
My New World

I know what a car is but I never rode one , so this is my first time. I have to confess I feel a excited and I can hear my heart beating so clearly. I think that she also is excited to experience new things.

From the hospital to my house it would take about 30 minutes by car so it's not that far. From the window I saw a lot of buildings, houses and then there was this forest. I could see only trees but I could feel something special about it.

Just a little bit more and we arrived to our house. "Our" it feels strange for me to call it that since I never have been there before. It was beautiful and big but it felt weird. My room was all pink and cute but I feel contradicted inside. This room, this house are they really mine ?

After taking a shower , we eat dinner and my parents told me stories before going to sleep. I tried to close my eyes but I kept on feeling like a stranger in my room. By the window I had a big tree and that reminded me of the forest. Without thinking much I changed and snuck out of my room from the window. My feet kept on going like they knew where they were heading to.

It's dark but I'm not scared the moonlight shines bright , it feels like she's leading me the way. I passed tree after tree and then I saw fireflies. I marched ahead and then I saw something really beautiful. A boy surrounded by millions of fireflies but he was more shining then them , more shining than the moonlight.

I was captivaded...

My heart is beating so fast , I can hear it jumping from my chest. At that moment more than anything I wanted to know about him...