
She's Adored by Vampires

A one-year-old girl was left in a cave to save her life. The next morning, she was found by vampires. Rue Miraz smiled. Ah, what beautiful creatures! Alright, you'll be Rue's new nannies from now on! --- PS: the story isn't focused on Mira alone, the world around her and other characters will be given screen time as well. Also, please review my work, don't criticize (don't curse me/book) but helpful criticisms (what problems/ possible improvements did you notice?) are encouraged. That way I can improve myself in writing. Okay?

Ethrea_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

5: Blame the Baby

Mira rubbed her eyes and gently opened them; when her vision adjusted, she was faced with a dark ceiling and an unfamiliar room covered with crimson satins. "Baa?" her head tilted in confusion and started sucking her thumb. Her eyes then sparkled as the realization struck her. "wuh, sisi and bwo? Awuse? kyaha"

(sister and bro's house?)

She threw the pillow on the ground and began climbing down. Mira steadily lowered her body while holding the edge of the head frame, and after adjusting her position a little, she released her hold. It wasn't hard in the slightest, rather, the baby appeared to have done it many times before.


The baby smiled after landing herself safely on the pillow. The room might be average but her field of vision was near the ground and everything looked big. It took her ten minutes just to explore the entirety of the room.

She was planning to go outside but the door was closed and the handle was tall for her reach. However, Mira didn't want to give up, so she looked around to find another escape route. That's when she noticed the big floor-to-ceiling glass window leading to the balcony. Her eyes shined in delight, the window door was easier to open because the lock is on the ground.

Just like that, the little girl reached the balcony and took in her surroundings. Then again, there wasn't much to see, the sky was dark, with only the moon shining through, and the air was so heavy that it felt hard to breathe.

However, in her eyes, it's just another adventure and a new world to be explored. "Woa! Big muun! Cool muun!" (woah, big moon! Cool moon!)

She then leaned over the balcony and looked at the scene below, there, she recognized a black-haired young man, resting on a stool. "Nya! Nya!" like a cat Mira leaned over and waved her little paws cutely. However, she didn't expect that the hole she peaked from was big enough to fit her entire body.

"Nya– eh?" her smile and hands froze in the air, and before she could do anything, her body started to descend. "AHHH!!" Mira cried, closing her eyes with her arm crossed in front of her head.

She felt the wind rushing against her face, her eyes remained closed as she waited for the pain to assault her body. Moments passed and her body came to a stop, however, the pain she was expecting didn't come after all.

"Mira?" Raziel was confused as he stared at the baby in his hands. He looked up, wondering where she came from, and saw the balcony of her room on the third floor. "Did you just, did you fall from there?"

He couldn't believe it, more so when Mira acted innocent like nothing happened. "Nya?" she tilted her head and poked his cheeks with her tiny fingers.

Raziel patted her head and decided to head inside as well. It hasn't been a day, yet the child escaped death twice already, he didn't know if she was lucky, or cursed with misfortune.

"Hey, are you hungry?" he asked all of a sudden.

In an empty room on the second floor, a vampire and a baby were sitting together crossed-legged. They were both holding a cup, one with milk and the other with red wine. There are also fruits that have been cut into smaller pieces, books strewn around, and an unbelievable pile of crumbs on the floor.

Mira was sitting on his lap as she enjoyed the goat milk they stole from the kitchen. "Luckily, Dasha kept all the food in the same place" he smiled, enjoying his glass of wine.

"Hmm~ bwo eat?" Mira turned around and waved an apple slice to his face.

"You're going to feed me?" he asked with a cheeky grin.

"Hm~ bwo eat, yummy? Hmm~" she nodded like a pecking chicken.

Raziel chuckled and patted her head in delight, "alright, let's see if it's yummy"

Mira then turned around and saw something that deeply caught her attention. She grinned at herself while eyeing the wine bottle and the red liquid in the glass. Ah, what's that red shiny liquid thing, is it yummy~ "bwo" she called his attention.

"hm~ what's wrong?" Raziel looked in the direction she was pointing at and saw the wine bottle they took from the cellar. "This one?" he asked, taking the bottle in one hand.

The baby giggled and was about to hug the bottle when Raziel retracted his hand, making her body fall into his embrace. "no, this isn't for babies, wait, humans shouldn't be drinking this either"

"Ehh~ bwo, onee~ pweashe" Mira looked into his eyes, it shimmered like stars as her tears threatens to fall.

"I said no, don't think you'll get away with anything with those eyes of yours" Raziel reprimanded. He had always been rational and set limits for himself, which meant her cuteness won't always work on him.

Mira mentally sighed and clicked her tongue, well, that didn't go as planned. Still, it doesn't mean she will give up that easily. After finding her new resolve, she once again faced her ultimate opponent, ready to attack, but before she could do anything, the door was pushed open, revealing a woman in a black flowing dress.

"What are you two doing?" Seren crossed her arms and stared at the two. They both glanced at the same time before looking at each other's faces.

"It was her idea" Raziel blamed the baby who was equally shocked as him. She might be a child in both mind and body but her brain works differently, she can understand normal conversations and knew that this guy was throwing her under the bus!

"Eh?! bwo, bwo bad!" Mira struck her little finger at his face in frustration.

"took, eat! Many!" For some reason, Raziel could understand what she wanted to say. Still, he was only guessing and it's not like his sister would understand her either.

"Look even the baby is pointing at you" Seren walked closer and sat with the two on the floor.

"I was fattening her, that way her blood will stay sweet as she grows older" he explained.

"Sure," Seren flatly agreed.

There's no such thing as sweeter blood by fattening someone, and it's not like they eat bodily fats or flesh either; it was just his nonsense speaking.

Seren looked at the child and couldn't help but comment, "You know, if you want to keep that child, why not mark her?"