


Alison or more likely Elena was sitting on a bar stool Holding his phone on his ear , and a phone was placed over Adam's ear as well .

Adam was waving at Alison and making his way towards the younger with a bright smile formed on his face . Alison's mouth was wide open he couldn't believe what was happening but managed to keep his calm ..

Julian, Sky and Ethan were standing in a distance with mouth wide open .

Adam finally made his way towards the bar counter And sat beside Alison .

"Hey !" Adam spoke first offering Alison his hand for a handshake . he would like to start with a kiss on cheek but he didn't want to scare the girl away,so he kept things slow .

"Um-hi ." Alison spoke softly taking Adam's's hand awkwardly and shaking it .

"So, I am Adam, Adam ll " he flashed a charming smile .

"Elena ."

"Of course I know you, you didn't need to say your name ."