
Enter the Cullen's pt 2

{A.N. I will put a couple of images here that come close in my head to look like the characters. The 2 Thomas Pics are near perfect minus the eye color and the two I chose for Edythe have the wrong skin tone and her hair is a little closer to brown than red. But it can give you a general idea of them as I see them. If you find a pic that is closer in description or you like it better, feel free to post it and I'll give my thoughts. Remember to give me a few min to get them up after I post the story.}

The lunch line finally died down enough for Jasper to be a little more comfortable, so we proceeded to head in and grab our props for the day. Rosalee first, who slowed the process down by catching her reflection in the glass separating the students from the hot pans. She had to stop and adjust her hair and put just enough behind her ear to show off the earrings Emmitt had gotten her recently. Naturally, Emmitt was right beside her inflating her ego in the way only he could. 

 Alice followed, picking her food by color, and ignoring the looks from the lunch staff, then doing a little pirouette before approaching the register. Jasper just put his plate out and let them do as they pleased. Trying to keep his face emotionless, he stayed with Alice, minus the pirouette. Edward with his perpetually bored and martyred look on his face just took things at random. I tried to copy the plate of a girl I saw at the closest table, so I didn't stand out too much. 

 As I walked to the register, I saw Alice waving at someone, and it drew my attention, so after I paid for my food, I looked at the table Alice had waved at. He was a giant sitting among children, his white hair was nearly the color of a vampire's skin. It was cut in a high and tight style along the sides with the front doing a little swirl that I could imagine running my fingers through. His eyes were a clear sky blue that reminded me of the weather we could never go out in among humans, or we would expose ourselves instantly. He had a tense weary look about him and I could see him running his eyes over my whole coven, taking notes, and filing them away in his mind. 

 He had high cheekbones and slightly sunken cheeks that flowed into a strong-looking chin. His thin lips looked even thinner as his mouth was pulled into a frown as he tried to take in all the information his eyes could steal. I wonder if I had looked a little sooner would I have seen a smile as he waved back to Alice? After all who would not see her and smile? If I had a beating heart it would be pounding in my chest right now. Pushing blood and endorphins to all sorts of interesting places in my body. 

 His outfit was so casual it looked like it was designer clothing. The shirt design especially stood out with the Yin Yang symbol lining up perfectly with his pecks. She took joy in noticing that the little bit of opposite color in the Yin Yang was directly over his nipples. Oh… if I was a hundred years younger… The things I would do to him. I could finally use all that information the Denali Coven had forced me to listen to. Tanya especially, that little succubus. 

 That thought finally brought her back to reality. Shut up you old hag, he is out of your reach and better off without you. Now get your shit together and move. Shaking her head as if to clear it from her split-second fantasy that she didn't want to admit hurt her terribly. She noticed Edward was just standing in front of her and blocking her path of retreat from those glorious eyes that had yet to turn her way. She wanted to move before that happened and she got caught in them. "Don't just stand there stupid!" I nudged him with my hand for good measure. I then focused my eyes on the seat that was normally mine and was secretly happy it was turned to mostly face the middle of the cafeteria. 

 After I sat down, I took a deep breath and tried to organize my thoughts. Naturally, my stupid brother stopped that from happening. 

 "Jessica Stanley is giving the new Swan girl all the dirty laundry on the Cullen clan." He murmured to the table too low for anyone listening in on the table's conversation.

 Emmitt chuckled. "I hope she is making it good."

 "Rather unimaginative, actually. Just the barest hints of a scandal. Not an ounce of horror. Very disappointing."

 I spoke up, "That's good, it means we are blending well."

 Emmett continued, "What about the new girl? Is she disappointed in the gossip as well? What about the big guy next to her, he looks strong… For a human anyway."

Edward paused for a moment, to the unknowing it looked like he was thinking deeply about something. A frown overcame his face, and he turned toward the table the new kids were at. "I… I am not getting anything. I can't hear her???"

 I focus on my ears and listen and easily pick up a voice that sounds deep and smooth as honey. "I hear him defending and complimenting Carlisle's and Esme's choice to adopt us. Guess that story is still holding." I kept to myself his comment about being orphaned, he said it weird. Guess I have my research project for tonight. "Sounds like he put the small-town rumor monger in her place with a few words." I chuckled.

 As if hearing my words, I noticed him look over at our table and suddenly Edward tensed and turned to face us, grabbing his head in obvious pain. We all reacted like Edward had just been attacked and Emmitt started to rise from his seat when Edward started waving us back down. "Don't draw attention, sit back down, and relax. It's ok, somehow, he defended himself from my ability. As soon as I stopped trying to read his thoughts the pain stopped." 

 "We are not in any danger; my visions show us all leaving the cafeteria safely. So long as we stay calm." Alice said.

 Edward took several deep breaths, and I reached out to support and comfort him by placing my hand on his shoulder. I looked over at the table with a questioning look only to meet his angry gaze. I felt like his eyes would burn right through me and leave me wounded. He got up from his table and left the cafeteria but the whole time he was defensive towards us and our table.

 "What happened Edward?" I asked him intently. That look of anger he hit me with made me feel pain. Is that what he did to Edward?

 "My thoughts were again interrupted by Edward. "I was trying to read the girl's mind, but I couldn't hear anything. I wondered if my powers stopped working but I could hear Jessica just fine. So, I tried to look into the guy's mind and suddenly it felt like I was on fire. Comparable to when Carlisle turned me, level of pain. It stopped when I stopped trying to read him, but it took a couple of seconds to recover."

 That doesn't sound like the pain I felt from his glare, it felt more internal. What is going on here? 

 "I should tell you all that I can't see Thomas in any of my visions either. But I see Bella in a bunch. She is still so blurry though, there is a major choice coming and once it is made everything should clear up." Alice ended her sentence in a whisper that was hard for even us to hear.

 She can't see him in any vision, does that mean he is going to leave? No that doesn't sound right, she would see that. Will he die soon? I don't… don't want him to go. I want to look at him more. I don't want my last look from him to be an angry one. 

 As if to throw me a lifeline Alice spoke again. "But I didn't see him before today either. So, it could just be that Vampire powers don't work on him."

 "Remember Alice, my power was able to work on him and ease his anger when we met him this morning." Jasper was intent on watching me drown in the possibilities it seemed.

 "What happened this morning" I asked, "Please!!! Tell me everything!"

 Everyone looked at me in surprise and I too was surprised by my intensity. Why am I feeling this way? Everyone looked like they wanted to start talking but the first bell rang surprising all of us as we normally were gone by now. "We will talk after school; we can try and make sense of it at home. Maybe Carlisle will know something." We all got up and went to our respective classes all thinking something different. Unaware that it was Edward's choice to make on whether or not to kill Bella that everything hinged on.