
ShieldHero: I am a Hero?

A highschooler Teleport to other world to save and he are the hateful hero and weak hero but he managed to be a strong to fight the raid and to clean his name

RennSy · Anime e quadrinhos
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2 Chs

Path of to be strong

After the discuss of the king, they go in gate

ryu: goodluck guys!

cyrus: hey yuri Takecare!

girl: sir hero where do you want to go before we start?

yuri: hmm, we should go to weapon shop

girl: good choice sir hero! btw, i'm malty

yuri: nice to meet you malty and thankyou to join me

malty: no problem sir hero (smile) lets go to weapon shop?

yuri: okay let's go

they go to weapon shop

weapon seller: come in what do you want?

yuri: hmm a sword?

yuri pick the sword but something happen after he pick he can't pick the sword and have a system warning

yuri: huh? i can't use sword? (this is the legendary weapon don't use other weapon)

yuri: hmm i get it malty i buy this for you,

malty? this is true sir hero?

they buy the sword and go outside the castle to hunt orange ball for exp

malty: sir hero try one it's easy to defeat the level one orange ball!

yuri: okay okay i try

malty: go sirhero!

yuri try to defeat the orange ball but it's he have no damage to the orange ball many times before orange ball defeat

yuri: pheww, so long exp huh? hey malty! what is this?

malty: that is orange ball fragment we can sell that later

malty: okay i'm gonna try to defeat this!

malty defeat it in one shot

yuri:(phew she one shot the orange ball)

and they hunt a orange ball and collect fragment to sell,

after the hunt they go in the fragment buyer and sell the one bag of fragment

yuri: okay this is enough let's go to restaurant to eat hmm wait wait before go to that let's buy your armor first

malty: okay sure sir hero lets go

they go in the weapon shop to buy new armor of malty

yuri: 60 percent for all!

weapon seller: 80!

yuri: 70!

weapon seller: 80!

malty! hey i got the armor

yuri: ehhhh, okay lets buy that

after buying malty new armor they go in restaurant

yuri: what do you think we should go tommorow?

malty: here this is map and larune village we go tommorow

yuri: (hmm this is good for guild member huh?)

malty: why you don't join me to drink?

yuri: hmm sorry, i'm not alcoholic

malty: okay fine if you don't want

yuri: okay see you tommorow malty i'm going to inn

yuri go to inn

yuri: hmm this is the left coin i have?(25) (sigh) okay i put there in my shield

after the night before the big problem

yuri: yawnnn goodmorning eh what? where's the item here? and where my clothes!

yuri go in the malty room and knock

yuri: hey malty! we got a robbed all items are gone! MALTY!!

knight: hey you are the sheild hero?

yuri: hey help me we got robbed

knight: king mellcomar summon you come with us!

yuri come to the knight and go to castle

Hi guys pls send a review about my fan fic novel and send some improvement i got,Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RennSycreators' thoughts