
For your service

Three shots to the head. That was all it took for Orie to end the mage squad that was held in high regards in all of Freeland. It couldn't be called a battle, it couldn't even be called a face-off because they all lost their lives as soon as they set their eyes on him.

As soon as he had offed the mage squad, he set his sights back at Hughes. The commander who had just regained himself tried to run away but immediately got shot in both legs and fell. As the commander crawled in futility, the bringer of his death walked slowly behind him.

Meanwhile, Shiro had found himself lost in the middle of town.

"So what do now?" He asked himself as he paced around with Lighting speed.

"I mean..." He said

"...I had it down to the escape part but now I don't what comes next"

"I don't know where my friends are, I don't know where Genji is"

"How do I even...."

"STOP RIGHT THERE!!!" a voice yelled through a megaphone