
This isn't the first time

"It happened again..."


"I walked into the room and the first thing I see is the young lady lying on the floor "

"For real?"

"It's like she's purposely doing this..."

"I know right...But I kinda feel bad for her"

"Bad for who? HA! That girl that can't even stay for five seconds on her own bed?"


"Now I'll have to clean up all that gunk from last night...Shameless girl! Always adding to our workload"


"Don't you think it's a bit weird?"

"About what?"

"I mean....all she can't do is walk, right? So why does she have those things on her?"

"Shhh... Don't even speak of those demonic marks. Do you want us to get killed?"


"C'mon let's go..."

Was it really my fault they left me?

Was it really my fault that my father hated me ?

Was it really my fault my brothers tried to kill me?

Was it really my fault that I couldn't walk?

Why did you try strangling me father? Why?

Now look what you've made me do

Why did you try drowning me brother?

Now look what you've made me do

Why don't you people listen to me?

Why do you always leave?

Why don't you let me breathe?

Was I ever a bad child?

Did I ever wrong you?

What did I even do?

Look where I've put myself

Is it really my fault?

Is it my fault that I can see my dead mother now?

Is it my fault that I am about to die now....

Was it ever really my fault?

But who would answer that question?

No one's listening anyway

Look what you made me do....I killed a helpless creature because of you

The birdie could've lived many more years, but look at how nicely it's bleeding now

Isn't it just pretty?

You know I did want a pet birdie when I was a littler

Too bad I never got it

Look what you made me do

Another birdie died because of you

Look at that father.....

There are no more birdies in the garden, What will you do now?

You never listened to me brothers

Now look, because of you another birdie has died


Father look, another dead birdie hung up in my room, It's a present from me

If only you all just stayed quiet and made all the others shut up, maybe I wouldn't be in this mess right now

Maybe I wouldn't be staring at my husband's bloody corpse while holding a knife

It wasn't my fault, my husband decided not to listen to me, but I couldn't find another birdie...so he had to die

But who cares?

If anyone cared or listened I wouldn't be standing in front of my soon-to-be murderers in rags and my hands tied behind my waist

It wasn't my fault, my mother taught me to never lie..so I did it

I told them I killed my husband and now they want to kill me?

They're the bad guys, not me

Why are people throwing things at me when I didn't do anything wrong

Eggs, tomatoes, onions...

Tell me, isn't that just a waste of food?

Well they're about to chop my head off

I wonder why they're doing this to me

No one ever hit me or punished me for killing birdies

All I did was kill someone I didn't like and I don't like birdies but my husband was different


But who would listen?

They're all just chanting for my death

I now stare at the basket...

Is this where my head is supposed to fall into?

It's disgusting

I wonder if I can ask for another one instead

The man is about to cut of my head

I can see all his armpit hairs because of how high he's swinging that axe

You must be very unlucky because I always remember the faces of people who hurt me, and now...you're one of them

I could hear my blood splatter

I liked it..

But then I heard a voice

" I'll save you this time"

It was a man

He had nice blonde hair and a gentle smile

He listened

He cared

He obeyed

He was my savior, the only one who ever smiled at me and made me smile back

Too bad I'll never get to see him again because he had one flaw that turned him into a birdie


He only kept me in this void with him so he could use me...

He lied to me that I was still alive

So I killed him, I tore his head off his body and watched him scream and cry for me to stop

I never liked killing birdies

It's just that it's the only thing I am good at, catching them mid air or trapping them on the ground before strangling them or cutting them into pieces

I did it cause my father didn't like it

I did it cause my mother wasn't there to stop me

I did it cause my brothers were scared of it

Maybe I did like it...

But there's no one that'll listen cause after I killed the blonde head I was back to square one

I've just been born

The nurses around me begin screaming as they drop me on the bed

My mother begins to decay as she holds onto me

My markings appear and my mother dies

I am locked in a room for two weeks then my father walks in

He peeks into the crib and stares at me

He was always so quiet

Then he picks me up and takes me to another room

No one wants to breastfeed me and my brothers are scared of me

No one wants to play with me, now my brothers hate me

No one celebrates my birthday and my father never visits

The maids dress me up in uncomfortable clothes to hide my marks, even in the scorching sun

No one wishes for my hand in marriage except one treacherous guy

I didn't like him one bit

He's more powerful than my family so I have to marry him

We get married but only a few days later a group of men come to take me away

Talking about how they hit the jackpot

I kill them, of course

But I leave my husband just barely alive

Watching him suffer...again

Even though I killed him immediately in my previous life, this time I want to know..

" Why were those men trying to take me away?"

Is he already dead?

" Driella....p-ple-ease...s-pare..me"

I am already sparing him, so what is his problem?

" Drie-"


ok I am sane

sqwcreators' thoughts