
Between Classes

"Hey, no short jokes. Or I'll start with the tall and buff guy jokes… I don't know any, but I can find some online, I'm sure."


"What short jokes? I didn't once mention my surprise that you can reach the coat rack, and me opening the door only had a little to do with my worry that you couldn't get the proper leverage from your angle." I joked with her.

 Once we stepped out of the door, I saw a guy standing there, at first glance I thought it was a teen like me, but the way he stood spoke of experience and time you wouldn't normally see in someone in their late teens. I guessed him to be about 6ft 1in with a muscular build, but lean still, not bulky like me. Guessing from his appearance, I figured him to be the light weight high repetition type of guy at the gym. He had honey-blond hair that was slightly shaggy, falling just short of hitting his collar. His eyes were a brighter brown than the color of Alice's, but they still had a resemblance to each other's color-wise. His skin was pale like Alice's, but I could see raised spots all along his face and neck. The bumps and lines looked like scars he had received very young, and they had mostly faded away to the point that they were hardly visible to me. 

 As soon as she saw him, Alice's face brightened like a lightbulb and she jumped into his arms and shouted, "Jasper!!! You came to walk me to class. I love you!" 

 I watched Jasper's face as he looked at Alice in his arms, and you would think it had been years since they last saw each other, part of me wondered if that was true. He looked at her with such warmth and devotion that I had no doubt that he would be with Alice so long as he lived. Strangely, I could almost feel the emotions I saw on his face. Then he looked at me and every muscle and tendon in my body tightened to the point it was painful. 

 If Alice was danger, then my instincts told me that this man was death incarnate. I truly felt as though I was under the gaze of a battle-seasoned Lion. One who was in the prime of his youth and ready to accept any challenge that came his way. The fear I felt was primal, my fight or flight response was fully engaged, and my mind was just trying to decide what direction gave me the best chance to get away. Suddenly, my anger kicked in and started to overwhelm me. I could feel the rage bubbling just below the surface as I tried to hold it back by reflex. I knew it was a bad thing to release my anger, but I just couldn't stop myself. With the last bit of my will starting to burn in the flames of my anger, I mentally apologized to Bella and Charlie for the trouble I was about to cause them. 

 Unexpectedly, I felt like a cool winter breeze ran through my body and the anger started to recede under its gentle chill. I let out the breath I had been holding and took another deep one trying to stabilize my emotions. My muscles relaxing caused me to stagger and I tried to reach out for the wall of the building to stabilize myself. Before my hand met the wall, I felt Alice's cold hands take my other arm, "Are you ok Thomas?" 

 Ashamed of my anger and loss of control, and just as importantly, not wanting to scare the first friend I had made at school, I said "I am good Alice." I managed to get out between deep breaths. "I just lost myself there for a second, must have been from coming out of the warm room and into the cold. I haven't gotten used to the temperature extremes yet. Sorry if I scared you." 

 "Let's get you out from in front of that their door pardner, the next person out is liable to rap the back of your head with it." A thick southern accent spoke up. I knew it had to be Jasper even without turning to look. He had a very calm voice that made you react to the tone faster than the words spoken. Automatically it seemed my body moved away from the door, Alice still holding onto my arm to steady me in case I needed it. 

 "Thank you for the warning, my name is Thomas Raizel. I am very sorry if I came off as rude earlier, I am not sure why my body froze up like that." I told a bald-faced lie, but it was better than telling him that he scared me to the point I was going to fight like a cornered Honey Badger. 

 Before he could respond, the door opened and I heard someone say "He is here, it's Jasper. Where is the new guy?" A face peeked out around the door, saw me, and noticed my troubled expression. "Are… Are you ok? Do you need me to get the teacher?" 

 "I am fine, no need to get Ms. Ross. I just got a little dizzy coming outside is all."

 The looks the students, (yes, there were about 4 at the door now,) gave Jasper and I were doubtful, to say the least. 

 Ignoring the looks being sent his way, Jasper reached out his hand to me "It's good to meet you, Thomas. Like my little hummingbird here said, my name is Jasper, Jasper Hale." 

 "Nice to meet you Jasper, sorry again for acting this way. Phoenix weather is just so different than here in Forks." I took his hand and used the temperature excuse again for the students watching. I released his hand as soon as would be considered polite and regained my balance. "You wanted to show me my next class Allice?" Indicating we should get moving. 

"Yeah, follow me and Jasper, it's right this way." Alice gave Jasper an approving look for some reason, and the three of us started towards a building in the distance. 

 "So, what brings you to Forks Thomas?" Jasper asked me.

 "Family. Chief Swan is my uncle, and my sister Bella is his daughter. We decided to move here so her mother could travel with her new husband."

 "Well, that don't hardly add up unless we're in Arkansas. How can he be both your uncle and your sister's father?" Jasper asked with a chuckle. Alice laughed also.

 Knowing this would be their reaction to the way I stated the relationship, I hoped the amusement would help them forget the awkwardness from our initial meeting. "Well, my mother was Bella's mother's sister and when mine passed away, she and Bella took me in. Her name is Renee, and she is the ex-wife of Charlie Swan. Over the years I just got into the habit of calling Bella my sister so it's hard to think of her any other way."

 "What about you two? The connection between you guys is like destined lovers or something from stories and anime. I have never seen two people so meant for each other." I meant every word of what I said. 

 "My twin sister Rosalie and I share in your loss of our mother and moving to live with our aunt. My aunt Esme can't conceive children, so she and her husband Carlisle adopted a whole passel of kids. Alice here was one of the ones adopted and like you said, it was fate from the start between us. Isn't that right my hummingbird." Jasper looked down at Alice who was happily skipping alongside them.

 "I just had to wait until you came along to complete my world," Alice responded. As we talked, we got to a little building with a large number 5 on the side of it. And I could see the next building just a short way away had a number 6 on it.

 "Well, I don't want to interrupt the time you can be used to whisper sweet nothings to each other and make all of us single guys and girls jealous enough to turn green. Thank you for showing me the way and I hope you forgive me for being all weird after class. See you two around." I waved as I headed to the least favorite class on my schedule. 

 Getting to class in plenty of time, I entered and walked directly to the desk as I rummaged through my backpack for the schedule all my teachers needed to sign. "Mr. Jefferson sir, I am a new student and I have my schedule here for you to sign." 

 "Leave it here on my desk and grab a book from that cupboard for yourself. You can collect the schedule at the end of class." 

 "Yes sir, I will also grab a book for my sister who will be starting class this hour as well." Just as I spoke, the door opened, and Bella came stumbling in. I smiled at her and went to the cupboard to get us each a book and made it back to the teacher's desk just in time to hear him tell her to get her signed schedule after class. I handed her the book I selected for her and asked the teacher "Is there assigned seating or do you know what seats are usually open?" 

 "Yes, the two in the back left are for you. If there are issues later on, I will move you as needed." 

 Bella looked at me like she wanted to say something as we walked back to our seats and just as soon as I sat down Bella asked me "What's this I heard about some senior punching you for talking to his girlfriend?"