
Chapter 5: Persocom!Levi x Reader - Proud To Have You

Tokyo. Where the best schools in Japan were. You moved from your small town in south Japan to study in Tokyo and you were also thinking of getting yourself one of those Persocoms you've heard so much about: how they were extremely handy to have around. Before you moved, you made sure you had enough money for your travel, as you have already taken care of everything for your apartment, including luggage and expenses, and for a new persocom. You figured it would indeed be helpful. You would be busy with looking for a job and going to school. You might need some help with the apartment in general, be it simple chores or even having a good balanced meal after being too tired to do it yourself.

And so, the first thing you did was find your nice, affordable little complex; a little place in a building named Gub Jogasaki, met the nice landlady, Chitose Hibiya-san, checked if everything was in order in your apartment, and left the building once more, to scout the area, find your school and also get yourself your new housemate.

Persocoms don't have many of the expenses that humans do, like food expenses for example, so it shouldn't be too hard to manage...right?

You found the persocom store you passed while finding your apartment and after browsing the persocoms in the windows, you stepped inside. They were impressive, extremely so; as well as expensive and you saved just enough. You started getting giddy just thinking about how he/she will react to one thing or another.

"Can I help you today?"

You turned and saw a worker of the store, a smiling older man with thinning dark hair.

"Um...Well, I came with one thing in mind." you said, looking around, knowing that he would know what you were talking about.

He let out a small, hearty laugh.

"What are you looking for? There are mini models: mobile models, full models..."

"Wow. I didn't know there were so many to choose from..." you said thoughtfully. "I guess I was thinking about a life sized one..."

You continued to browse through some more of the models the store had sitting on their own pedestals as you spoke.

That's when you saw him. Sitting peacefully between two female persocoms was the most beautiful male you've ever seen. Ebony black locks shaped in an undercut style and pale, smooth skin. He was a bit short though. Even with him sitting, you could tell, but he was extremely handsome.

"Ah, interested in him?" the worker saw you staring and you felt yourself blush slightly. "I have to warn you: this is one of our newest custom models we have taken in, but he's been returned several times now."

"Eh? Why is that?"

"Apparently, he has a bad attitude. I tried fixing his personality and even reset his software. But after all that, he was returned once more. Honestly speaking, I was about to take him off the shelf—"

"No way!" you interrupted him. "You can't do that to him!"

"Relax, little lady! He's just a persocom. I promise you in the future there'll be an even newer model looking just like him." he chuckled a bit.

"I'll take him."

"Even after learning about his personality, huh?"

"I don't care about that." you shook your head.

"You're the first!" the worker laughed a bit. "I'll ring him up for you then."

You smiled and bowed. "Thank you so much!"


In your apartment, you sat in front of your new persocom, who you had facing you, slightly hunched with his eyes closed and head slightly hung. You read the manual on how to turn him on and what to expect right after. How exciting! You were getting giddy again. Quickly, you dropped the manual and felt behind his earpiece for the switch—which wasn't behind his ear, but was actually in his mouth, you had a very hard time finding it, the switch was really hidden, so you searched everywhere—finally clicked it and straightened up, waiting.

Immediately, the soft sounds of a computer turning on came out of him. Suddenly, he opened his eyes, straightened completely and lifted his head to look directly at you, blinking. His eyes were a beautiful steel blue and the corners of his lips curved slightly. A smile so small, you almost didn't catch it.

"Nice to meet you. Tell me your name."

His voice was wonderfully deep and he spoke smoothly.

"Oh. I'm L/n F/n."

"I assume Miss L/n is my new master."

"Yes." you smiled, beaming. "But, hold on, you don't need to be so formal with me. Call me F/n and don't you think of adding an honorific either."

"Understood. Input a name for me, Y/n."

"A name?"

Crap. You were so excited about getting him home, that you hadn't decided on a name yet. You paused to think, humming, but you didn't want him to wait for too long.

"I got it!" you exclaimed. "I will name you "Levi"."

"Understood. Inputting name."

"It's nice to meet you, Levi!" you bowed, giggling.

"Yes, likewise." he also bowed.

