
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Naruto standing top of the tree and career Sakura in princess style

Sakura embarrassingly said Naruto what are you doing put me down Sakura shout to Naruto

Naruto after hearing that Naruto realise what he was doing and jump down to ground and put sakura down after sakura calm herself down punch Naruto

Kakashi seeing that Kakashi interfere with both of them and said stop you two we not here to play around we here to to practice to defeat our enemy enemy but you two are are on your own world

Hearing that Sakura stop punching Naruto

And Kakashi continue saying now naruto and sakura you two good at Chakra control but other hand sakura you speed and reaction time is slow that make team weak

Naruto you have seed, reflexes and calm mind that make any strategy what you don't have is team work in zabuza fight if you together with saskue you easily defeat zabuza clone and saskue you don't have Chakra control but you to arrogant got on your head that make you weak also you don't want listen you are team made advice that make you more arrogant

After lecturer kakashi said what think you have done wrong you have to realize on your own saying that Kakashi left team 7

Sakura, naruto and saskue hear that they remain silence after few minutes minutes later Naruto break the silence

Naruto: really I am so fool to make a mistake like that I am only 12 year old after all saying that Naruto start practicing

Sakura see Naruto admit his mistake Sakura feel shame to herself and Sakura also going to start practicing but saskue stop sakura

Saskue : sakura can you teach me how to climb tree

Sakura hear that she over joy herself and happily said yes why not saskue Kun

Naruto: why are you asking for her help can you do it on on your own saskue

naruto why are you you jealous about me asking for help to Sakura Saskue teasingly said

Naruto : girl like her who will jealous

Saskue : in front of me blonde hair boy who can be

You are asking for it naruto said

Naruto stop doing that saskue let's go to practice don't pay attention to Naruto Sakura angrily said

Naruto : whatever you do do I don't care about you saying that Naruto start practicing his own skill

Other hand Sakura hearing that word get more angry and said to saskue kun let's practice

Kakashi hiding behind the tree I listening what they are saying saying what they are saying after that Kakashi thought. They finally understand what are they doing wrong most of all I impress I impress by saskue who directly ask for help seem like it it he is arrogant arrogant got down on other hand Naruto keep calm himself down and admit his mistake I am most impressed impressed most impressed to naruto he copy the Jutsu for saskue he like his father but jealousy make him more Nehru minded and nothing to do about it to do about it do about it love


Underground base

There zabuza lying bed beside zabuza sitting on chair young young boy with black hair

Suddenly three men walk inside in room

There are two Bodyguard of Ghato and himself

Ghato: So even you have come back defeated . It look like the mist country ninjas are pretty pathetic you can't even avenge your man? Yourself a devil

Ghato walk to zabuza side while saying

Don't make me laugh

Zabuza: ........

Ghato bodyguard hold there Katana

Black hire boy notice they are going to attack

Hold on for a second ghato saying to his bodyguard

After saying that move toward zabuza and

Put his hand up to zabuza neck but before ghato reach zabuza neck black hair boy stop ghato hold his hand

Don't touch zabuza-san with your dirty hand

Black hair boy said

Ghato get scare and try to free his hand

Gu!! You..!! Ghato

Guards notice that Ghato in danger try to free but next second they can move their body because black hair boy holding they are katana katana in both Bodyguard neck

You shouldn't do that I'm pissed off right now : black hair boy

Ghato get scare and said one more time !!! If fail one more time you won't be welcome here anymore remember that!!!

Saying that Ghato and his Bodyguard left the underground base

Zabuza: haku you didn't have to...

Haku: I know cut it's too early to kill gatou if we cause a commotion here they will be after us again we most be patient.

zabuza: yeah you're right


At night time in forest

Naruto sitting there meditating Naruto feel something inside of her body like white ball

Shining calling him

Naruto : I don't know what is that white light calling me maybe I should ask kurama you know something about this after that Naruto call kurama kurama

Naruto : kurama stop you're bullshit today I come here talk something important to you.

Kurama: naruto what so important that you come here .

Naruto :you see when l meditating my chakar meridians I feel something inside of me seal I don't know what it's but is feel. Very familiar I lost that thing and finally find that that like this feeling .

Kurama:so you talk about that think ugh this not a important naruto you work up for nothing.

Naruto: so kurama know what it that think .

Kurama :why don't you try at out find something there maybe you find something important there.

Naruto : you tell me I suit go and try at out myself you Lazy Fox whatever I go and find out myself.

After naruto talk to kurama he directly go to that white light when he touch the light

Start to shining so much naruto cover his eyes when he open what all around Starry Sky .

Slowly red hair woman come behind Naruto she say to naruto

So my little child come to visit me :red hair woman said

Naruto hear that scared him who is come behind without noticing by me naruto thought make step back turn around look who was at when naruto see red hair beautiful woman standing there naruto feel something familiar with this woman.

So my little child scared by me : red hair woman smiley said

Naruto :who are you

red hair woman: you don't remember me Naruto

Kushina how he remember you when he never see you kushina : blonde hair man said

Kushina: oh minato how Stupid I am that he never see us

Minato: that is because like you

Kushina start blushing Hear minato word

Naruto: sorry to interfere your love conversation but may I ask you who are you

Minato and kushina hear naruto word they look each other and smile both of said In same time we are your mother and father Naruto

Naruto hear that word feel so Happy

You really are my my parents : naruto excitedly said

Minato and kuhina: yes

Naruto run toward minato and kuhina hug them and start crying

Kuhina; naruto stop cry know we are to see you last time

Minato: we know naruto how you feel without us And sorry to left you alone naruto

Naruto : mother and father I don't blame you to left me Behind kurama all the story about what happen that night.

Kuhina: so that us lose fox know how talk

Minato: kuhina don't propose nine tail he help naruto a lot kuhina

Kuhina : whatever minato now then my son you Explain something important when you kiss the girl name sakura do you like that girl

Naruto hear that word naruto immediately get angry said mother don't talk about that girl he all way around saskue like fan girl I don't like sakura.

Kuhina: minato see our son have love rival.

Minato: naruto whatever happen don't let that girl don't let other boy side or you we regret all your life

Naruto : father but she don't like me

Kuhina: how can you say that girl don't like when you cherry her like princess style she refuse you no but opposite he start blushing he like you Naruto

Minato: naruto don't have much time naruto before we say goodbye to you I want to tell you something in our house there is compound only bye you are blood signature can open this is my last gift for you Naruto

After that kuhina and minato give big hug to naruto before disappearing

To be Continue