
Chapter 1: The First Clue

Holmes and Poirot decided to investigate further, each following their own lead. Holmes examined the scene of the crime, searching for any physical evidence that might have been missed. Poirot, on the other hand, sat in the garden, observing the family members and their interactions.

Suddenly, Holmes let out a cry of excitement. "Aha! I've found it, Poirot! A tiny thread of fabric caught in the window latch. Our thief may have left behind a vital clue!"

Poirot joined Holmes at the window and examined the thread. "Ah, an excellent observation, Holmes! This thread appears to match the fabric of Sophia's dress. It seems our young mademoiselle may be hiding more than we thought."

Holmes's eyes gleamed with excitement. "The game is indeed afoot, Poirot! Let us see where this clue leads us."

Together, they decided to confront Sophia with their discovery. As they approached her, they noticed she seemed nervous and agitated.

"Mademoiselle Sophia," Poirot said, his voice gentle but firm, "we need to ask you some questions. About the thread we found... and your whereabouts last night."

Sophia's eyes darted around the room before she spoke in a barely audible whisper, "I didn't take the necklace... but I know who did."

And with that, the investigation took a surprising turn, leading Holmes and Poirot down a dangerous path of secrets and deceit.