deal with this. Nope. This is beyond me. I can't process this. My head hurts.


The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts