
Chapter 1: Levi x Sickly!Reader - Stay With Me

Living in the underground was a living hell for a healthy person, let alone for one who was sickly. Which is why Levi was so protective of Y/n.

Y/n helped Levi in his time of crucial need. He needed food, water, medicine and warmth or he would have died. He managed to catch a nasty cold that was going around; it was flue season, after all. She somehow spotted the boy in the darkness of a lone alley and decided to stay with him, making sure he'd survive. She gave him everything he needed and more and once he was well enough to walk without stumbling, she finally left to her own home.

Eventually, once he had a good roof over his head, he came to get her, finding out where she lived and personally visited himself. It didn't take any time at all to see that her health was extremely low—which he had neglected to notice before. She had told him she was born sickly, which almost drove him insane. How could someone like her be living by herself?! She was most certainly an easy target! It's a miracle no one's messed with her yet! It took (a lot of) convincing, but she eventually gave in and left to live at his place.

She was kind, caring and easily got along with everyone. Everyone who crossed her path loved her, including Levi's gang and friends.

Levi made sure she always had everything she needed, especially medicine. She was always ill. No one touched her without Levi's permission and supervision. No one was allowed to enter the house if they were the slightest bit sick. It was as if Y/n was in constant lock down. It frustrated her badly and she wasn't afraid to show it.

"I'm just afraid to lose you...I can't stand not having you here."

That was basically a love confession and Y/n couldn't stay mad at him.

Y/n put up with his and all of his friend's occupation. She knew that it was to survive as well as to support her. Sometimes she couldn't stay on her feet long enough to make a meal for everyone when there were ingredients, or clean the house for everyone when they were "working". She felt useless. She felt like a burden.

"Hey, hey." Levi held her close to his chest as her tears fell. "Don't ever think like that again. You are not useless. Especially not a burden. You mean the world to all of us here. We don't know what we would do without you."

"...Are you sure? I mean all I do is slow you down—"

"Y/n. What the fuck did I just finish telling you?"

"...Alright. I understand."

"If you ever start feeling like this again, tell me right away."

"Yes." she smiled.

She noticed that about him. He acted careless and nonchalant, but he cared for each and every one of his people. He also never asked. It was never a question. He was demanding, even when he wasn't trying to be and he cussed quite often. That's just how he spoke. His speech is why at first he's a bit hard to speak to, but once you get used to it, you know what he really means.

Today was just another regular day, but somehow the day seemed a little off from the moment she woke up. When Levi, Furlan and Isabel made to leave the house, that uneasiness only grew.

"Wait." she walked up to them. "I understand you need to do this, but couldn't this wait until tomorrow?"

"What is it?" Levi asked.

"It's just...I don't know, but something isn't right. Please don't go."

"Don't do that." Y/n knew that meant Levi felt conflicted. "We have to."

"I know, but please, I'm begging you."

"Y/n." Levi used a stern tone.

"Furlan." Y/n silently begged Furlan to back her up.

"You know, Y/n's always had a strong sense for these things." Furlan started. "Maybe we should listen to her."

Levi, Furlan, and Isabel shared a look before Levi sighed.

"...Fine." Levi stepped away from the door and took off his 3DMG. "I'll make you something hot to eat."

"Thank you." Y/n breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Come on, Y/n." Isabel spoke and led her to her room. "Don't stress it. We're not going anywhere."

Y/n ate on her bed and laid down as Levi sat next to her like he always did. He spoiled her with that. He stayed by her side and held her hand until she fell asleep, then he glanced at her once more with an apologetic look in his eyes before he silently left her room, closing the door quietly behind him.

"Let's go." he told Furlan and Isabel while picking up his 3DMG and strapping it on.

Y/n woke up with a start, a horrible, forlorning feeling enveloping her. They're not in the house anymore, she knew this, but she called out to them regardless, fear heard in her voice. However, no one answered her but silence.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no...

She got up quickly, scuffed her knee when she fell in a hurry to the front door and as she opened the door, she had to grip the handle and tried her hardest to stay on her feet. Already, she was fatigued. Already, she had to catch her breath, but she must get to them. At this very moment they could be in danger. She feels this in her gut. She had to find one of the members. Even if they don't know where they are, they could find them quickly and they could take her to them. Just as she thought this, she caught sight of one of them, Frank, a little ways from the house.

"Oh, thank the goddesses! Frank!" she called him like her life depended on it. As far as she knew, Levi's, Furlan's and Isabel's did.

Hearing her cry, he instantly recognized her voice. He turned quickly and rushed to her as she tried to do the same.

"What are you doing out here?!" he asked her as he helped steady her.

After all that special care Levi gave her, should she really be running about?

"Please help me...find Levi!" she had to pause mid-sentence to take a deep breath. "I have this horrible feeling. Please, Frank!"

"Ok, sure!" He's got to get her to calm down. "But where the hell do you think we should look? This place isn't exactly small, y'know."

"T-The Marketplace, maybe?"

"Maybe, huh?" Frank muttered to himself, then nodded to her. "Hold on tight. We'll find them better by air."

Frank took shortcuts he knew weren't going to get him caught. They were halfway to the marketplace, when Frank noticed something odd and landed. He kept Y/n close to his chest, as he pressed his back against a wall, hidden in the shadows. An easy task—especially at night; the underground wasn't very well sustained with light sources, even during daytime. He chanced a quick peek and recognized the Wings of Freedom emblem on their backs.

'What are they doing down here?' Frank thought as he took another peek. His eyes widened at his find and he hid himself once again. His grip on Y/n's back pressed her closer to his chest.

"What is it?" Y/n whispered. He was starting to worry her. "Did someone see us?"

"No, we're safe." Y/n opened her mouth to ask another question, but it was answered before the words left her mouth. "I found them."

"Oh, thank goodness! I have to—"

Frank's grip tightened once more when she tried to detach herself to leave.


"You can't. There are scouts over there and it doesn't look like they're having a good chat. I need to get you back to the house before they realize we're here."

"Frank...I understand. No matter what, you or I can't be seen, right?"

"You got that right. You're important. Everyone wants you safe, Levi most of all. I'm going to make sure of it."

"Thank you, Frank. Don't ever change. After this, I want you to keep yourself safe. Promise me?" she asked as she put a hand on his rough cheek.

"Yeah, I promise. Now, let's get you—"

"I'm so sorry for this!" Please forgive me, Frank!

In a burst of what little strength she had, Y/n broke away from him and sped right for the scouts. At last, she saw her closest friends, but gasped at their poor states. Levi's face was forced into a muddy puddle beneath him by a blonde man. He was forced to kneel in front of a different blonde man, who knelt in front of him when the other blonde man pulled him back upright by his hair. Y/n didn't slow down and got close enough to hear Levi agree with the blonde in front of him about something, until another soldier grabbed her by the waist, preventing her from getting any closer.

"Ah! No!" she cried out, an arm reaching for her friends.

The trio silently gasped, seeing who it was and resisted the urge to call out to her. The blonde man who was previously facing Levi turned to see the commotion and walked toward her. She froze, her arm lowering. The soldier holding her was the only thing keeping her from collapsing.

"And you might be?" his face was drawn in neutrality.

"Sir...I beg you. P-Please don't take them..." Y/n was panting.

He gave her a small smile, but it wasn't entirely friendly.

"And you know these criminals how?"

Y/n remembered a conversation Levi had with her when she was still getting used to living with him.

"If anyone gives you trouble, you call me and if anyone questions you, you tell them,"

Y/n looked at the man straight in the eyes and without a doubt in her soul, she spoke with conviction. "I am Levi's wife."

The man's eyes narrowed, but had a glint of amusement. "Wife, you say?" He looked back at Levi and found Levi staring right back at him with a deadly glare, daring him to touch her.

"Yes, so please don't take them."

"I'll take you instead."


"You want to stay with him correct?" Y/n nodded. "Then you are coming along with them."

Y/n sighed, finally letting her body relax. The soldier holding her let out a surprised "Oi!", almost dropping her when she suddenly put almost all her weight on his arms.

'I'm fortunate to have met her now. It saves me later's grief.' the blonde thought.


On the ride to the surface, Y/n found out the blonde man—who seemed to be leading everyone—was named Erwin Smith and the other blonde was Mike. In the one good look Erwin took, he realized Y/n had to go to the hospital.

"The survey corps is no place for the weakened." Erwin explained. "I'll make sure you get there safely." Erwin once again caught Levi's threatening glare. That he'd better treat her right in every aspect of the word.

True to his word, Y/n was admissioned in the hospital and she was to stay until she was well enough. The surface was beautiful beyond what she thought, yet she was imprisoned once again and kept from roaming freely.

Her friends had no time to visit, far too busy with fullfilling their duties as soldiers. They did, however, speak through letters of their days and feelings as well as questions of how she's being treated and whether or not she knew when she will be healthy enough to finally leave the hospital's care. Her favorite part of the day was receiving and reading those treasured letters.

One day, she was at last permitted to leave the hospital for one day. She eagerly wrote so in her latest letter about her upcoming visit. They weren't truly done righting her health, but it has been stable enough for her to venture about, so she eagerly took this opportunity to visit her friends for the first time in months. Commander Shadis knew about the girl and found out about her visit, so he arranged for a one-time ride for her, stating that the sickly shouldn't go through trouble just to visit friends and family.

As soon as the four friends saw each other, they rushed to each other for much needed embraces. Levi waited for his turn. He wanted his embrace to be his alone, not shared with even his closest friends. His hold was tight yet gentle, protective and relieved. From the look of it, you would think Y/n was made of glass.

It was a free day, so the trio had the whole day with Y/n. They smiled, reminisced, joked and ate together. Y/n's complexion was bright and showcased exactly how healthy she had become. The trio still saw familiar patterns that revealed she wasn't yet completely cured, but this was still an enormous improvement. When the day was nearing it's end, Furlan and Isabel left Levi and Y/n alone with a smooth and practiced parting, silently urging the two to do what they had been trying to get them to do since before they left the underground city. Levi scoffed irritably at their sudden parting, unaware of their plan. Since he was alone with her, he might as well do what he had planned. Suddenly, he felt nervous and scowled to himself. Seriously? Now?

"Close your eyes." he spoke and fished something from his pocket, but suddenly paused when he glanced at her. "Brat...! No peaking."

Y/n giggled at being caught red handed, deciding to be good and just go along with it.

"Keep your eyes closed and give me your hand." She did just that and now her confusion was starting to rear it's head. What in the world is Levi planning? Suddenly, she felt something slide onto her ring finger and her surprise startled her enough to open her eyes wide. "I want you to stay with me for as long as we both live. Will you?"

Alone with Y/n, he showed his rare, bashful side, bright hope swirling in his eyes. She was speechless, all her words including her agreement lumping in her throat as she felt her eyes water. After a moment, she suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck in another embrace. He immediately hugged her back, one arm around her lower back to pull her flush against him.

She nuzzled her cheek against him as she happily replied, "Yes!"