
Shinji Matou at Your Service

The emaciated old man with an alien-like appearance grinned maliciously, while the young girl cried and howled. "Worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm..." Countless worms surged towards the girl like a tide, seemingly intent on devouring her completely. The girl instinctively closed her eyes and let out a desperate wail. "Someone... save me!" A breathtaking beam of light cut through the dimness, dispelling the girl's fear and the swarm of worms that filled her vision. Accompanied by a voice that was young but carried a hint of sunshine. "It's okay, I'm here. Big brother is here to protect you." The boy with purple hair and purple eyes held a scythe in his hand, blocking in front of the girl, and issued a declaration of death to the old man. "You deserve to die, Zouken Matou. No, Makiri Zolgen!" BONUS CHAPTER: 500 PS= 10 Chapter Advanced Chapter in: patreon.com/AbsoluteCode https://discord.gg/9zUZj5ksxM

AbsoluteCode · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
380 Chs

Chapter 105: I am King Arthur

Under the serene moonlight, the silence remained undisturbed, unaffected by the events that had transpired.

The four Servants and three Masters sat in their original positions, raising their cups once again. The horde of monstrous creatures outside the city had vanished without a trace.

"What a disappointing conclusion," muttered Rider nonchalantly, finishing the remaining drink in his cup.

Saber had nothing to say in response, while Archer sneered with a slightly displeased expression.

"I see. So, even though they're all a bunch of mongrels, you're proud of your ability to control so many people and consider yourself a king... Rider, you are a nuisance," Archer scoffed.

"Say whatever you want. One day, I will personally settle the score with you," Rider replied, unfazed, as he stood up and laughed.

"Let's finish saying what we wanted to say. Tonight ends here," he said.

But Saber was still bothered by Rider's previous words and was unwilling to let it go.

"Wait, Rider, I haven't..."

"Stop talking," Rider interrupted Saber from continuing, in a cold and firm tone.

"Tonight is a gathering of kings, but Saber, I don't acknowledge you as a king."

"Do you still want to deceive me, Rider?"

Saber's tone became impatient, but Rider only looked at her with pity in his eyes.

He didn't respond but instead unsheathed the sword, Spatha, and swung it into the air. The divine Bull of Heaven appeared with a thunderous roar, although it couldn't match the grandeur of the "Army of the King." The imposing sight of the chariot was enough to captivate everyone at close range.

"Hurry up, kid, get on."


"Hey, kid?"

"...Huh? Ah, um..."

Waver had been wearing a distracted expression ever since witnessing the annihilation of the monsters. He was still immersed in the awe-inspiring impact brought by the "King's Noble Phantasm." Although Rider was his contracted Servant, it was the first time he had witnessed Rider's true power.

After Waver climbed onto the swaying and ethereal steps of the chariot, Rider glanced at Saber one last time, speaking with sincerity.

"Hey, little girl, it's about time you wake up from that painful dream. Otherwise, you will lose the fundamental pride of being a hero—the kind of king you speak of is a curse."

"No, I..."

Ignoring Saber's final retort, the thunderous chariot soared into the sky, leaving behind only the lingering sound of thunder as it disappeared into the eastern sky.


For Rider, who refused to listen to Saber's words until the end, it was only natural for her to feel humiliated. But now, what gripped Saber's heart was an inexplicable "anxiety."

There was no justice, no ideal—only a tyrant who wielded violence to satisfy personal desires yet forged unbreakable bonds with their subordinates.

His way of survival is completely different from that of the King of Knights, and their ideals are incompatible.

However, Saber couldn't simply dismiss every word Iskandar said and erase it from her heart. No matter what, she had to make Rider take back his earlier words; otherwise, she would never be satisfied.

"Saber, you don't need to worry. Just follow the path you believe in."

The person who interrupted and spoke was none other than Archer, who had been mocking her earlier. The unpredictable encouragement made Saber's expression even more unpleasant.

"Just a moment ago, you were making fun of me, and now you want to flatter me, Archer?"

"Of course. There's nothing wrong with the way of kings you speak of. It's just too correct, too heavy for your delicate frame. Your distress, your conflicts... haha, it makes one want to console you."

After Archer finished speaking, he once again revealed that terrifying smile as he gazed at Saber.

