

" This is the hardest level , Sam back me up " Chase said eyes focused on the screen in front of them .

All three of them was at Adam's house playing video games at the living room . They didn't even bother to go to their own home first after school .

"Chase send me a energy potion "


All three of them was so focused on the screen that they didn't even heard the loud knock on the front door nor the phone calls and countless pings from Adam's phone.




" Oh shit ! " Adam dropped the remote control on the floor and ran towards the front door .

" I'm sorry , I am so sorry ! I had headphones on ! I'm really sorry , I forgot to give you the keys ."

"No problem , just make sure to give me key " Alison said and got inside followed by two other guys .

"Was that the squirrel guy !" Adam thought.

But he shrugged it off and went back to playing video games , the other had no time move their eyes from the screen .

" Was it Alison?" Sam asked eyes still plastered on the screen and hands moving continuously on the remote control .

"Yeah , he'll be living with me , until he finds a good place to stay. "

Sam made an 'o' shape with his mouth even though no ome was looking at him .

They continued playing with giving instructions occasionally . suddenly they heard a knock on the front door . none of them was willing to get up.

"I went to the door once , I won't go again, you go Chase"

"But didn't I gave you my last enargy potion "

"Sam have not done anything , you go Sam !" Chase and Adam both said in sync .

" But I backed you up twice !" Sam whined ..

Both Adam and Chase didn't say anything but they each had a smug smile plastered on their face . Meanwhile the knock on the door got louder.

Again, Sam was bigger than both of them but they were definitely stronger than him .

So, knowing his defeat Sam stood up and made his way towards the door with small steps mentally cursing his both friends . He slowly opened the door revealing a familiar small figure with an oversized hoodie baggie shorts and glasses.


Yes, Sam was sure that it was Sky. But he was confused that why was Sky here! Knocking on Adam's door .cause they are not really that close or something!

"Um..is Alison-here, I am here for him." Sky spoke hesitantly .

"Oh, yeah .uh- Sorry, get inside ." Sam said and opened the door wider for Sky to get in .

Sky slowly got inside and started looking around in search of Alison . Chase annd Adam's both of their eyes were locked on Sky.

" They are upstairs , I can lead you " Sam said and headed towards the stairs followed by Sky.


"Minnie why are you so late !" Alison questioned.

" Told you , I had an assignment to finish and submit today. And don't call me minnie"

" Oh , right you told me..and I'll call you Minnie no one can stop me"

Sam didn't left them , he was still standing there , apparently it was Alison's bed room for now .

"Would you mind If I join you all ?" Sam asked .

"Oh no . of course not . join in ." Alison responded.