He was perfect. You had no idea what that shopkeeper was talking about. He's not even rude, let alone has a bad attitude. After answering more questions about yourself so Levi can get more of a feel for you, then organizing your apartment a little more after Levi finished, you left the building again, this time with a short male persocom falling into step with you.


You saw the landlady sweeping out front and you greeted her as you passed her, until she noticed the new face.

"Oh, I just got him. This is my new persocom, Levi."

"Such a handsome persocom! It's nice to meet you."

He stayed silent and let his bowing do the talking for him.

"I'm going to go see if I can find a job. It's better to do this as soon as possible. I'll be seeing you, Hibiya-san!"

"Take care of yourself!" she waved after you.


"I should have made a list of the hiring shops when I past by earlier..." you muttered out loud, but mostly to yourself.

"There is a shop hiring nearby." Levi spoke up after a moment of silence.

"Really?! Where?!"

"It will take approximately 5 minutes to arrive to your destination. Turn here."


You noticed his facial expression rarely deviated from a stoic, bored expression. You thought it a bit strange, but kept your thoughts to yourself thinking that it's not a big deal.

You were proud to have him as your first persocom.

"We have arrived."

His voice pulled you out of your thinking state. You looked up at the sign, noticing it's a ramen restaurant.

"Excuse me." You walked up to an employee once inside. "May I speak with your hiring manager?"

You were told to wait and within a few minutes, a well-aged man walked out. When hiring came up, he told you he had already filled in the position. You thanked him and walked out a bit disheartened.

"That's one down." you sighed and turned to Levi. "By the way, how did you know about that hiring spot?"

"I did an internet search."

"Are you serious? That was almost instantaneous! You're amazing!"

Levi turned his head from you and scoffed a small "Tsk.". He's embarrassed? You giggled at him, thinking how cute it was.

"So! Is anyone else hiring?"

Without a word, Levi started walking, leading you to the next spot. That one was also filled in and you sighed again when you walked out. You perked yourself up exclaiming, "No big deal. We've only tried two places so far. On to the next one!"

You both walked for the rest of the day, going to business after business, each with unyielding results. You decided to stop by a little cafe close to the last disappointing find for a little rest and ordered a small drink since you were feeling parched. The sun was now starting to set.

"This is harder than I thought." you sighed for the umpteenth time. "But I can't give up now! I will find a nice job!"

"...You're loud." Levi said with a low voice.

"Oh! Sorry..." You hushed yourself, a soft, rosy color rising to your cheeks.

"...How can you do that?" Levi spoke after a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?"

"You came out of every establishment we've visited disappointed." Levi elaborated.

"Oh, well this is important. I need an income if I want to stay in Tokyo."

Levi opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by a cute, small waitress wearing a french maid outfit. Her hair was shiny blonde and her eyes were a pretty blue.

"Here's your drink, My Lady. Is there anything else I could get you?"

"Thank you. Actually, do you know if you're hiring by any chance?"

"Miss Manager stepped out for a little while. She should be back soon if you want to speak with her."

"Thanks. I'll wait, then."

The waitress bowed and walked away.

You were just finishing up your drink when a pretty, red-headed woman looking like she was in her early 20's walked up to your table. She also wore a french maid outfit, and it fit her nicely.

"Hello, I am Petra, the manager of this cafe." she bowed. "I was told you wanted to speak with me?"

"Oh, ah, yes!" you stuttered as you quickly stood. "I was just wondering if you had any positions open by chance?"

Petra eased into a soft apologetic look on her face. "I'm afraid not."

"Oh..." you let your head fall slightly. "Well, thank you for coming out to meet me anyway."

"No problem at all. I hope the best for you."


You ended up staying and ordering a little something to eat with a refill of your drink. Levi had put an elbow on the table, resting his head in his hand. In the middle of your meal, you thought you heard a little bit of a ruckus coming from the swinging door with a sign that read, "EMPLOYEES ONLY".

"Wonder what that was..." you talked out loud to yourself.

"It's getting late. We should probably head home soon." Levi effectively waved away your mild curiosity with his words.

"You're right. I'll have to keep looking for jobs tomorrow." you said while raising your hand to get the attention of the nearest maid.

Which happened to be Petra the manager. She quickly came over, slightly flustered.

"Yes, M'lady?" You felt ever-so-slightly important every time that was said to you.

"Could I get the check please?"

"Certainly. Give me a moment."

And she walked away. You immediately realized she acted slightly different and you looked to your persocom to confirm it. He merely dismissed your growing curiosity with a small shake of his head. To distract yourself, you went into your purse to ready your wallet so you can quickly pay and get home before it gets too dark. Petra came back a couple minutes later.

"Before I give you the check..." she started. You noticed Levi raise an eyebrow and a hint of impatience seemed to rise in his eyes. "I was wondering if you were still interested in working here?" her voice rose an octave at the end of her sentence with a small sentimance of hope.

That same hope lit up your face, and with a small smile you muttered, "You're not joking, right?"

"Well, one of my workers had a little bit of an accident early on, you see. She said that she was fine, but it seems that she made her injury worse..."

"I am!" you interrupted her, too excited to wait any longer. You quieted your voice, seeing a small surprised expression on Petra's face and you realized you were a bit loud. "Still interested..."

"Perfect!" Petra's face quickly changed to one of overjoy. "If you would please follow me?"

"Oh wait..." you said as you stood up. Feeling your wallet in your hands made you suddenly remember. "What about my bill...?"

"Oh, you can have your meal for free, for helping us on such short notice." Petra smiled.

"Really?!" you said as you followed her, with Levi following close behind you. "Thank you so much!"

"It's no problem at all, dear! It's the least I can do. Oh..."

You followed her into the swinging "EMPLOYEES ONLY" door and into the locker room in the back until Petra paused when she saw Levi standing beside you.

"Oh! Please don't worry. This is Levi, my Persocom."

"Ah, I see! He's very handsome, isn't he? Sorry, I've been holding that in for a while now!" a blush appeared on her face.

"Yes, he is!" you giggled along with her.

Levi resisted the urge to roll his eyes by looking to the side, not really focusing on anything in particular.

"Now then," Petra quickly snapped back into business. "Tell me your size, so I can get you a uniform."

You tell her your size and she quickly goes into the closet and pulls out a maid dress that was folded neatly in a box, still in its own plastic.

"There we are! Here, try this on and let me know how it fits. I will be waiting right outside this door. I want to give myself the element of surprise~"

"Okay! Thanks again!"

"Oh, no, dear, thank you!" Petra cheerfully replied and headed for the door until she noticed Levi hasn't moved from your side. "Levi, honey...You musn't watch a lady undress. Come, come." she softly ushered him out with her and closed the door.

You haven't thought of that. You and Levi are going to be living in the same apartment. It's such a small, little place and it's not like there's another room you can go into to change. You felt your cheeks heat up as you thought of it. You knew he's your persocom, but you can't help but get a little flustered about it. He's still male, after all.

When you finished getting dressed, you called out to Petra to come in.

"My goodness, you look like a little doll, you're so cute!" Petra exclaimed as she put a hand on her own cheek. "Levi, look, what do you think?"

You felt embarrassed and you felt your cheeks heat up even more.

"It suits you well." he replied, nodding a bit in agreement.

"Th-Thanks..." you genuinely meant it as you gave them a timid smile.

"How does it feel?" Petra asked.

"It fits pretty well, actually..."

"No need to be so shy, dear! You're going to be working in that same uniform after all!"


Petra giggled at you once more before signaling you to follow her. She led you to the kitchen where you met three girls. Annie, a blonde girl with a stern face, who was working on a customer's order. She paused occasionally to look at the girl who was sitting to her right, a worried expression in her eyes. You immediately noticed the injured girl who was a brunette, her hair in a pony tail. She was trying her hardest to not cry, with tears in her eyes and letting out small whimpers as a girl with ebony hair, that went down to just below her shoulders, tied her ankle with a bandage wrap. She muttered a soft encouragement as she worked, "Be strong, Sasha, I'm almost finished."

This girl, which you learned was named Mikasa, suspiciously seemed as stoic as Levi. The small difference was hers was stoic, emotionless; his was stoic, bored. You also learned the name of the small, blonde girl that served you earlier; Historia.

Petra said the only thing you were going to be doing was cleaning up tables and wiping them down after customers. That seemed easy enough. Having had a job before, you were quick and efficient and if a customer called you, you were calm and knew exactly how to handle it. Plus, Petra gave you a quick run-down on how to greet guests and told you how someone will always be near until you got the hang of things. You worked for two hours until it was time to close down. You hadn't realized, but it was actually quite late.

