
Chapter 1: I am reborn

"As Long as you have the strength, you can break free from this world. Don't disappoint me."

A soul was falling down to the abyss as it heard an old ancient powerful voice, this voice brought great fear into the soul, one that would be ingrained through the depths of it for many millennia.


A figure jumped from his kang bed down to the floor only to find himself inside an old Chinese type mansion. He looked at his bed and saw that it wasn't the best type of bed compared to the ones in the 21st century but at least it was better to sleep at a heated bed than sleeping on hay and using stone as a pillow.

The figure went to the bathroom, looked into the mirror and it saw: a handsome face with sharp features but it still has lots of young fat on, eyes as clear as water bringing about a chilling air and long dark blue hair that would make people mistaken him for a manhua protagonist. He was Shen Yue.

Shen Yue's face revealed a weird never before seen expression, ' I see the world still hates me...hahaha damn you world! You think I will give up, your really mistaken! I promise you I will make you kneel before me, I'll make you a b**** and break you! hahaha!'

After a few minutes of ranting, Shen Yue's face returned to a calm unperturbed state. As he glances at the mirror again, he notices that he is younger than the one that started at the beginning of the series. He at least has to be 6 years younger than his counterpart meaning that he's 7 years old.

This means that Shen Yue has 6 years to change his fate otherwise that b**** Nie Li will destroy him.

Then Shen Yue noticed that he some how knew that, because even though he reincarnated into this body, he didn't know who he was and how he died. The only thing he remembered was reading the manhua and web-novel of TDG and other manga/anime, and probably eastern fantasy novels.

Shen Yue went back to his room and checked his wardrobe, he had lots of blue Hanfu made of silk. Although he didn't really like these types of traditional clothing, it was better than nothing.

Shen Yue walked out from his room and headed down to the hall. As he headed down he was greeted by relatives and servants from the family. Once he arrived in the hall, he went to the ancestral shrine, he lit up an incense and prayed like any filial descendant, paying his respects to his ancestors.

He looked around the hall and noticed all the 'extravagant' furniture all over the hall, not that he cared about that. Few seconds of looking; Shen Yue grew tired and headed of to kitchen area to get some grub.

"Young Master, why have you come to the kitchen? Are you Hungry? If so then I shall cook you up something really good" beamed an obese chef.

"Yeah, I'm hungry. Cook me up some Dim Sum dishes, I quite crave that"

"Haha, sure young master. Would you like some tea with that?" asked the obese chef, whose name was Chang Jiao Rao. He served as a chef in the star restaurant, his cooking skills were good but his behaviour wasn't which got him sent to the family kitchen.

Shen Yue nodded and headed off to his father Shen Hong, a big douche that killed Ye Ziyun's mother.

"Good morning Yue'er, how was your nap. I heard that Shen Fei gave you a beating until you dropped unconscious after what you have said. And to be honest, I would be mad too if someone said that to me, so yeah. I think you deserved that beating. Any how, what is it that you want from me today?"

"Father, I want to start cultivating. I need lots of resources, books, techniques and five hundred thousand demon spirit coins."

"Yue'er why would you want to cultivate? Previously when we last talked you said that you will never cultivate even if god was to beg on his knees. Tell me,was it because of that beating?" smiled Shen Hong.

"Yes father it was because of that beating. I realised that without strength I'm just an ant, people with strength can do anything they want, take what they want, do what they want because it's their right. I was stupid to think that I could rely on my family's reputation to do anything I want when there are lots of people more powerful than me."

When Shen Hong heard what Shen Yue said, he smiled, "At least my son isn't as dumb as I thought. I guess that beating was rewarding after all. If one beating made him this smart than imagine what a million beatings could do..." Teased Shen Hong

"Father! Please stop joking." pleaded Shen Yue with a look of worry (acting along)

" Fine. I will give you the necessary resources and those demon spirit coins, not only that but I will also get you a tutor maybe your Aunt Shen Xiu, what do you think?"

'What! I definitely don't want that stupid B**** to teach me! She's a total failure of a teacher! Miss all arrogant and stuck up!' Thought Shen Yue. "Sorry father but I don't think I would want Aunt Xiu to teach me. How about an elder from the family?" Shen Yue pleaded.

Shen Hong gave some thought about it, then agreed and gave Shen Yue those five hundred thousand demon spirit coins and walked away ready to do his evil plotting, Muahahahah.

(Somewhere in Glory City)

Shen Yue was walking down the city, alone this time without his bodyguards. Usually he would go around bullying people and getting his guards to beat them up. Shen Yue was amazed how this modern like city exuded an air of ancientness as if an undying flame was roaring that it would never be extinguished.

Shen Yue went around stalls trying out all their delicacies available. He was surprised by the flavours of this world but they could not compare to the food of the modern world. One of the foods he misses right now is pizza (he feels like crying). He sees that there are some new cuisine he has never tried before. During this he learns that there are disadvantages and advantages living in this cruel world.

'hmmm maybe I should bring some things from my world. Maybe I should invent ice cream, PIZZA! By creating many dishes and starting my own restaurants I could make a big ass fortune'

Shen Yue went to the secret treasure pavilion. The Secret Treasure Pavilion is a large shop in Glory City that specialise in variety of armours, weapons, and inscription scrolls. The shop is located a few hundred meters from Holy Orchid Institute. It is the same shop that sold Nie Li his Ragefire set and Wrath of Inflammation Sword.

Walking inside the store he saw many cool weapons and armours placed in racks and shelves around the shop. Standing at the counter was a man with a hat and an apron made from hemp. Although looks could be deceiving this man was actually a silver rank expert, that's the reason there are no guards standing at the front, most people would be scared of confronting a silver rank expert in a battle. Not only that but most of the workers here are all bronze rank fighters not to mention that the guards are either peak of silver rank or gold rank. Who would dare rob the secret treasure pavilion now.

"Hello young man, what could I do for you today?" asked the clerk.

"Mister. Could I join the secret treasure pavilion and learn how to forge?"

"Sure kid, just follow me, I'll lead you to Master Kang, our Secret treasure pavilion always welcomes new talents. That's why we are one of the best in all of Glory City, haha" Smiled the clerk

Soon enough they reached a room where a man was hammering of a plate of metal on an anvil. He was the owner of the Secret Treasure Pavilion Kang LinRe, he was obese but not with fat but pure muscles, spending many years hammering at an anvil certainly had it's effects. He had a bald spot on the middle of his hair and a large pony tail of red hair. He had a white beard reaching to his chest; he wore jeans overall pants and no shirt, showing his ripped body. He certainly looked...strange. Kang LinRe stopped his hammering and looked at the two people intruding his process.

"Han, I certainly hope you have a reason to come down here and disturb my forging." The 'old' man closed his eyes and smiled whilst releasing a massive killing intent directed towards the clerk called Han. Master Kang was a gold rank expert - if he couldn't even scare a silver rank trash then he certainly wasn't a gold rank expert!

"We-Well you see Master Kang. The-there's this boy that wants to learn forging and I was going to ask Master Kang, what should we do with him?"

"Hmmm" The old man Kang turned his vision toward the little boy Shen Yue. By the gaze from this old man, Shen Yue felt like something ominous was going to happen.