

"Did you know that oyster can change it's gender to male to female and female to male, depending on who this are mating? Did you know that?"

He shook his head.

"I didn't know it too until I hold phone and search it," I said with a giggle.

He gave me a quick glance before turning to the road again. His biting his lips with the corners lift up. He looks like he's trying hard not to laugh. What's funny? I said nothing funny. In fact they are knowledge. I love to learn new things.

"Did you also know that whale's puke can be sold and can cost a million?!" I half shout at him. He just nod at me at I look at him in amazement.

How did he know? I'm convinced he's a clairvoyant.

"Now I suddenly want to be Whale," I muttered to myself but he seems to hear it because he scoff.

You're maybe wondering why am I holding his phone. Well, here's the story.

Once upon a time, we we're so silent in the first few minutes of the ride. I was fidgeting with my hands because I can stay still when he suddenly passed me his phone – it's black iPhone by the way, his rich. I was confused at first and thought that he want me to fidget with his phone than my hands. So I fidget. He noticed that, he sighed and told me something unbelievable.

"Put your number there."

I looked at him bewildered. Why does he want to have my number? Did he want to be my friend? Oh my gosh, this is amazing.

I nod excitedly. I was about type my number, when I realized, I don't have a number because I don't have a phone.

I froze from my spot. I want to shrink back from the fact that I'm so poor. I didn't even have the money to buy even an Android phone. My money goes to the bills and rent. I was even having a hard time paying for those even if my uncle gave us financial support. It's still hard to sustain for our needs.

I was bought back to present when I heard him cleared his throat.

"You don't have to put your number if you don't want. I'm not forcing you."

For a moment, I thought I was hallucinating when I heard unsure and worry to his voice. I confirmed it when I looked at him. There's a faint worry and unsureness in his eyes. He look.... Lost.

My eyes widen when I realized what he said. He thought I don't want to put my number on his phone! He thought I don't want to be friends with him, in fact, I'm really really eager for us to be friends.

This poor little munchkin.

I grabbed his hand and slightly massage it, assuring that I didn't mean that.

"No, I want to put my number on you phone but..." I looked away shyly. It's embarrassing to admit that I don't have a phone while I'm holding his phone. But to assure him that I like him, I need to tell it.

"But what?" he probe.

"I don't have a phone," I whispered.

I saw his eyes widen in shocked. As if what I said was unbelievable. Yeah, really unbelievably.

I look down, ashamed. I don't really mind what people think about me, but his opinion matter. He's probably judging me in his mind. He won't like to be friends with me anymore. Who wants to be friends with a very broke person.

He suddenly tug my hands – that I didn't noticed that I was still holding – and that made me looked up.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's fine. Who needs a phone anyway," he said softly.

Little by little, a smile broke in my face. He is really nice. I never met someone this nice.

"Oh, thank you."

The rest of the ride is fun. I continued to search random things on his phone and told him everything. He'll just nod or hum a 'hmm' which I find so attractive. Maybe I should practice humming 'hmm' to make it sound attractive.

He dropped me home and wish me good night. I wish him back. I went inside our house and saw that mom hasn't gotten back. I sigh. I guess she'll spend the whole weekend to her 'friends' house.

The next morning, I wake up early because I'm going to church today! I took a shower and wear my favorite service dress. It's a white puff sleeve dress that ends below my knee. I pick my most treasured sandal that I got from a thrift shop for a very cheap prize. It's white and it has a string that I need to criss cross on my legs. It's really not sturdy because I need to repair it a lot of time because it always got detached to each other. I wore it and sprayed some alcohol. Don't have perfume so alcohol will do.

I skipped my way to church and sing a Disney song from Rapunzel.

"And at last I see the light..."

The mass has already started when I arrive. I made my way to the back and say my prayers –that include mom, Granny Channy, the old frail woman from the street and Clarion. I listened to the preach Pastor Paul is preaching. After the mass, when everbody went out. I approach Pastor Paul.

"Hi, Pastor Paul!" I greeted.

He turned to me and smile.

"Hello, Ellen. I wasn't even shock to see you here. You're always present," the kind Pastor said tenderly.

I proudly smiled to him. Of course, who don't want to go to church every Sunday? It's fun and you'll learn about the words of God. It also feed your soul.

"Come, let's bring you to the kids. They love to see you," he said and tap my shoulder. I squealed in happiness and follow Pastor Paul inside.

Once inside, I was welcome by the kids. They ran towards me and embraced me. Gave me kisses.

"Elle! I'm so happy you're here. I really want to play with you!"

"Elle! Elle! Some donated some toys with us. Look, look, they are so nice."

"Elle, I got sick last Monday but I'm fine now. You told me to pray to God and I will be fine because he will heal me. And look, I'm very fine now!"

A lot of them speak at the same time that I feel dizzy. I still smile and nod at them. This kids are attacking me. But as a WWA fighter, I'm not backing down.