"Thank you so much for your help! Oh, I can't thank you enough!" Petra hugged you, catching you off guard in the locker room while everyone, including yourself, were getting changed to go home.

You let out a cute yelp when she suddenly hugged you exclaiming, "You startled me!"

"Was that you?" a girl you met in the middle of your shift, Mina, asked.

"Ah? W-Well..." you stuttered feeling self-conscious.

"That was adorable!" Mina continued.

You felt your cheeks get hot for the fourth time today. You're really going to have to get used to everyone calling you cute and adorable. You heard a sudden knock on the door and Levi's voice floated through it immediately after.

"Are you ready to go home, Y/n?"

"Yeah!" you called back. "Just a minute!" You turned back to Petra after you quickly finished changing and bowed. "Thank you so much for hiring me!"

"No, thank you for covering for Sasha, sweety!" she smiled. "Now, you'd better go. Levi seems to be getting impatient." she giggled.

"Of course! Oh and good work everyone! Thank you for helping me!"

Scattered responses of no problems, sures, and thank you for your help were called after you as you walked out and closed the door behind you. Beside the doorway, you spotted Levi leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. When he saw you, he looked like he wanted to say something, but instead pushed himself off the wall and headed for the exit in silence. You sent him a confused expression that he missed.

"Is something wrong?" you asked as you exited the building.


"It looked like you wanted to tell me something back there."

He shrugged nonchalantly, effectively answering you without actually answering. You decided to leave the conversation alone until you got home.


You took off your shoes with a tired sigh as Levi closed the door behind you. Immediately, you got yourself into more comfortable home wear—after you made Levi turn around, of course—then you took a seat at the small table you had settled in the middle of the room. Levi sat across from you, waiting for you to tell him anything else you wanted him to do. After a moment, you looked him straight in the eyes with a determined expression mixed with a sprinkle of worry.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong." he repeated himself.

"If I did something to upset you, you should tell me, so I can fix it."

"You're perfect the way you are."

The answer caught you off-guard and you felt your face heat up for the fifth time today.

"Th-Then..." you took a moment to collect yourself. "Tell me what it was you were going to say earlier."

Levi let out an exasperated sigh. "I told you it was nothing."

This is going nowhere fast.

"Levi, I want to help you, but I can't if you don't tell me how you're feeling! Won't you please be honest with me?"

"You want me to be honest?"

"Yes!" you exasperated.

"...You're not going to like it. This is your only chance to back out."

That's a strange thing to say. You feel like you were forgetting something. "Give me your best shot."

Levi hesitated as he looked down at the table, as if collecting himself and he scowled slightly. You felt like you heard a soft hum of electricity, but it's so low that you're starting to think you're hearing things. Levi suddenly looked up at you and spoke with a calm voice while looking you straight in the eyes.

"You took too god damn long."

Whoa. Where did that come from?

"I waited for you for fifteen minutes. Who the hell takes that long to change? Did you forget where you put your clothes?"

"Apparently, he has a bad attitude." So that's what the shopkeeper meant.

"It was getting late before we started walking home. That idiotic manager couldn't wait until tomorrow to give you the job?!"

"One of her workers were down..."

"I don't give a rat's ass! This is Tokyo, it's dangerous to be walking home at night! What would have happened if you didn't pick me up?!"

He scowled at you expectantly with knitted eyebrows and an intense look in his eyes. You were quite shocked; so this is the "bad attitude"! But Levi was holding this all in. It was only after you pushed him and gave him permission that he let everything out all at once.

"W-Well...If I still found that cafe, I probably would have..."


"That's what's wrong."

He's worried for you.

"You want me to be honest..." he looked away, his scowl deepening. "Then you'll take me back to that shop once you've had enough."

Wait, wait, what?!

"Who said I would do that?!"


"Don't act like that old geezer didn't already tell you!" It sounded like his voice shook for a second. "You're not my first owner!"

He's scared.

You stared at him, your eyes wide with surprise.

"That's what the fuck is wrong! I'm not going to change just because someone doesn't like how I speak!"

