

"But we haven't decided yet that In who's house we are going to hangout today !"

"I think Julian's is a good choice." Sky spoke .

"Let's ask Alison again and we'll decide ." Jisung came to this temporary solution for now .

"Okey. "

"Poor him, he was all red.You two teased him too much"

"It wasn't too much! What are friends if you don't tease each other . Although it was bare minimum." Julian protested.

"Okey okey. Got it . I'll go check on him " seungmin stood up .

"Okey. If you want go ahead." Julian spoke ." Me and Ethan will stay a bit longer ." He added.

"Mhm...see you " sky walked out of the classroom.


As Alison walked out with his red cheeks, he heard someone calling his name from behind .

"Hey.. Alison?"

"Hi.. um..do I know you?" Alison turned back and questioned the guy who was standing there . The guy was most probably a senior , judging by his looks .

"Not really." The guy replied.

"Then..how can I help you?" Alison raised his eyebrows .