
Shimura Young Master

In this cruel world where everyone thirst for power, a child which had no reason of being born. What will he do? Stay in background or become one of strongest? For cover image: https://www.zerochan.net/2731348

TwistedUExile · Anime e quadrinhos
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - Darkness in Konoha

Chapter 1

Underground In the Outskirts of Konoha

It was a laboratory that was filled with test tubes with living specimens. Inside them.

" He He He I didn't expect you to expect my proposition Danzo,"

Two people could be seen walking. One was a middle age man with black hair, black eyes and missing right arm. The other was a young man dressed in black with the same black hair, but had dashing maroon eyes.

" Orochimaru, if can you really do it, of course I will accept your proposition. "

Danzo said without a second thought.

" Saizo, I didn't expect you to agree to become specimen even if Danzo asked you,"

Orochimaru said, quite surprised because Saizo was no pushover.

Saizo Shimura son of one of Konoha's elder Danzo Shimura, was not a genius like Minato, but he was a really outstanding ninja in this generation.

He was known for creating the Self-Cursing Seal Justu, which could paralyze enemies anytime during battle if he touched them.

That's not all he was Jonin of, Konoha who was a competitor for Hokage against him and Minato for what he did Amegakure during third shinobi war.

"Orochimaru, can you transplant the Hashirama cells and sharingan to make Danzo a new arm," Saizo said with authority.

" He he he Of course I can as long Saizo and Danzo keep your side of the deal."

Orochimaru said seriously.

"Interesting. So what experiment do you need me for and what effect will have on me in the future?"

Saizo said with smirk on his face.

" Well, I'm developing my own keikei genkai and I need you to be my breakthrough experiment it's called Sound release"

" I had success already with the many of the kids that Danzo gave but always in some way I had to modify their body somehow and without'd that body modification they can't release the keikei genkai."

" The reason I need you is that the Shimura talent in wind style is the next level and with genius in wind style as yourself, I bet you would be able sense sound waves in the world to use make my keikei genkai a real one."

" So is our deal on?"

Orochimaru said excitedly.

" You still told after effect of your experiment."

Saizo said causally.

" I can't really tell you the aftereffect of an experiment I have never tried I won't be modifying your body I will be pushing large amount sound chakra into your body he he he.

Orochimaru said while giggling


"Saizo, if you do this for me, our deal stands and I won't miss with your life anymore."

" So are you gong to do it or not?"

Danzo said with no remorse.

" Remember your words today, Danzo!"

"Orochimaru, I will do your experiment!"

Saizo said pridefully.

Saizo thinking at this moment of having a chance living a peaceful life without that bloodsucker in his life anymore.

"Does he really think that having Hashirama cells and sharingan will help become Hokage he so pathetic?"

Saizo said thinking to himself.

" Good Good lets start follow me Saizo"

"Danzo, you can leave I have the arm ready for you in the upcoming days"

Orochimaru said while walking deeper into the lab.


Danzo said while leaving.

Saizo followed Orochimaru deeper into the lab. They kept walking until got to a room filled with test tubes filled with purple chakra.

Saizo was shocked t see so much chara in one place. It was enormous and so pure and thick.

" You see Saizo, I plan to inject all the chakra in here into your body. All you have to do is make it your own to avoid chakra poisoning"

" The chakra here is from all the failed experiments I have purify and cleansed it now it just need a body to fuse into."

" You see, what makes keikei genkai so special is the way the chakra mutates the blood, unlike nature transformation that changes the way the chakra act."

" So what I mean by making it your I would you to fuse your blood when the chakra creating keikei genkai meaning your children and children might have to awaken it."

" Let's get started strip down naked and sit in that tube in middle."

Orochimaru explained.

" WHAT why do i have strip down"

Saizo said while backing away.

" Your clothes are gonna get destroyed anyway it better for you to get in a naked so you have clothes to where after"

" This process will take at minimum 2 weeks and maximum 2 months, so get prepared."

Orochimaru said with a devilish smile.

Saizo took off clothes and got in the tube before slowly falling asleep.

I hope Saizo can do this with his help. I will be one more step toward immortality. So first week we inject Chakara into the body. The tube should keep chakra contained.

Once that part is done, we will go into phase 2, in which I will wake him up and help him fuse chakra into his blood.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 DAY LATER

Orochimaru could be seen walking to another room with a single person in a test tube reside.

This person had sharingan all over his body it each them were moving while his real eyes were closed.

Orochimaru didn't even mind. He made sure his seal was still active before taking him out and placing him on the table. It was quick and fast he cut a right arm, off putting in portable tube and putting the person back where he belongs.

Orochimaru just hurried out of the room, but he didn't see one thing that person open eyes and said one thing.

" I am Shin .... Shin Uchiha."

Before closing his eyes.


1 month later

A month has passed since Saizo started the experiment and it was not a success completely He was able to fuse the sound chakra into his blood, but by doing this chakra in his body has been regressing at small pace making him weaker and weaker as days go by.

Orochimaru succeed making new keikei genkai but the after effect has caused many problems for Saizo, but he was actually happy and not sad at all.

"So did you get Danzo blood?"

Saizo said emotionlessly while getting ready to leave.

"Saizo im surprised. What are your plans because I'm one more step to immortality but all you asked me for was Danzo blood."

"Why does interest you so much? What are you going to do with it, anyway?"

Orochimaru was really interested saizo use of Danzo blood.

"Orochimaru, don't ask such stupid questions knowing you won't get an answer."

"Any way thank you for getting the blood, also I'm getting married soon you should come too."

Saizo said with a smile.

" You're getting married first it Fugaku then Minato and now you Saizo."

" Let me guess is that blind, Hatake Miyo."

" What I can't seem to understand is why after all is was your father who drove her brother to suicide how can you live with someone the rest of your life knowing that someone of your blood has something do with her brother death."

Orochimaru said while looking menacingly.

" Because Sakumo was my sensei and my Miyo is the love the life even if Danzo leaked the mission your sensei sat their watch and did nothing so he could keep his seat as Hokage."

" Me and you truly know about what Konoha really is the only reason why MInato is even hokage currently is because he a civilian and Nine Tails Jinchuriki is his wife"

" Plus I'm not a ninja anymore before coming here Danzo handed me the Shimura clan making me the clan leader. I wont have follow your sensei stupid orders anymore."

Saizo said while picking up the bottle of blood and walking out lab.

"Saizo this might be last time we see each other for long time"

Orcohimaru said giggling while walking back into his lab.

Saizo could be seen slowly walking thinking to himself about his wedding with Miyo and their future.

Nobody new that Saizo was actually traverser on the brink of death. when he was researching the reaper seal it backfired taking a lot of his lifespan and because of that he new he wouldn't be here for plot or even if he would be before Nine tails destruction

That why he decide to marry the love his life and have a kid so he could all his notes over the years living in this shinobi world.

"This world might not be mine but in this future it will be Shimura --------"

" Wait I don't even know if he will be a boy or girl or even if Miyo can have kids"

"Well I won't be here in the future so lets the future decide."