We played and I taught them to read. I act as their teacher and they are my student. We also play hide and seek and I'm always the one to seek because I always forgot that even if I'm 5'4, I'm still bigger than this kids. I'll hide in the bushes, thinking that they won't notice me but in reality, my head is very visible.

After we play, the kind sisters invited me to have dinner with them. Our dinner is meatballs and spaghetti. I happily munch it with kids.

I sometimes want to just live here. They always have good food and people are always happy. Once I asked a sister if they can adopt me. But they said I'm already 18 and I still have parent.

That made me cry. Sister Lily got guilty about it and gave me a lollipop. I hush and eat the lollipop.

After our delicious dinner, we stayed at the living room and have a talk with the kids. They told me their stories and cried. I sobbed so much at John's story. He told me was just a baby when his parents left him at the door footstep. I cried to much to that because it was too sad. I kept sobbing that the kids got worried and they hugged me.

When it's 9 PM, I bid my goodbyes to the kids and kiss their foreheads. They are sad but I promised to come back next Sunday.

I start my 45 minutes walk to home. Church is a bit close to our apartment that's why it's only 45 minutes walk.

The cold air embrace my body while walking. I sometimes shiver but as a WWA fighter, I didn't back down. Come on, it's just an air. I can knock out people and make their nose bleed like a pro. This is nothing.

As I said that, I began to practice some moves that I saw on WWA fight of Ronda Rousey. I copied it and act as if I'm on the ring.

I'm sure if Ronda Rousey saw this, she will bow to me and said 'You're so great. I never saw someone who is as good as you. I submit to you. You're my master now", and I will stand tall in front of her and said 'You have to prove yourself first', and she would said ' Yes master, test me all you want. I submit', and I'll test her. I will command her to milk the cows and she have to drink it, raw! I will command her too to make an almond milk – I like almond but they cause pimple. I'll command her to sing Disney songs to me. Her voice better be nice.

I laughed maniacally on my thoughts. I didn't even noticed that I'm already in front of our apartment and there's a familiar slick black car park. I tilted my head.

Is Clarion here?

My eyes widen and I ran towards the car and knock on the window. I stand there for a few minutes but it didn't open. I knocked again and again, but I didn't receive a reply. I grow frustrated. Why is he not opening the window? I tried opening the door but it's lock. I squinted my eyes and go closer to the window, trying my best to see what's inside, but I see no one.

My brows furrowed. Why is his car here if he's not inside. Is he giving me his car? I gasp in shock. Oh my gosh, he's giving me this?

No, I can't have it! It's so nice – but can I drive it.... Like for a while. But I don't know how to drive.... But I can learn tho. I'm excited– I mean no!

I walk inside the apartment with my head on cloud nine. I was imagining how cool would I look like if I'm driving his car. That's another reason for Ronda Rousey to submit to me.

I looking for my keys when I arrive in our floor, when I saw it, I look up and froze from my place.

I saw a crouching body of a man wearing a leather jacket, cargo pants and boots. His head hung low, eyes closed.

I squinted my eyes, trying to recognize the sideview face of the guy. And my eyes widen when I realize who is it.


I squealed and that made him look up. I cupped my mouth when I met his eyes. Opsie, I didn't mean to wake him up.

He suddenly stand up and walk towards me with big step. I step back, thinking he would chase me because I woke him up. He wants to play. I giggled and was about to run when he spoke.

"Don't move," he said darkly.

My smile slowly fall when I realized his mood is sour. His eyes are dark, his jaw clenched and his hands twitching.

Oh o, what made him mad? Did I make him mad? Am I so noisy–

My thoughts got cut off when he suddenly pulled me and slammed me on his rock hard chest. His arms possessively wrapped about my waist. I got squashed to him, his face pressed firmly in my neck.

I stiffened. My mind is still processing what is happening. What in a world of carrot cake is happening right now?!

"You made fucking worried, Ellen," he harshly muttered on my neck.

I scrunch my nose, not liking his cuss. I tapped his back to make him withdraw this hold but he only tightens it. I gasp for air because he got me sooooo squashed.

"I-I can't breath," I gasp. He then loosened his hold to me.

He withdraw his face from my neck and look at me with a glare. My eyes widen to his face.

I think my eyes' gonna fall from its socket for to much widening of eyes.

"Why didn't you fucking called me," he questioned madly.

I gulped. He looks so handsome but at the same time he looks scary.

"I don't have a phone?"

He blew a breath when I answered him that, as if he just realized that. He slowly let go of me. I just realized too that his still holding me. My face burn from embarrassment when he let go of me. I awkwardly look down.

Oh, what is that? A floor?

A moment of silence enveloped us. I was fidgeting a lot because I just can't stay still. He finally spoke after a minute.

"Where did you go?" he asked.

"To church. I prayed! I included you to my prayers don't worry," I smiled at him.

His face soften when he saw my smile.

"I thought something happened to you. I got worried."

And when he told me that, my heart tightens and I suddenly want to cry.

No one was worried to me!

Word count: 2258