
Shinobi Overlord

Fan-Fic about overpowered guy in Naruto world, but he will not get involve much with Naruto's business but there will be some changes because butterfly effect. guy just trying to make harem and live happily. but could he live as he wish in this cruel world? 7 chaps for week, every 100 PS there will 1 more chap English isn't my native language so I m doing this for fun while been NEET is fun and all but boring at the same time.

asuraSL · Outros
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52 Chs

New Home

Simon woke up a bit later in the mooring last night he with Anko finished unpacking and quick decorating in new house since Kurenai will also be coming to this house Simon use his 'fairly earned' money to buy daily necessaries and everything pregnant mother would need. after he heard Anko been pregnant he uses some extra money to arrange his new home bit faster. even so, it took them one week to finish their work.

What Simon bought wasn't new land or a new house it was actually the Uchiha mansion and their land. Simon didn't care about massacre happen here, but he had house decorating group tore the old walls down and build new once, he also used his purification flame to cover the whole place and purify from resentment left behind by the dying souls.

While he was still on the bed he thought 'in another few days Kurenai will come back then, in few months Naruto and Jiraiya will be coming, I need to prepare for upcoming pain in the ass' he looked at Anko who was sleeping beside him. when he heard she was pregnant he felt like crying but held it in. he slowly caresses he hair then again thought 'I must Kurenai pregnant faster too Originally when Azuma went to Akatsuki Suppression Mission she was already pregnant yes yes also before that ghost Sai come here I must take Ino, there is a lot to do' then he got up from bed without waking Anko up.

As a great Otaku, he knew thing or two about cooking, using his amazing Otaku cooking skills he made a meal for two. Tsunade gave Anko long 'vacation' until her delivery, of cause Simon had to share his gambling secrets with Tsunade. but since I wouldn't take a long time to Tsunade to become his he gave it away. while he was cooking Anko also came out from the room "what are you doing ?" she asked him seeing he was busy. Simon smile "it's breakfast sit down it won't take long"

In a few minutes, Simon and Anko start to eat while eating Anko asked: "so what are you going to do today?"

"Humm I m going to start working on my farm since I have money ill use some workers to make land and some houses for chicken and others," Simon told his plans for next few days. he knew when 'pain' attacked the village there won't be any house or whatever left. but now he is here even Madara use his Susanoo to its full power he would never be able to harm anyone or destroy the village.

"Alright do you need some help?" even though she knew he wouldn't let her she still asked, as an expected he refused.

"No...umm how about this you go and buy some clothes for you and Kurenai, also buy TV and radio" Simon made her go shopping. after all, the girls love to go shopping.

"Eh....! but I don't know anything about shopping, so let me help you or ill tell Kurenai you force me to have sex with you " Anko never cared about fashion but time to time she would see what's new. but now she felt embarrassed. so she decided to force him.

Simon starts to sweat if she told Kurenai he force her it would be a pain to explain Kurenai, he hated explanations. "alright you can come with me but stay out from works" Anko didn't speak just nod her head.

After few hours later Simon decided to go find some workers he said goodbye to Anko and left the house, it took him one hour to fine day job works agency, he was planning to start his farm quickly so he paid for 50 works and 20 carpenters, since his estate is much bigger those workers might even take a few days to finish their job.

On his way back he took a peek Yamanaka clan flower shop to see if Ino was there but sadly she was out on a mission. when he reached his home he sensed five people hiding around his house, they had an Anbu level power so he thought might his future wife paying them a visit. he was quite happy looks like his charm was great that Tsunade can't wait to see him. he opened the front door and went inside

"Honey did lady Hokage came to check on y....." what he was wasn't lady Hokage but one person he hates the most ' Danzo Shimura ' he the one do all the dirty works in Konoha but even though he was suspected never proven, Simon also knew Danzo's love toward to village. he says he does this and that for the village but there is always something in it for him. Only thing Simon knew this man was a danger to his family. he could kill him right here and then but that would cause some butterfly shit on the original timeline and Sasuke's life. he didn't want to babysit those guys. of cause, he would save Itachi when the time comes. but not before he...well that for later.

Anko was also sitting opposite side from Danzo she looked at Simon before saying " this is Danzo Shimura he was one of elder in village council he said he came here to talk with you. I said you went out, but he waited until you come back."

She didn't know about Simon's knowledge about Danzo she simply introduced Danzo to him. she knew Simon wasn't power hungry or thread to the village, so she wasn't worried about him.

"Oh!! is that so" Simon spoke in surprised voice then he sat beside Anko before continue " so why is it former council member want to meet someone like me? "

Danzo was bit surprised after seeing Simon he heard about Azuma's fight with him, but didn't pay attention now seeing Simon was so young Danzo regret not coming earlier, also now that Anko with him I would be hard to make him join his 'roots' nonetheless when he heard about the healing Anko's curse mark he nearly piss himself, he immediately needed healing technique to heal his hand and eye which was Sharingan implanted on and heal backlashes. normal healing techniques would need few more years to heal. but if what report said was true with this guy's healing Jutsu he could heal his injuries in no time.

"Ryuujin - San I will get straight to the point, I came here to make a request for our village." Danzo put village front him like he always does.

" Oh!! let us hear it " although Simon didn't know what was this guy going to ask he still kept the conversation going.

" we that elder council came to decision that you should teach you healing Justu and other Jutsu to village use"

"Wait I thought you were kicked out from the council, but how come you speak for council?" Simon didn't get angry, he could teach his Jutsu to the village but what for he didn't take anything from leaf...well except for girls.

"Trust me Ryuujin - San even though I'm not council member anymore I do have some saying in there" despite Simon's words Danzo still had his calm tone.

"Is that so? so what if I say no?" Simon was also calm, was didn't fear anyone why would he fear council or Danzo. his root can eat shit. if it was Tsunade or any other who asked for His Justsu he might consider it. but this guy is no good very bad.

"Ryuujin - San don't refuse so fast, think about it with this kind of powerful healing techniques our village could become more powerful and also...."

"Alright, no need to continue I ' m not going to give my Jutsu to you just beat it" Simon didn't let him continue, its the same thing over and over village this and village that, Danzo would never even village know about this.

Danzo became angry at some point he stood up " Ryuujin don't be arrogant think about yourself and your family, I m doing this for every one good, aren't you going to become a dad yourself, you wouldn't want them to be exposed to any kind of danger would you" this time he threatened Simon.

Anko was ready to kill this guy on the spot but she was held back by Simon, he also felt Root members moments when Anko stood up " are threatening me? trust me Danzo you don't want to do that, if you do that your little Root wouldn't even an able to block a single punch, as for you hiding under your bandages heh " Simon didn't have any killing intend but his pressure more then enough to shut down Danzo.

Danzo looked at both of them " since that's the case we will see" leave in those words he exited with his Root members. just when Danzo about to order his Root members to keep watch out he heard Simon voice from inside "take them with you if not, not even their ash would be left "

2nd chap...I really don't want to write about fights and conflicts...but without them you guys might feel boring. so ill try my best

thanks for the comments...after another 2 or 3 chapters Naru.....well....you will find out

asuraSLcreators' thoughts