Your body moved on it's own, clinging to him like as if his life depended on it. He remembers he was abandoned. What a terrible thing to do. You couldn't even imagine how he's feeling, but it made you want to cry all the same. You took him by his shoulders, making him lean on you and you softly placed a gentle hand on the back of his head, his surprise making him turn his head to look at you with wide eyes. You eased him into leaning in further, letting him rest his head on your shoulder. Then you spoke, keeping your voice low for fear of your voice cracking.

"That's horrible." you began, suddenly aware that your attempt to keep yourself from crying had you shaking. "He told me everything. He was even thinking of taking you off the shelf. Who knew what was going to happen to you after that! But I chose you anyway."

Levi was tense for a while, but as you spoke, you felt his body relax against you a little at a time.

"Out of all the others and even after hearing about you, I could have picked anyone else...But you were the one I wanted, so I think you're going to have to deal with me for much longer. Don't change for me, I like you just the way you are."

You felt his head settle into the crook of your neck as you muttered, "I won't let anyone else have you. I'm proud to have you as my persocom."

The room settled into a comfortable silence and a moment later you felt him nod against your neck. You smiled, your eyes soft, having no doubt in your mind that you made good on your choice of persocom.

Suddenly there was a knock on your door, breaking your nice moment.

"Um, excuse me!" a hesitant male voice floated in through the door. "I heard loud voices, so I wanted to make sure you were okay?"

Neighbors! You almost forgot you had those! Levi carefully pushed off of you and you eased yourself off the floor while saying, "Coming!". Quickly, you straightened yourself up, then opened the door to greet your sudden guest.

You were met with a handsome man who had dark brown hair and dark eyes. He has dark tan skin and is pretty tall, especially compared to you. His hair is parted on the right side and does a little up and over. He wore a white t-shirt and sweatpants as well as a small, gentle smile. A small rosey color rose to your cheeks.

"I'm sorry for troubling you at this hour." he bowed his head slightly and scratched the back of his head as he spoke.

"No, I'm sorry about all the ruckus!" you immediately replied, raising your hands and waving them a little. "We weren't arguing, but it did get out of hand a little. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

"Oh, it's no problem at all. It got so quiet all of a sudden, I got a bit worried."

"Real sorry..." you bowed.

"No, no really!" his smile broadened. "You're the new neighbor, right? My name is Hideki Motosuwa."


"And this is Chii, my persocom!" he added with a small chuckle as he slightly maneuvered so Chii was more easily visible.

"Wow, she's so cute!" you blurted out and you could have sworn you heard Levi smack his forehead from somewhere behind you. You felt his presence ease closer as you shook your head and tried introducing yourself again with a small bow of your head. "And this is my persocom, Levi." You put a tiny emphasis on 'my' and Levi gave a small bow of his head. "It's nice to meet you."

"Yeah, nice to meet you, too!" Hideki returned, still smiling.

"Nice to meet you." Chii repeated, her speech a tad slower as if learning.

Hideki smiled proudly at her and put a hand on her head. She returned his smile with her own.

"Nice to meet you!" A hidden small, high pitched voice called out.

"Oh, right! And this is Sumomo." Hideki said as a tiny persocom emerged from behind Chii's hair.

"Nice to meet you? She's so small! How cute! You have two persocoms?!"

"Oh, she's not mine. I'm holding her for my friend."

"I see. Anyhow, we're both ok. Ah! Would you like to come in?" you suddenly remembered the rest of your manners.

"I would love to, but maybe tomorrow. It's kind of late and I have school..."

"Oh, of course." you smiled, then the word "school" clicked in your mind and you gasped. "School!"

Your sudden outburst startled Hideki, Chii and Sumomo, even Levi jumped ever-so-slightly. You had completely forgotten about school.

"I have to get to bed, too!"

"Then, I'll leave you to it. Have a good night!" Hideki said with a final small bow of his head.

"Have a good night." Chii and Sumomo repeated beside him.

"You, as well!" and you closed the door when he turned and started leaving.

Immediately, you started pulling the small table to a corner of the room as quietly as you can and instructed Levi to get the futon as you did that. You helped him get it ready and wait...

