
She...or is it?

Nightstellar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Blunder or mistake....?

I was orphaned at a really early age, probably serves as a good reason to why I can't even remember the faces of those who gave me birth. Since then, I was brought up by my uncle, who died soon after I turned 18, which was no good, either.

And this is how my life turned out to be, with no one who could be with me, ever. And now that Nic turned out to be nothing more than a fuckin' jerk, I feel even more alone.

I do have Denna and some other people who I can refer to as friends, close ones, but they are just too busy to listen to my problems all the time.

So ya, there I am, all alone and left out in this shitty world.

"Havin' something that I could probably comfort you with, miss?"

"Do I look that desperate?"

"Not unless crying's added to the list"

"Well then better options are always welcome..."

"I don't see anything else, though"

"Then you may leave.."

"Not so soon"

"Then I shall"

"Wait! I never wished you to be uneasy...But, care to say what happened? Maybe you can get some help?"

"Not really, thanks"

Why would I ever want some random stranger to talk to me at this point? Why would I?

I knew it was not new to hear, though, particularly when you're at a bar all by yourself at night.

But, still...

I was just too depressed and frustrated to actually talk to anyone.

So, I had basically planned a chart out...

Drink, cry, go and sleep.

Just one thing that seemed to miss out was how much to drink.

Seems like the night did pass out with wine that never seemed to end...

Five pegs, "Another peg".

Ten pegs, "Another one, please".

"Seems like you really have had a plentiful for one night.."

"Oh, y-you again, I s-see...Get on your w-way, m-mister."

"Without you? Hell no"

"Just get out, okay?!"

"Nah, not today"

I guess the night really was on high spirit, cuz I don't exactly remember after then, what really happened...

All I could remember was it was this random dude who put me at his place, till I was sober...

Next Day...

"Ughhh! What a bad dream...W-Wait, where am I?"

I did not seem to realize the shit till my eyes were fully wide open...

"What the-...What is this place and why is this half-naked dude sleeping beside me and wait-, what-, why the hell am I not in my clothes...where are my clothes, where are my fucking clothes!!! Damnnnn!!!"

I did not know how to react, all I knew was I was screaming my heart out till this guy beside me woke up...


I was all clothed by the time he could complete the thing he was trynna say...

"Wait...are you leavin' already?"

"What else should I do, you jerk! You dare make out with a crying, drunk girl just like that, huh?! How the fuck-, you know what, forget it, nevermind...I just am gonna leave already...!!"

"But wait-!"

I kept running.

But something felt odd...why was this guy chasing me?

I mean, I don't really remember the other night but looking at my condition, I had made a pretty wild guess that it was a one-night stand but that's it, right?

So why was the guy chasing me even after I left the house right away? It seemed like he tried to get hold of me...

"Hey, you there! It's not what you think...Just listen you girl!!!"

I ran and ran and ran till I was out of breath...

Seemed like the guy had stopped chasing me by now...

*The story from here is the continuity of how the thing had started in the first chapter.*

I was out of breath...It felt like I was gonna die if I ran furthermore...

This definitely does sound a lot dramatic than it is, but the guy chasin' me was something, for sure...

I saw him flirt with other girls the other night, so tried avoiding him the entire night (till the point I was drunk, ofcourse)and now that he was following me just gave me thrills...

I just did not feel safe around someone who used me just for fun.

A guy hooking up with a heavily drunk girl was the kind of guy he was...This was why I ran...away from him...

The only problem was, I was lost...

Turns out, that shitty maniac had took me to an abandoned place I didn't know exist..

"Excuse me! Can you tell me exactly what place is this?"

"Umm...Hillstone villa.."

"Well, never heard of it, really..."

"Have you lost your mind?! Why the fuck do people like you have to damn out the day of the pretty much damned ones?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sir... It's just a long thing to say, just one last question...What city is this supposed to be?"

"Damnn!! Nevermind... can't you see the board in there?! Fuck, man!"

The man, for sure, was in a shitty mood..

I turned my head onto the board..

It read, "Welcome to Hillstone Villa, London."

"What?!?!! I'm in London?!?! All thanks to that shitty man!!!!"

By this time, I knew that I was in the middle of the streets of a city, around a fuckin' 500 miles away from where I lived with nothing but these clothes that I had on myself...

I did not know what to do, so all I could do was cry...

Seemed like not all people in there were bad...

"Hey you! All fine? You seem like you've been crying your heart out! What happened, dear?"

This old lady seemed to be so sweet that I actually ended up telling her everything...

"Oh my!! That must have been terrible for you, I believe..You know what, I've always been lonely in that huge house of mine...You can always stay in there as long as you want..."


"Seems so"

More than overjoyed was what I was...

The old lady was so kind and good and now this, I did owe her a lot...

And just like that the days passed smoothly in that huge mansion of that lady, Miss Harringson, the owner of Ziovani, the largest luxury brand of London...