
She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair

[Mature Content.] "If they want to hate me so badly, then I’ll double it down. I will be the hottest sensation they will ever see!” * Madeline Rose’ career as a budding young actress was cut short when she found out that her older boyfriend and co-star, Jonathan Hale, was already married with a child. The public hounded her for her affair, even though she was also a victim of deceit as she never knew that she was dating a married man. She lost everything, her career, her good reputation, her future - all of it crumbled to pieces as her boyfriend tossed her under the bus, blaming her for seducing him. She became a public enemy, and her online nicknames were ‘Shameless homewrecker’ and ‘cheating snake!’ Unable to cope with the hate comments, Madeline decided to retire from the entertainment industry. But four years later, she realized she had to pay for her mother’s cancer treatment, and her father's gambling debt. Desperate to earn money, Madeline realized it was best to pander to the rumors. With her amazing acting skills, she easily pretended to be a sexy and dangerous seductress, confidently claiming all the slanders were true. She was indeed the evil homewrecker, Public Enemy No. 1. Even as they cursed her, money flowed in like water. But as she became the headline of many gossip news, Madeline found herself attracting the attention of Lance Grant, a mysterious scion from an aristocratic family who wanted her to be his contractual girlfriend despite all of her controversies. – “I will sponsor your career,” Lance Grant said. “Reality show, modelling, singing, acting on TV shows and movies. I will give you everything if you agree to be my girlfriend.” “Do you not see how controversial I am, Mr. Grant? You’re going to ruin yourself,” Madeline refused. “Because you are pretty and infamous, you’re perfect for me, Madeline Rose.” – With the help of Lance Grant, Madeline restarted her career to become a hot A-list celebrity. But what happens when her ex-boyfriend, Jonathan Hale, divorces his wife and begs Madeline to take him back? * Official Commissioned Cover and Character’s Images by @durudara * Contact me Instagram: @foreverpupa

ForeverPupa · Urbano
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250 Chs

Chapter 1: The Hot Sensation Is Back!

"Tonight's talk show is very special, because we have an unexpected guest joining us!" declared Gary Dust, the host of the most popular late night talk show in the United States. "Four years ago, she left the entertainment industry in an uproar before promptly disappearing from the public eye!" 

This hint sent the crowd buzzing and eager for more. After all, there was only one person who matched the description. 

The disgraced starlet, Madeline Rose. 

Said starlet was now hiding behind the curtains, fiddling with her fingers as she tried her best to quell the nervousness bubbling in her. She pulled the hem of the dress down, uncomfortable with how it grazed her upper thighs and drew attention to what was barely hidden. 

In the hot pink, off-shoulder, backless, tight mini dress, she embodied the word 'sensation'. Except she didn't feel like a sensation at all. She felt uncomfortable and exposed.

If she had a choice, she would wear one of her usual long and loose dresses, but today she came here to make a headline. 

To save her mother, she must get back into that spotlight.

'That's right, I'm here to save Mom. She needs a lot of money for her treatment, so I have to do this,' Madeline took a deep breath and reminded herself, 'It's okay, Madeline. Everyone already calls you a slut anyway, you just need to own it and double it down.'

After convincing herself that everything would be just fine, she stopped pulling her skirt down and straightened her back to accentuate her assets even more. 

She flitted her recently dyed hair, ensuring that her blonde locks looked as voluminous as possible. 

As Gary Dust continued to whet the audience's appetite with jokes, Madeline fixed her expression. Her innocent baby blues instantly turned seductive and inviting.

She was ready to give them what they wanted.

'Lights… camera… action!' 

The host, Gary Dust, turned towards the curtain and announced, "And now, the moment we've been waiting for! The sensation herself is finally back and she's here to have a spicy talk with us. Please welcome the one and only Madeline Rose!"

The curtain opened, and Madeline stepped into the spotlights.

As she pouted her sensual red lips to blow a kiss at the camera, she heard gasps. Her dress and behavior had shocked the audience so much that many were too stunned to clap.

She noticed her effect on the crowd, but let none of the discomfort in her heart show in her expression or demeanor. Instead, she strutted towards Gary like an arrogant star who knew that she would always be the center of attention.

She was completely different from the hounded, nervous, and frightened actress who had disappeared four years ago after that huge cheating scandal.

"Oh my, oh my! Look at you! What a hot, HOT woman!" Gary commented as he kissed Madeline on her cheeks. 

Madeline swallowed her disgust and leaned in to receive his kisses. He reached for her waist, and she fought down the urge to dodge out of the way of his grabby paws. She had to continue playing up her persona. 

"Thank you, Gary. You look dapper as well!" Madeline winked. "It's been a while since I came to your talk show."

"Four years," Gary reminded. "It's been four years since the last time you came here. Please, do have a seat. We are all excited to catch up with you."

Madeline accepted his invitation and perched on the edge of the white chair. She crossed her legs and arched her back ever so slightly, allowing the camera to linger on her gorgeous face and the dramatic curves of her figure.

All the men in the studio, including the host, couldn't be bothered to hide the fact that they're salivating at her. The women were either too shocked, too jealous, or too angry at their men for ogling at Madeline's body. 

"First of all, welcome back to the show! Would you mind sharing with us what you've been up to these days?" Gary asked as he started the interview.

Madeline eyed the audience boldly. She grinned as she realized that the reactions from the men and women were exactly what she had hoped for.

So she leaned back in self-satisfaction and replied, "Nothing much, really. I've spent the past years dating a few men to kill the boredom. Just a couple of guys here and there. Nothing too excessive."

"A few men?" Gary echoed, surprised that Madeline was being far more cooperative than he expected.

After all, the cheating scandal from four years ago had basically ended her career when she was only nineteen years old. 

"Hm? What's with your reaction? Of course, I have gotten along with several men during my break from acting," Madeline swayed her shoulder, casually tossing her hair aside to reveal her slender nape before continuing, "I mean, look at me. Do you think any man can resist me?"

"W—well, no man can say no, that's for sure," Gary swallowed, careful to not look at her low neckline because he didn't want to get blasted on the internet. 

The other men in the studio had no such considerations. They happily leered at her body, indifferent to the displeasure of the girlfriends and wives sitting right beside them. 

Gary cleared his throat and focused on the topic, "I must say, I am happy that you've opened your heart to love again. I thought you would've sworn off dating." 

"Can you give us a hint of their identities?" he asked, eager to maintain the momentum of the interview.

"Hm?" Madeline shrugged. "To be honest, I don't remember many of their names. Most are just one-night stands after all"

Although she was facing Gary, she could hear several audience members' exclamations of shock. Gary, ever the attentive host, decided to strike while the iron was still hot. "That's… surprising. I thought you would be more careful with the men that you date. After all, you have a history with…"

He deliberately avoided mentioning that man's name out of consideration for Madeline. After all, he was a popular A-list actor. However, Madeline didn't hesitate to mention his name.

"With whom? Jonathan Hale?" She scoffed, "I mean, he was just one of the three men I dated around that time."

"What?! Really?!" Gary was genuinely shocked. This wasn't the sweet and demure Madeline Rose they had known of.

"Why would I reserve myself for one man? It's silly for someone as popular as me to put all my eggs in one basket, you know~."

The audience gasped in unison.

And with that, Madeline Rose created a huge sensation on social media.