

This book talks about all the ways men deceive women into believing something that will never be. They are beasts, disguised as meek sheep, when inside they are predators. They present themselves to their future victims as "Prince Charming", or "The perfect man"; until they achieve their objectives, one of them is, marrying their victims and that is when they show their true face and nature, which are predatory beasts without any feelings. From meek sheep, they become these cannibals, thirsty for new blood and hungry for power who are capable of committing all kinds of monstrosities, to commit their objective and that objective is "Power" and to shout loudly, how proud they feel they have achieved their goals. They also want and wish to highlight with this cannibalism, that they are cannibalistic macho and proud of it. Every November 25, the day of non-mistreatment of women and the International Day for the elimination of violence against women is celebrated and commemorated and through this book, I wish to make a strong appeal to women who, should not to allow himself to be mistreated, humiliated, beaten and raped by any man. We must learn to say "NO" to mistreatment, abuse, beatings and rape, by them and we must also know when to say "Up to here", "Enough!", "No more", "It was enough" or as Lorena Gallo ex Bobbitt did to John Bobbitt who, tired of that vicious cycle of beatings, mistreatment, humiliation and rape, cut off her husband's penis, in self-defense. We must have a perfect idea that if there is a life after that hell and that life, it will always be much better, if we know how to live it. Finally, we should not be part of a number of women who are underground, due to the mistreatment of us.

VULCANO · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


 “There is nothing more painful than the person who says he loves you, abuses you, hits you, insults you, and makes you feel that everything is because of you. 

Without realizing it, I had naturalized him for more than two years, I believed that I was going to change him, and I could help him change and be a better person. Every time he hit me, I cried alone and wanted to die, that pain is so exasperating that it eats away at you inside. 

Today, 7 months ago was the last time he hit me, he left me fainted from the blows. It was the last and the first time that I dared to ask for help.  

If you suffer from violence, ask for help. I made the complaint (although the justice does not do anything), and I went to the local gender policy department and they helped me to get ahead and to empower myself as a woman and person, it is difficult, it is not easy. 

But we all deserve to be happy, believe me, that you are going to cry a lot and it is normal because you are going to undergo many changes, but by asking for help you will get ahead. I do not hold a grudge, I loved him, and hopefully, wherever he is he will be happy, love, and value the person he has a winged for. And that nobody but, nobody suffers violence !! "