He's going to have to share the futon with you. He doesn't have any sleepwear either, does he? Crap, you didn't think this persocom thing the whole way through! You should have gotten him some sleepwear at the very least! Oh, wait, but you're short on money. It's the whole reason you went job hunting in the first place!

"Oi, idiot, I'm talking to you."

Did he just call you an idiot?

"What was that for?" you pouted at him for the insult.

"You kept changing your face and moving around like one, I thought it was fitting." he crossed his arms.

Old habits die hard. You have to work on that.

"It's just...I realized that you don't have anything to sleep in...and that you're probably going to have to share my futon..."

"Where else am I going to sleep?"

Figures he would say that. Ok, you can handle that, but you don't want the poor guy to sleep in the same clothes you got him in. Who knows how long he's had that same shirt and pants on.

"I might have something for you to sleep in..." He's small enough, but you kept that part to yourself.

Levi was silent as you searched in the box that had your clothes, which you haven't unboxed yet. There's got to be something in here. Ah-ha!

"Good thing I brought this! If this doesn't fit you, then I don't know what we're going to do. Try these on!"

You passed him a shirt of your brother's that you liked to wear as sleepwear and a pair of one-sized pajama pants with the string in case it needed to be readjusted. You turned for his privacy and turned back around once you didn't hear anymore of his shuffling around.

"Is it too tight?"

"It's fine."


"Well, that settles it! Tomorrow after school, we're going clothes shopping. Although, we might have to go cheap. I don't have a lot of money left, but I do have my grocery money..."

"Don't even think about it." Levi deadpanned when he heard that last mutter.


"Just go to sleep."

"Alright!" you chuckled as you settled in.

Shortly after, Levi turned off the light and settled in behind you, his back against yours. You felt yourself stiffen.

"...Good night." you almost didn't hear Levi whisper.

"Good night, Levi." you smiled and relaxed, if just a little.


You awoke to the sun hitting your face. You have got to get your curtains set up. As you moved to get up, your back hit something and you jumped out of your skin, letting out a little yelp.

Oh, right, Levi slept next to you. You're going to have to get used to that. Levi opened his eyes when you got up to get ready for the day. Your internal clock woke you up right on the time you were supposed to, with enough time to get ready and get to your cram school. You quickly washed up and got dressed, while Levi folded your futon and put it away, also putting the small table back in the center of the room as you had it last night.

"I'll come by to pick you up after class, so I can get you some clothes." you spoke to Levi as you put on your shoes. He stood up from the table to stand in front of you at the door.

"Forget about it." Levi deadpanned.

"What? Why? You need better clothes than the ones you have now."

"The money you have is for you to eat. You need the money more than I do. I can make due with what I have."

That's sweet, it seems he's looking out for you. It also looks like he's back to being polite, too.

"That's all right. I have a job now and my first paycheck isn't too far away. Plus, you're acting like I'm going to blow it all off. I know exactly how much I'm going to spend, so don't sweat it." you flashed him a smile, but instead of understanding or nodding his head, he flashed you an irritated glare.

"Are you seriously idiot enough to not understand the words that came out of my mouth?"

You spoke too soon about him going back to being polite.

"Do not spend your grocery money on me. You want to buy me clothes so badly, wait for that paycheck from that dumbass manager."

"But Levi—"

"Get it through that thick skull of yours!" he spoke evenly without raising his voice, but his words had a mean bite to them.

"You're impossible." you pouted at him and sighed. "Fine. I guess I have no choice."

"Good." he crossed his arms across his chest.

"I have work later on. Will you pick me up tonight?"

"Who else is going to do it?"

"Thanks." you smiled at him again. "See you later!"

With that, you closed the door and hurried on your way. Levi sighed to himself, wondering how you managed to get someone like him. Holding it in didn't work, maybe he should work on actually being nicer. He turned around to look at the sorry excuse you called an apartment.

You had your dresser resting against the wall to the right of the sliding door closet and had your small flat screen T.V. sitting on top of it. Some boxes sat in front of the closet door, not having time to put them into the closet.

At least you had it as neat as you could possibly have it. With that thought, he decided to work on emptying those boxes for you to keep himself occupied. If there's something you want in a specific place, he figured you'll just move it yourself.