Elegant beauty combined with a crisp and profound voice. However, his expression and tone were extremely evil and licentious.

As long as Archer was in her presence, Saber would not have a trace of hesitation in her heart. He was not like Rider; there was no room for conversation between the two.

"I truly appreciate you taking on the role of a struggling clown, burdened with a 'way of kings' that surpasses your capacity. Saber, try harder to please me. Maybe I'll reward you with the Holy Grail?"

As he spoke, the exquisite wine glass in Archer's hand shattered.

"Rider has already left, and the banquet is over. Archer, either leave or draw your sword."

Although it couldn't be seen with the naked eye, just the pressure of the wind caused by Saber's sword swing was enough to illustrate the deadly power of her divine sword. Archer, whose wine glass had been shattered, remained unfazed. If it wasn't because of his extraordinary courage, it was because he was utterly foolish.

"Do you know how many countries were destroyed for this cup? Well, I won't punish you. Getting angry over a clown's loss of composure would tarnish the reputation of a king."

"Shut up. I will only warn you once. The next time, I will kill you."

Archer seemed completely unfazed by Saber's cold threat, laughing as he stood up.

"King of Knights, strive your best. Perhaps in the future, you will earn even more of my favor."

Leaving behind those words, Archer vanished into a spiritual form, leaving behind an empty and desolate atmosphere reminiscent of waking from a dream.

"Assassin, like Merlin, you bear the title of a wise one. Do you also think I am wrong?"

Saber turned around, staring at Scáthach, who remained seated and motionless. Even in her resolute eyes, a hint of weakness rarely seen before emerged.

"No, as a king, you are not wrong."

Scáthach calmly gazed at the most renowned hero in Celtic history.

"The 'way of kings' you firmly believe in, your desire to save your country, they are not wrong. But as Archer said, this burden is simply too heavy. I lost the 'human' aspect without realizing it, while you willingly abandoned it. You must be suffering."

"This is my choice. Although it is difficult, I have no regrets." Saber may be of short stature, but she stood tall, and no burden could bend her back.

"Yes, that's the renowned King of Knights. So, what else is there for you to agonize over? Can every one of your subjects understand your policy? Does every person in your country support you? Haven't you heard any opposing voices? What did you do at that time?"

I... I... What did I do at that time?

I remember now.

"As a king, as long as my orders are victorious in every battle, and my words and actions are just and unwavering, that is enough. So, I never require others to understand me. Even if I am distant from the crowd and alone, that is the true bearing of a king."

"Isn't that enough? Now it's just Rider replacing the opposing voices. There's nothing to be concerned about," Scáthach said with a smile, but Saber furrowed her beautiful eyebrows.

The legend of King Arthur ultimately ended in tragedy, with friends and subordinates betraying him. The unbreakable bond between the king and subjects that Iskandar displayed was exactly what Saber yearned for.

Scáthach understood why Saber was wavering, but she didn't directly point it out. "So, are you going to give up? Give up on your beliefs? Give up on your kingship?"

"Of course not," Saber firmly denied.

"Then what do you still need to be sure of?"

Scáthach poured herself a glass of red wine. Rider had left, but the barrel of wine remained.

"Listen carefully, young girl. Beliefs are never strengthened by boasting nor shaken by silence. They exist only in your heart. If you believe in them, they exist. If you don't, they shatter. When I sealed off the Land of Shadows, I didn't make as grand a spectacle as Rider did, and many people didn't take it seriously. But after I killed various invaders, no one dared to question my beliefs. So, King of Knights, as long as you believe you are right, even if Rider doesn't acknowledge you as a king, even if Archer sees you as a clown, you should steadfastly continue. Because you are the King of Knights, the unique King Arthur, and the holy sword Excalibur in your hand is the best proof."

"Thank you, Queen of the Land of Shadows. I almost lost the most important thing."

Saber nodded, and her eyes regained their original clarity, purity, and calm self-confidence.

"I am who I am, not you, not the King of Conquerors, not Archer—I am King Arthur, and I am not wrong."


Note: It's kind of late, but this fanfic has already achieved 100k words. So, I think it's time for reviews. For every Five 5-star review, I will provide 1 bonus chapter. I repeat, only 5-star reviews will qualify.

Also every 100 Power Stone Growth = 1 Bonus Chapter

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