
Shinitai negai

This story is about a demon getting killed by a a newly hero and his party he ventures out to create his ow world where he wants to live in peace but multiple challenges keep getting in his way.

Knight_8915 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
92 Chs

Takeshi Number Six

Knight and Rio were relaxing in the room with no work to do when Rio asked about someone named Toka. Knight explained that after he had named the ten Takeshi, they had all left. He then recounted how he had explained the names and reasons for assigning them numbers to Rio. There were ten Takeshi in total, with Tende being number ten, Tobura number nine, Isagi number eight, and Menma at number seven. Toka was number six, followed by Nabe at number five, Misugu at four, Katsu at three, Lycone at two, and Ichimaru at number one, considered the strongest of them all.

Before they could continue their conversation, Toka appeared seemingly out of thin air. Knight's eyes filled with tears as he ran to Toka, expressing how much he had missed all of them. A sweat drop fell from Toka's face, showing a hint of worry as he asked what had happened.

Knight responded, explaining that he had missed Toka and the others, and then he told Toka about Lycone going rogue. As Knight recounted the events, Toka grew increasingly angry, clenching his fist and calling Lycone a "stupid idiot." He expressed a strong desire to kill Lycone for what he had done to their creator. Toka was upset about Lycone's actions and how he had tried to harm Jinsei, harking back to a past incident in the first chapter. Knight had defended Jinsei, explaining that it wasn't Lycone's fault and that he had been influenced by dark aura at the time.

As Knight continued talking, Jinsei walked into the room. Despite the passage of time, Toka hadn't forgotten his anger towards Jinsei. He immediately turned towards Jinsei and unleashed a barrage of elemental attacks – lightning, fireballs, and wind bullets – attempting to strike him down. Knight, despite the tension in the situation, found the scene somewhat amusing, laughing uncontrollably. He acknowledged that he had been spending more time with Jinsei, who had been helpful, but he hadn't fully forgiven him for the past incident, still holding some resentment.