Seeing your neighbor Motosuwa in your class was a pleasant surprise. You were happy there was someone you knew, since you were nervous about being all alone.


"L/n-san? Hello, I didn't know you were attending here!"

"I need these classes for college." you nodded. "I was planning on enrolling next year. You're a pleasant surprise."

"Yeah, likewise."

"Is this seat taken?" you pointed to the seat in front of him.

"No, go ahead!"

"Thank you."

"Do you have everything settled for classes?"

"I think I do. If I get stuck on anything, would you mind...?" you suddenly got shy, unable to finish your sentence.

"Sure! I don't mind at all!"

You beamed at him, but was interrupted when a female voice rang out in the classroom.

"Alright, everyone!" a pretty woman with black hair stood in front of the class.

Class started promptly, you having to scramble to pull out your English book.

Levi stood in the balcony, gathering some sunlight to charge himself. He finished organizing and tidying your humble little apartment long ago. He would have started on a meal as well, but since you haven't gone shopping yet, there was nothing to cook. When the jingle for full batteries rang, he walked back inside, closing the glass behind him. Suddenly, he heard your familiar voice faintly float by in the hallway, your voice accompanied by who Levi recognized as the neighbor's voice.

"Thank you so much, Motosuwa-san."

"It's no problem at all. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I'll remember that." Levi can see your silhouette as your voice sounded clearly on the other side of the door. "Thanks again."

He stood up to greet you at the door as you opened it. He was greeted by your smile as soon as your eyes landed on him.

"Welcome home."

"Thank you, Levi. Glad to be back..."

You stared at your apartment in surprise.

The boxes disappeared. Your futon was placed neatly against the wall under the window, which now had curtains. Your game system was hooked up to the T.V, laying next to the T.V itself and the controller rested on top of your system. Your mini standing bookshelf stood comfortably near the door way. On the counter near the sink sat your bathroom necessities like your bath soap and toothbrush in a blue, square plastic container you bought to carry your items to the nearest bath house. Which reminds you; you need to locate said bath house. You'll ask Motosuwa later. There also wasn't a speck of dust to be seen.

It's like you walked into someone else's apartment!

"Wow." you breathed out. "You did all this?"

"No. Someone broke into our apartment and did it." Levi sarcastically replied, crossing his arms.

Only the second day living with your persocom and you're already used to his sass and "bad attitude".

"You really are amazing, Levi."

"...You're easily impressed."

Haha, nope! He can't fool you, you saw that! He liked the praise! You giggled at him, a wide smile on your face and you thanked him again while you sat down at your table, setting your bag next to you.

You have some time before work so you decided to work a little on your English studies. You followed the class pretty well, but there were still some words you couldn't get.

"I have got to get a Japanese to English book when I get the chance..." you muttered to yourself.

Levi, who was sitting beside you, looked over your work and quickly found the word you were struggling on.

"Converse, verb: engage in conversation. Noun: conversation."

"Oh!" That's right! You keep momentarily forgetting that Levi is a persocom. "What about this word?"

Every word you pointed to, he translated and you managed to get most of your work down, before it was time to get to your job.

"I'll see you at work, then?" You said after you washed up and changed.

"Take care of yourself." Levi replied.

"I will." you smiled and out the door you went.


"Nice to see you again, Levi!" Petra beamed at him while he waited for you to get changed.

He bowed his head in silent greeting, but even that simple action had her squealing internally. It was easy to tell she was nearly about to burst.

Women. He so badly wanted to roll his eyes, but kept the rude gesture back.

"Levi." you called, finally emerging from the dressing room. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

He stayed silent and nodded, walking with you after you wished everyone a good night. The walk back to your humble little apartment was quiet, but comfortable. Levi's sass wasn't something that bothered you. After his confession, you're relationship has grown closer, it was obvious by his sass. It's what made him special.

And you wouldn't have it any other way.

You were proud to have Levi as your persocom.

Levi walked beside you with confidence, instead of simply following you around like he was doing before. He knows you picked him, but honestly, what were the odds that you picked him up just before the old geezer scrapped him? Sure, you were easily impressed, loud at inappropriate times, a major dork, a fool for putting others before yourself, a kind person, a caring owner...

He wouldn't trade you for the world.

Levi was proud to have you as his owner.