
Chapter 13

After Billy had adapted to his abilities to the point he wouldn't accidentally kill someone or destroy anything with a bump, he mentally summoned a heads up display so he knew how long he had been in meditation for. After finding out it had been about 8 months he decided it was time to see the outside world. There was one last thing he needed before heading out to space, a spaceship.

Sure Billy can survive in open space, but flying through space would be boring and a navigation nightmare.

Billy knew just who to get his ship from, in fact there were two he had in mind, each with current owners. He just had to decide which, Mar Vell's ship which currently contains Skrull refugees and the Tesseract or the Eternals ship which is much more technological than the other but has no defenses.

Skrulls would be much simpler and you get the added bonus of an infinity stone, whereas the Eternals are super powered beings who claim to be heroes protecting mankind.

Sure if you wanna call protecting life on the planet with the sole purpose to sacrifice all those lives in the end to birth a new celestial heroic, well then you must be a celestial if you do.

'Decisions, Decisions... Well I could just knock out all the Skrull on Mar-Vell's ship stick them in an escape pod or two, stick them on the moon that way when they show up with Carol, the Skrull wouldn't be able to miss them. So rather than follow Carol down to earth.

'Nope won't work, their ship blew up due to all the damage Carol does. Damn and here I wanted to place the tesseract in that Blockbuster so she face-plants on it when she lands, would've been a perfect welcome home gift. Was even going to write it on a sticky so she knew it was a welcome home.' Billy thought as he brainstormed methods of getting the ship with little to no interactions with a few unwanted parties.

'Maybe just hide in the ship and then drop the Skrull off on some planet after they seperate. No, too boring and too long. Damn, I guess it's either fly solo without a ship till I find one or really mess up the timeline and get involved in Captain Marvel.' Just when he thought he had made a decision his Oracle had notified him that he could start doing what he was left in charge of, protecting and defending magic, and get a ship from another universe entirely.

Pulling up a list of worlds he was stunned by all the different universes. Walking Dead, Stargate, Terminator, Star Wars, Star Trek, Game of Thrones, Matrix and so many universes. Ones that stood out were the space faring universes, he could perhaps get a special ship like no other.

'So that leaves Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactic, Halo, Independence Day, Transformers, Dune, Predator, Aliens, Elysium, District 9 and few others. I'm more leaning toward Halo and Star Wars since UNSC Infinity was a beautiful ship, large and useful to get around in. Was fully automated and had many defensive and offensive abilities as well as faster than light engines, fully self sustaining. Then there was USS Discovery or better yet the USS Vengeance would work. However I still have to give the win to Infinity for the simple fast its engines and tech are much better. So Halo it is.' How the hell will I be able to steal it?' Billy finally made the decision to go to the Halo universe and bring his very own UNSC Infinity back.

'Wait I know exactly how to get it, if I boom-tube to December 12th of year 2559 at Zeta Halo, I should be able to get my hands on an abandoned but damaged Infinity. Angel or Oracle could fix it up by mixing some uru and vibranium into the hull and fix the damaged parts and replace the AI.' Cyrus finally thought of the perfect solution.

By that time the Infinity had already been upgraded to its fullest and was only taken out due to an ambush. It was presumed destroyed so taking it wouldn't affect the world adversely.

Receiving the coordinates for the location Billy stepped into the boom-tube, excited to get not just one ship but one big ship filled with a fleet of smaller battle craft. Although many get destroyed in the battle, Infinity had automated facilities to build more as well as its own ammunition.

Entering the system the day before the battle, Billy appeared in open space. He saw the large round space station known as Installation 07 orbiting Ephsu I within the Milky Way.

Excited to watch an epic space battle he stayed out of sight, there was a lot of activity going on around the installation and he didn't want Cortana to know he was here, it could change things. He was only here to observe only, for now. This universe was pretty stable, the sins weren't able to affect the Halo-verse very much since magic wasn't prevalent. Halo magic was more in technology, their engines in particular were beyond any warp or other types of engines any other used in any space based universe. That was why the sins didn't have much influence to change this universe for the worse.

In fact slipspace was the only reason for a connection to the Rock of Eternity, Oracle had to use his own abilities to stabilize the connection to even allow him to enter. It wasn't originally connected due to the lack of magic.

Not many ships can move like the Infinity could with the size and weight. It didn't have to use navigation computers to plan a course ahead to not run into planets or black holes. Infinity didn't have to worry about anything ahead of it, it used slip-space technology rather than warp, hyperdrive, or Marvel's jump points that use wormholes. They still had to physically travel through space or hyperspace, Infinity and Star Treks Discovery were the only drives that actually jumped space, travelling vast distances instantly. Infinity was much larger and more impressive than Discovery, as well as more accurate with its jumps which was why he chose to go with it, plus it was much more automated so he wouldn't require any crew unlike Discovery. The onboard automated controls were limited on most Starfleet ships.

Seeing the ambush the Banished had setup, Billy got excited. This battle would change the UNSC completely, they would go from being a powerhouse of the universe to being put back onto the back-foot like they were in the beginning of the start of Halo.

Not caring about the ground fight he didn't sneak onto Installation 07, he stayed in space so he could move in before any irreparable damage was done to the ship. No one really knew what truly happened to Infinity after the battle, it was just assumed it blew up but no one truly knew so he didn't want to take a risk.

He planned to move in just when the order to abandon ship was given, he could have Angel activate the slip-space jump while he used his power to simulate an explosion then teleport to the ship, then using a boom-tube to bring the ship to the Rock of Eternity to complete any repairs.

'Once I have a fully operational Infinity I can curb stomp Thanos and his Chitauri fleet with style.'

Billy thought excitedly as he watched from within an astroid belt in the Ephsu system.

The planet that Installation 07 was anchoered to was uninhabited even though it had water and an atmosphere. It had no moon and no other planet within the system so he was limited on places to stay hidden in.

Just as he was beginning to get board of waiting the battle started. He was amazed at how quickly everything happened. He was stunned hecause although he saw explosions and chaos not one sound was heard.

He watched as Infinity and her escort of six Mulsanne-class light frigates were ambushed by four Banished dreadnoughts. They had been fortifying the rings surface to neutralize Cortana and thus had the element of surprise.

It literally took four minutes for Warmaster Atriox to put the Infinity dead in the water, its main engines were taken offline within minutes of arrival thanks to interference from the dreadnoughts emitting a energy pulse attuned to the energy signal. It wasn't a permanent disable, but they wouldn't give the chance for them to bring it back online.

As soon as Billy saw the onboard drop pods exiting the Infinity he knew it was time. Using his teleport and knowledge of the ship he appeared in the control room of Infinity.

As soon as he appeared Angel began bringing the main engine back online, overriding the energy pulses the dreadnoughts were releasing to keep the Infinity trapped. It was their main target for destruction.

Once he had seen Angel start her part Billy began his. Teleporting to the side facing the battle, Billy was going to try to make it easy and call his SHAZAM powers, but when he tried he couldn't do so. Sound didn't work in space.

Once he realized it wouldn't work he had to improvise, he wanted to use magic to show an illusion of the Infinity exploding but now that wouldn't work.

So he had Angel notify him just before she activated slip-space and where she was jumping too so he could catch up.

Right as the Infinity dissappeared Billy used the Sentry power to simulate an incredible explosion which ended up destroying a large section of the ring. Billy immediately teleport back onto the Infinity because he knew there would be uninvited guests on his new ship.

It was time to have a little fun with the Banished who were still on board.